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Emerson, Lake & Palmer- Tarkus (Eruption) Tokyo 1972

Emerson, Lake & Palmer- Tarkus (Eruption) Tokyo 1972

Zero Punctuation Review - Braid

SDGundamX says...

First review in a long time that I actually LOL'd at multiple times and can agree with 100%. And I applaud his diatribe against the unwashed masses that continue to buy the same old crap in mass quantities (*hides DS copy of Final Fantasy IV). In all seriousness though, I play more HL deathmatch/original Counter-strike/Day of Defeat than any of the new stuff that's come out. The changes, at least in the FPS genre, are almost exclusively cosmetic.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

AlterEgo: Impressive 3D Facial Modelling and Motion Software

shuac says...

I was waiting for the operator to begin speaking (the true test)!

So finally, we have great-looking CG modeling that actually looks like it can speak (I'm looking at the lip/mouth animations in particular).

All the Hollywood CG films I've seen that attempt this kind realism-even-while-speaking (Polar Express, Final Fantasy, Beowulf) fail. Sure, those films look could they not? But the characters in them do not look much like they're speaking.

So I'd say it's not comparable. This is better.

Screw Attack - Top 20 SNES Games Part 2 (10-1)

lavoll says...

heh, i still play with my snes emulator on pc

my top game is

Final fantasy 3. love it.

another list of my favourite games
chrono trigger
a racing game i cant remember the name of, top gear 3000 or something.
gradius 3
that airline simulator game, aerobiz?
those strategy games set in ancient china
blood money

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

Shepppard says...

Alright, this is basically home territory to me because I've had this argument with my step-mother about videogames for YEARS.

I'd like to start off however by saying >> ^tonyandronda:
Jesus christ they're tracking us down from youtube, better start to watch what we say about their videos lol.

Now, This is in no way, shape, or form bad parenting. My dad left when I was 5, so I didn't have someone to go out and do the "Fatherly Stuff" (Catch, swimming, ect.) with, except every other weekend.

My time was spent on videogames. My first game was Tomba on the playstation where you went around and killed cartoon pigs. We'll then move onto games like legend of zelda, where you used a sword/bow/slingshot. Final Fantasy series using weapons. Area 51. GTA.

I'm glad to say that in the 15ish years i've been playing videogames that not once have I shot someone (apart from paintball) i've never weilded a sword. I've never got into a car and run someone down, and yes, I tried using magic. BUT! Who among us hasn't?

The reason i'm explaining all this? again, i'd like to point out that I was no older then this boy was when i started killing pigs in tomba. I'm not a mass-murderer, i'm not twisted, dark, or scarred. I live a normal life, and have no criminal record.

I do, however, have an amazing glove hand and hand-eye co-ordination. Weather or not that's because of videogames really can't be said, but it's true. But no, videogames don't turn kids into murderers, they don't teach people that killing is ok, or funny.

You wan't your proof? Go ahead and look at me. Because i'm it.

Fanboy declares Final Fantasy XIII Is A Traitor!

mas8705 says...

This guy calls himself an expert in videogames? I'm sorry, but i'm really considering adding this to terrible... in fairness, I maynot downvote this, maybe later on...

Allow me to clarify in my own "video game knowledge"... I don't know if he is aware of this or not, but Sony hasn't had much luck as of late for keeping exclusives... The only thing that Sony has been able to hang onto was just Metal Gear Solid 4, but when you think of Devil may cry 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV these were previous titles that were once known exclusive to the PS3 but then got transfered over to the XBOX 360... Reason? Simple... Just look at the sales, heck just look at the graphs and charts... There are twice as much sales for both Microsoft and Nintendo...

Now then, if you had an exclusive game on a system that was at the bottom of the chain, what would you do?
A) Stay on the boat and hope for the best?
B) Jump ship and go to where profits can be made?
If you picked A, your taking a risky move and hoping that everything will work out for the best...
If you picked B, your giving yourself reassurance that you can rely on the other system to follow through in case one bombs and you also satify the consumer who may that one system, but not the other...

One thing this guy needs to remember is that Square-Enix is a third party company with no Allegiance to the Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony... True Square-Enix did their business with Sony since FFVII, but then as time passes by, a company can either see more potential in another system, or see that by having it available on more systems, it allows the consumer to easily pick what system to play it on and allow for more sales...

Besides, he should be happy that Final Fantasy vs XIII is still exclusive...

Fanboy declares Final Fantasy XIII Is A Traitor!

davidraine says...

I could only watch about a minute of this before losing interest. After all, anyone surprised by Square-Enix's "move" was not paying attention -- It happened before when Square announced Final Fantasy VII was going to be for the Sony Playstation and not a Nintendo system, and *that* move was a much bigger deal.

TOP 10 OMGWTF moments from video games

mas8705 says...

Fun thing about this list is that we actually have these videos here on the sift...

I'll admit I just uploaded 4 and 5 just now, but since these videos were never posted, I just went ahead really fast to add it in case you wanted to see it in full...

First Max Payne trailer

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^ Hmmm, there must be one ... Tomb Raider? no ...

There are movies about video games that were decent. Tron, The Last Starfighter ...

But no, just checked here and you are right. I might give Final Fantasy partial credit for its groundbreaking cgi.

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

firefly says...

1. Alanis Morissette - Wake Up
2. Nobou Uematsu - Symphonic Suite FFI (Final Fantasy S Generation soundtrack)
3. Metallica - Harvester of Sorrow
4. Linkin Park - Hit the Floor
5. System of a Down - Prison Song
6. Metallica - Wherever I May Roam
7. Live - The Dam at Otter Creek
8. Smashing Pumpkins - 17
9. Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes to Midnight
10. Foo Fighters - Walking After You

Zero Punctuation - The World Ends with You

Final Fantasy 6 speed demo 4:48

mas8705 says...

>> ^Nemeskiz:
Upvote for Final Fantasy classics, you just got to love the old games. Btw, my counter says that the vid is about 1 hour long, but havent seen it all the way through so dont know if its the 1 hour or all 5 hours.

When I first uploaded this video, I saw that as well... That was the reason why I watched the whole thing from the sift to be sure it works... turns out that it still plays it in whole, but you actually can't see the 4: part since the video screen isn't big enough to show it...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Mas, did you watch the whole thing?

Actually I did... I enjoyed Final Fantasy III when I was younger and thought about watching it again... During the time I was watching it, I remembered that Speed Demo archives actually had their own embed codes can can used used on web sites... at first I could do it, but then I found an alternate and got this video up...

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