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Louis CK - Videogames, TV, Nutrition

spoco2 says...

Agree with him... as a father of four, I agree with him.

Now... I'm not of the school of 'no tv, no video games, no fast food'... but I am of the school of IN MODERATION!

And any time one of the kids shows signs of being a little dependant on the video games, it's unplugged and put away for a week or more.

I fricken HATE the biscuits (BBQ shapes, pizza shapes, all that sort of thing) which you can just smell as soon as you open a box of them. The ridiculously overpowering smell of flavour enhancer 621, chemicals, chemicals, chemicals.

Our kids love fruit, there's always a bowl, we have 2 plum trees, an apple and a lemon tree and are growing our first crop of veggies in our veggie patch. Our kids always have a selection of raw vegetables with their meals.

When I see parents who always give their kids cordial or soft drink, or... oh this annoys me... if they give them milk they always add flavour to it, so it's strawberry or chocolate milk... ARGH! WATER and Milk are the two drinks our kids get at home.

But yeah, not militant on the TV or games etc, I have great fun sitting down with the kids to watch a movie, or playing a Wii game with them. I had those experiences as a kid, so why shouldn't they? But I also had time limits, as do they.

Congresswoman Giffords talks about Palins gun crosshair pic

rebuilder says...

>> ^joedirt:

The point isn't that this guy was a Palin fan.
The point is that people like Palin shouldn't be using such insane language and violent calls for action. Imagine a muslim imam has posted a map with crosshairs for candidates. It would be seen differently in the news cycle, that's for sure.
And, yes, Palin had nothing to do with a 22yr old schizo nutjob. But when you put out this kinda of calls for violence and hatred, then, yes, when people get shot... It's time to revisit the lady putting bullseyes and naming her enemys that we need to "RELOAD" over.

Sorry, I was under the impression "wingnut" was a derogative term used to refer to right-wing extremists, but apparently it can be applied to any flavour of political extremism. Not that I'm sure this shooter really fell on any conventional political axis.

Bioware Debut Trailer - Mass Effect 3

Payback says...

I don't like how they broke some things
-Citadel in ME2 is a split-level pool house instead of a gigantic space station
-no more mindless dunebuggy racing

I do like the fixed stuff.
-scanning probes instead of mindless dunebuggy racing
-upgradable weapons rather than 1,000,000 flavours

Hopefully, ME3 doesn't become another rail shooter, ME2 was definitely heading in that direction.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

yea, the gleam in my eye I had for videosift has faded drastically. I know I have my own personal flavour of asshole but there are a lot of judgmental stick up their ass' holier then thou fuckers on this site. Just sorta tired of it. That and working 12 hours night shifts 4 days a week, I could really care less at a lot of times whats going on at VS.

and yes that was me in the video at work, you asked what I was up too. I was a little obtuse about it although I did it cleverly.

Kitteh sez, "This coffee is SH#%!!"

Jesse Ventura "I Think Religion Is The Root Of ALL Evil!"

shuac says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

I like him. But I think it's dense to imagine religion as being the root of all evil. Religion is a fabrication of man, and has to be a consequence of something else. It's the inadequacy of the human creature which is the root of all evil, filtering into the world through various delightful minty flavours.

Agreed. Christopher Hitchens put it with characteristic bluntness when he spoke of the inherent shortcomings of human beings.

"This kind of theocratic fascism will never die because we belong to a very poorly-evolved mammarian species. I'm a complete materialist in that sense. We're stuck with being the product of a very sluggish evolution. Our pre-frontal lobes are too small and our adrenaline glands are too big. Our fear of the dark and of death is very intense, and people will always be able to profit from that."

-Interview with Johann Hari, 2004

So, in point of fact, THAT is the true root of all evil: our craptastic brains.

Jesse Ventura "I Think Religion Is The Root Of ALL Evil!"

Gallowflak says...

I like him. But I think it's dense to imagine religion as being the root of all evil. Religion is a fabrication of man, and has to be a consequence of something else. It's the inadequacy of the human creature which is the root of all evil, filtering into the world through various delightful minty flavours.

Kitteh sez, "This coffee is SH#%!!"

Over 73 Million Sharks Killed Every Year for Soup.

Pros and Cons of Internet Porn

BoneyD says...

Porn needs story-lines again. So much of it now is just utter rubbish: it looks cheap, it looks like the chicks aren't in to it, it's filthy (not the messy-fun type) and crude. There's so little flavour to it now that it seems like you're just watching cold procedures to activate bodily functions.

Plus the industry needs some fucking regulation. Pun intended.

Flavor Changing Cookie

Flavor Changing Cookie

Unusual Fruit

The Top Ten Cereals of all Time

Shepppard says...

@Hive13 (i had just quoted, but the quote system messed up)

That's essentially the cereal, but in cereal form (See the link I posted)

Now, think about a rice crispy square. When it's fresh or an hour or two later, matters not. You pick it up, and bite into it. The marshmellow and cooked rice crispies make it somewhat hardened. It's still easy to bite into, but the marshmellow especially makes it difficult. The way the cereal works is it takes the delicious flavour of those squares, and puts it with the softness of just regular rice crispies.

Basically.. think small bite-sized clusteres of rice crispy squares(or treats) as cereal.

RSA Animate: Crises of Capitalism

RedSky says...

I think it's difficult to dispute that you weren't arguing against free trade in your previous post even if that wasn't your intention. The first paragraph seems clearly about it when you talk about being up in arms about your job going overseas, and I think in the second you misunderstand how capitalism works. But anyway, I don't think that we disagree on a great deal then. Like I stated in my original post, I believe in necessary government regulation and oversight in a capitalist economy, preventing deterimental effects like market failure, and financial, environmental or other crises.
>> ^Asmo:

>> ^RedSky:
Well, at this point you're simply arguing against free trade.
Would I be infuriated to lose a job because a firm has chosen to use cheaper labour from overseas? Sure. I go about preventing this from happening by studying about and working in an area that requires technical knowledge that cannot be easily substituted. As a comparison, would you be for sticking to old technologies purely because there are workers only trained in them? Should be have avoided embracing computation simply because previous generations were unfamiliar with them and stuck to letters and typewriters? Obviously given that these factors are mostly out of people's control, specific and unemployment assistance should be and is provided in most highly developed countries. The countries which don't have generous unemployment benefits are usually the ones that simply can't afford them. Typically though, they're the biggest relative beneficiaries of free trade though.
The better question should be, are willing up to give up the drastically lower prices, product variety and willing to scare of businesses who bring employment? Because you can bet that if you restrict companies from laying off workers in favor of cheaper employment overseas, they'll move overseas in droves to countries which do not and you'll have created a self fulfilling prophecy.
Free trade works two ways as well, which people seem to blissfully forget. Where do you think developing countries go to get their technical expertise?
Free trade leads to lower prices not higher profits. When all firms lower their wage costs, this creates the incentive to lower prices and capture more market share. Once one company in an industry does that, everyone follows suit. If that doesn't happen, it's a failure of competition policy and anti-trust and has nothing to do with free trade.
No offence, but I honestly think you should take Economics 101, or at least Wikipedia the basic concepts.

None taken, but you've become so impressed with your own rhetoric (and wandered off in to free trade) that you've ignored the key element...
Exploitation. Foreign outsourcing was an example of 'free' trade (rather than 'fair' trade). But exploitation wears many coats. Usury rates on credit cards combined with stagnant wages, for example. Or sub prime mortgages for another. Destroying the environment to squeeze the last few drops of resources out.
And this is the core of the penultimate capitalist ideal (as opposed to individual flavours). Accumulate wealth. The more corners you cut, the faster you can accumulate wealth. Then you die and someone else get's it. Yay, you win.
Regulation, fair trade, competition laws etc are all ideals forced upon capitalists because people generally recognise that capitalism without checks = a disaster (BP + gulf, Union Carbide/Bhopal disaster etc). There is nothing wrong with working and expecting fair recompense for your labours but too often these labours aren't honest. They game the system and exploit (there's that word again) not only the workers but the customers as well so the man in the middle can make as much cash as possible.
ps. For the record, I don't have an issue with fair trade and the commensurate rise in prices if quality rises with it. That's the whole point of fair trade, not increasing wages for sweatshop quality.

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