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Pool Dreams It’s A Waterfall

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your point?
Do you somehow think that invalidates something I said….because I don’t see it. I just said seizing his passports indicates he’s a flight risk….having a plane is another flight risk factor.
Planes can be grounded….or seized….and require a lot of maintenance.

Funny that you instantly jump to “Trump can still flee the country when he needs to, he has his own plane”, nice that his need to flee isn’t in question for you, that’s a start.….
…and does he? Trump force one hasn’t been seen for a while has it, and Trump doesn’t have much cash to fix it. What I read is he’s been flying mostly in borrowed private planes since he left office.

Now, why would he have 3 passports? Don’t think I didn’t notice you just deflected.

bobknight33 said:

He owns his own plane. He flies around the world, as needed. What an idiot you are.

Trump lives in you head rent free.

John Oliver | What not to do in court with Alex Jones

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Conservatives VS KKK : Spot The Difference

BSR says...

Thanks newt. I just couldn't ask @eric3579 to fix-my-flub again. I appreciate your donation.

newtboy said:

I would just like them farther apart. On my tablet it’s way too easy to hit the wrong one, or both at the same time.
@lucky760, can that go on the list for the next iteration (assuming there is one)? Just a bit more separation of the up/down buttons.

I erased your mistaken vote with mine @BSR

Daft Punk : Around the World

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

luxintenebris says...

Lived near an intersection where one got used to hearing auto crashes. Whenever it sounded like someone dropping a refrigerator off the back of a truck - it was time to call 911.

Know of a house in CA that was hit 7 or 8 times because of the road design. Took years for homeowners to get the officials to improve it.

cut'n'paste link:,+Highland,+CA+92346/@34.1190144,-117.1469675,3a,75y,100.67h,88.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sX-h_b08ZKiuka1

it'd be the home to the right of the 'turnaround' area behind the rock (which might have been the homeowners' first solution to the problem - a few deaths just might get officials to take it seriously). Also if you zoom in on the north side of the house, there is a patio doorway. That's the area where it got hit last. Maybe it was easier than fixing the wall?

the high traffic street use to just slope off into a residential street. some folks didn't know the road ended despite some signage. most just travel not knowing it ended couldn't stop in time or missed the turn at high speed.

Attempted Kidnapping Put To A Stop By High School Wrestler

newtboy says...

Great job kid…..but Fuck all you assholes that didn’t help that kid hold down a crazy person, didn’t get a weapon to dispatch him, didn’t kick him in the balls hard enough to rupture them, didn’t brain him on the floor, and just stood there gawking. Yeah, kid had him in a good hold, but like the narrator said, if he reached a weapon he could have easily killed the kid and then the rest of you.

My suggestion, if you must get involved in something like this, hand to hand unarmed combat, beat their head on the ground until they are unconscious or dead. It’s the ONLY way to make it safe.

This guy will likely be out on the streets quickly, prisons are over full, mental institutions too. Violent terroristic rioters that attacked America are getting probation. Nobody has the time or resources to “fix” this guy, not in America. He should have just ended right there on that floor.

Yes, he deserves to die, and I hope he burns in hell! - Samuel L Jackson

Rubberbandits - Hey Mister (Hipster or Hobo?)

Fascinating creation of a LEGO inspired, wood coffee table

BSR says...

He kept it moving at a nice pace. He also had a fix for unexpected surprises so as to not abort the whole project. It would have created a lot of foul language if my father had run into some of the surprises this guy dealt with.

eric3579 said:

His videos are SOOO well made. The editing is top notch. It's usually what keeps me watching.

The creativity and woodworking are pretty good also

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy says...

Are you really that ignorant? (That’s a rhetorical question, I know you are)
1) watch Argo. There were multiple attempted rescues, starting within days of the revolution.
2) read about Reagan who made a secret, illegal deal with the terroristic Iranians to not release the hostages until after the election to hurt Carter’s chances, then he later sold them weapons in another illegal deal to pay for another secret illegal war with the Contras. If a Democrat did anything near that, he/she would be (rightly) shot as a traitor if not legally then by some nut job….when Cons do it the anti American crimes are ignored and cons celebrate the treason.
3) Also read about the year+ of negotiations by Carter that actually gained their freedom on Jan 20 81. Would have been much sooner without Republican interference. Carter was the one who initially “held” (seized) those $8 billion of Iranian funds, and stopped buying Iranian oil costing them billions more…all legally, unlike the sneaky, illegal, back room collusion with and payoffs to the terrorists Reagan tried, knowingly and intentionally extending the hostage crisis for his personal political gains. The “deal” wasn’t struck on Jan 20…the Iranians delayed the release at Reagan’s request in exchange for promises of special treatment from president Reagan.

Like Biden, Carter actually solved a problem created largely by Republicans despite Republicans doing their utmost to work against America. Gas prices dropped nearly 10% in the last month and continue to drop despite a massive shortage world wide thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Republicans have fought against every effort to lower them, voting against all mitigation efforts in a unified “fuck your gas prices” block.
They even voted against a bill to force oil companies to stop price gouging because it would have dropped prices significantly the day it passed, also helping inflation significantly, and cons REALLY don’t want prices to drop under Biden, certainly not before November.
It’s just like when every Con just voted to protect and keep neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and violent extremists in the military and federal police forces because they don’t want their voters to lose their jobs. Keeping their power is far more important to them than helping the country, and their main methodology is to try to hurt the country then blame the president….odd since they excused the former president from any and all responsibility for his lack of leadership and absolute horrific disaster that was his last year in office, from 1 million dead to -3.5% GDP to millions unemployed to rising inflation to supply chain failures to disastrously ruining the reputation of our elections to dividing the country horrifically to actually trying to overthrow the elected government by force…all for his own personal gain….and you whine that Biden hasn’t fixed everything yet!?

Pretty dishonest for Republicans to do everything in their power to stop any attempted plans on inflation, gas prices, or hostile foreign powers, then blame the president they blocked from fixing the issues they caused. It’s not weak leadership, it’s an anti American party with veto power and a chip on their shoulders willing to hurt the entire nation rather than let Biden (and America) have a “win”.

Now…how did Trump handle it when foreign powers kidnapped and dismembered an American? He covered it up, made excuses, declared the Saudi prince innocent (and Trump was recorded laughing about how he “saved his ass” over that murder)….then his son in law was given a $2 billion payment for future services his company was completely incapable of supplying.

So let’s measure Trump….
Nice guy, no. Moral, no. Ethical, no. Honest, no. Smart, no. Loyal, no. Trustworthy, no.
Fickle to the utmost, yes. Weak leader, yes. Treasonous, yes. Dictatorial, yes. Narcissistic, yes. Criminal, yes. Anti-democracy, yes.
Most American deaths-yes. Worst unemployment, yes. Worst economy, yes. Most domestic terrorism, yes.
Worst president ever by far….unequivocally by every measure. He actually made idiotic GW look benign by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

Nice guy, yes
Moral, yes

Weak leader, yes

He failed to get out hostages. I believe 52+ week
He did tried and mission failed. Mission mishap - 6 dead
Finally on his last day, last hours negotiated agreement that included 8 billion bucks of held money.
This issue had a looming cloud over his presidency.

Like Joe Biden>
Failed to control inflation
Failed to do much about gas prices.

Mark Rober & Science Bob Prank Jimmy Kimmel

cloudballoon says...

I don't mind a bit of silliness, but the aftermath for this prank is just not worth it. I don't care about Kimmel, but his staff don't deserve the cleanup.

I mostly stick to Colbert, Meyer & British humour for my comedy fix now, it's more biting than just... loud.

BSR said:

"Are You not Entertained?" video

Biden and the June job reports

mram says...

Yes, I am, thank you.

I don't think many R's are truly interested in a rational debate. So I wont engage. And that doesn't mean you're right.

It also doesn't mean that the current problems aren't the result of actions and inactions of the R side of politics as well. They need their talking points and blame games. We know where the problems are. It's not Democrat. The R's had a way to fix this but they won't allow any wins. It's childish. We all suffer as a result.

I don't blame Capt. Orange solely. I blame the entire GOP.

We will remember.

bobknight33 said:

100% correct.

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

That's why I jumped in and fixed it. I got your back.

newtboy said:

Duh. I hadn’t noticed it added the space when I cut and pasted, or that I forgot the *. Thanks.

Pilot Makes Emergency Landing on Busy Highway

jimnms says...

The wings can be removed and they can use a flat bed tow truck. Depending on what was wrong with the plane, if it can be fixed and it's safe to do so, they can close the road and it can be flown out.

spawnflagger said:

I wonder how they eventually got the plane out of there? can't exactly use a tow truck...

Aluminium Extruder Quickly Turns into a Fire

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