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Zero Punctuation: The Second Annual E3 Hype Massacre

Shepppard says...

Ehh.. I find myself again disagreeing with the "Review" this week on some points.

Assassins Creed 2 looks pretty damn good to me, Supposed to be bigger then the first game, new executions, able to assassinate two people at once now and Leo Da Vinci inventing things for you.

Saboteur wasn't mentioned, but it wasn't exactly unveiled at this E3, GTA style game based in france during WWII, able to climb buildings, and the art style seems interesting to me.

Mass Effect 2 in production, using the data from your first game to bring the second game to life, if you killed certain characters off in the first they won't appear in the second, new weapons, ect.

I've been playing the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta, and nobody talks..character wise anyway, and the gameplay is pretty good.

His Beatles rock band point is that it's just a stupid name..

Final Fantasy XIV has next to no info on it yet, except that it's going to be online, So I don't understand why he's critiquing it already, other then the fact that the generally hates Mmorpgs. (Side note, I'm excited to see what they're going to be doing, it's FF11's spiritual predecessor, and FF11 was fantastic until WoW came out and showed that the slow paced combat was outdated.)

Halo Reach seems like it could be very interesting, because it's potentially the first time that you DON'T play as a lone spartan if the game is going to be based off the books, and the planet itself is supposed to be mostly open fields and forest.. again if it's based off the books.

And ODST seems like it'll be great, you're not on a linear storyline and you're able to explore all of New Mombasa, they've pushed the halo 3 engine more then they knew they could and have fantastic looking results, not to mention new features since you're no longer a super-soldier, so you don't have a feeling of complete comfort when you're going through the game because they've essentially reverted back to the halo 1 system of minor "Shields" (Basically called Stamina in ODST) after which your health takes damage.

I dunno, to me this years E3 was actually pretty good, it's talking about titles that don't seem like they're bound to fail from the get-go (lookin at you, Destroy All Humans 3 & Damnation)

What at E3 are you most excited about? (Videogames Talk Post)

RedSky says...

Honestly, nothing at all.

I found AC repetitive as hell and I don't see the gimmick of flying or dual hidden blades being of any real significance to the gameplay.

Don't own a console so I can't really be excited about God of War, Galaxy 2, or Final Fantasy 'whatever number they're up to now'.

Modern Warfare 2 is intriguing and will no doubt have a compelling but all too predictably short single player but I'm kind of pissed off from initial reports that they won't really be changing much in the way of multiplayer besides changing some guns. Perks will remain the same except for eavesdrop as far as I've heard and that's just really a silly move when some of them are either just badly conceived ideas, or are plain out useless.

Can't really get excited about motion control technology until I see it implemented into an actual triple-A title in a workable way. The tech demos, especially Sony's, which actually showed off a live demonstration rather than showing off 'hard to believe this would actually work in real life' video footage a la Microsoft, was pretty interesting.

Monkey Island SE looks like something to put on the to play list, although I don't know what to think about the episodic sequel yet.

Also, Deus Ex 3 didn't make a showing which probably says it'll be ages before its release sadly.

Super Mario World fx timed to music = pure awesome

Super Mario World fx timed to music = pure awesome

Whats the best console? (User Poll by Throbbin)

xxovercastxx says...

For all the buzz, this generation may be the most lackluster collection I've ever seen.

The 360 is just evolutionary. It's the best system only because Sony and Nintendo did so much less. All the hardware issues put a big dent in its image. It's got the strongest library but a lot of the big games on 360 are meant to be played on a PC, so you're just getting a half-assed version of the game. Halo, L4D, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dead Space, etc.

The PS3 was a departure for Sony. For the prior 2 generations they dominated the market with shoddy, obsolete hardware and slick marketing and they should have stuck with that. Instead they built an overpriced cash leech with lots of fancy new technologies that don't work well together and told their customer base to get a second job or take out a mortgage to buy one. Like the PS1 and PS2, the PS3 is impossible to program for and since it's got mediocre market share, developers can afford to skimp on it. PSN doesn't compare with Live, even when free... serious connection and throughput issues combine with hosts that kick you from the game if you're better than them to create a totally frustrating online experience. Oh yeah, and I hate Sony's little kiddie controller. It makes my hands cramp. If you're really into watching cutscenes (MGS, Final Fantasy), this is the console for you.

The Wii... obviously the most successful of the group by a longshot. When it comes to just doing business, Nintendo has been cleaning up for a while now. The Xbox and Xbox360 have yet to turn a profit and the Playstation brand has been never been profitable either. Nintendo, meanwhile, made a nice profit on the Gamecube by selling it above cost and has completely cleaned up shop with the Wii. Another thing I can appreciate is the honesty of Nintendo's product. They're not using it to manipulate people into repurchasing all of their movies or buying a Windows Media Center PC; they're just selling a gaming console. The unfortunate part of the Wii is that they never really pushed the envelope. They somehow took their "revolution" and reduced it to a cheap gimmick before the first shot was fired. If you've played WiiSports, then you've experienced 90% of what Wii has to offer.

>> ^Throbbin:
I also stream my downloaded videos from my desktop through my wireless network and watch them in the living room.

Welcome to the future. I've been doing that for 7 years now with my original Xbox. XBMC still does a better job of it than PS3 or 360.

Need to know the name of this song! (Music Talk Post)

James Roe (Member Profile)

Maria and Draco - the opera from final fantasy 6

schmawy (Member Profile)

Amazing precision - Cutting a BB with a katana, mid-flight.

Amazing precision - Cutting a BB with a katana, mid-flight.

Delirium -- Silence w/ Final Fantasy animation

(Member Profile)

Final Fantasy VII Remake Coming To PS3 (Videogames Talk Post)

davidraine says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Personally, I'm looking forward to when they put the Final in Final Fantasy.

They did -- That's the story of the first Final Fantasy. Square had fallen on hard times and there was a chance they would have to close up shop, but they decided to write one last title and go out with a bang. They named it "Final Fantasy" because it could be their last game (and apparently Sakaguchi, the game designer for Square, was planning on retiring). Luckily for Square, the title was a smash hit and the rest is history.

Anyways, I still say we won't see an FF7 remake anytime soon. My guess is that Square-Enix will re-release FF5 and FF6 for the DS, and then they may consider an FF7 re-release for the PSP. I also doubt Dirge of Cerberus will see a sequel because the game did pretty poorly. We might see another Crisis Core type game based on its sales figures and press, but I'm not sure where the story can go from there.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Coming To PS3 (Videogames Talk Post)

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