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Which Apocalypse Would be the Most Fun?

MilkmanDan says...

I'm partial to a variety that they didn't mention:

Some event or agent eliminates 99-99.999999% of all the human life on the planet, but you're one of the random survivors. Could be a nuclear war and you were in a blast / fallout gap, a disease or virus that you are randomly immune to, etc.

Would be cooler if the majority of buildings, infrastructure, etc. were still standing and operational (at least short-term) after the event, so the disease/virus scenario supports that better. Walk in to a Ferrari/whatever showroom, drive away in an unattended vehicle of your choice, go somewhere semi-tropical for winter, and eat canned food remaining on store shelves.

I spent countless hours imagining myself in that sort of scenario when I was younger. I've always been an introvert, but there were a lot of times back then when I figured I'd be better off without the vast majority of other human beings around to bother me. I have a somewhat more positive view of humanity at large now, but if an apocalypse was necessary and I could elect the variety I'd still go for that one.

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

westy says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

>> ^westy:
>> ^Mcboinkens:
<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Seric</a>:<br />I wonder how good he would be if he'd spent that time learning real drums <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR></em>
Yeah, you kind of shot yourself in the foot. He's using a real drum set, not to mention he is using very advanced drumming techniques. He probably learned to played the drums as a kid and then just found this game as a fun way to learn to play new, complex songs.
Furthermore, you should keep up with the new Rock Band coming out. The goal is shifting from just a fun way to chill with friends to actual tutorials on the instruments. The guitar is actually getting 6 strings with fingersensing technology, and it WILL teach those that want to learn to play, with enough effort of course. On the drums, the ride, crash, and high-hat will have different locations charted than the snare and toms, further enhancing gameplay.
Also, Westy, the analogy you made to racing virtually and for real is extremely off. The two focus on completely different things, one is mastering the course and memorizing lines, the other is having a solid team to tune your car, quick thinking out on the course, knowing the course AND dealing with the G's.

You do reolise that G forces are only relivent in F1 and indy car maby some of the other high speed single seaters and evan then you could easily train for that over a year ? other than the phisical strain Gforces actual make driving a car ALLOT ESEAR as you can feal what the car is doing where as in a game you have to go of the stearing collom alone.
you allso reolise that the teams in f1 pritty much compelaty set the car up for the driver ?
You do know that Driving simulators are not just used for learning the layout of the track right? and that in f1 since testing time is so limited drivers themselfs spend a huge amount of time in the simulator testing the teems setups and car modificatoins that the mechanics have done for them ?
Have you ever played a sim racing game ? top sim racers have to do far more tweeking and car set up than a real driver would ever be exspecvted to do , allso sim drivers Drive FAR FAR tighter than a real world driver ever would litraly 100% on the limit to the millimeter.
sim racing is allso far closer and requires more race craft than the vast majorty of other pro forms of racing , due to the fact you can see far less and people are driving closer to the limmit , i dont know if u ever watch f1 but 90% of the grid hardly push the limit interms of race craft.
The largest fundimental factor that stops incredably tallented sim racers compeating in the real world is CASH pure and simple , you have to be a ritch basterd to race and thats without getting anny money back.
Things are slowly changing though , seems that more and more scoller ships are opaning up offering top level sim racers the chance to race in the real world

I won't waste too much time responding, but you are basically spouting bullshit. NASCAR drivers take 2-3 Gs on turns, and that's about as low as it gets in racing. Your point on teams setting up the cars actually furthers my point. Virtual drivers that set up their own cars are not mechanics, they just get numbers off of the internet and in-game time trials. The true mechanics don't do it that way.
Furthermore, you are incorrect when you assume that driving simulators they use are video games. They cost thousands of dollars and are inside of model cars that can represent true G force feelings.
On to the next point, virtual drivers can get exact drive-lines down because they are not exposed to real racing conditions. Sitting on a couch moving a thumbstick is not the same as turning a steering column in the middle of a track. Less pressure too. Screw up on XBOXLive? Just quit. Screw up in real life and you lose what could be your career, car, or just money in general.
Granted, there may be 1 or 2 sim drivers that could actually compete(and do well ), but like I said, your anology comes nowhere close to Rock Band drums vs. real drumsets. Anyway..

Im sorry but your the one talking out your arse , The point was regardless of how many G you exsperance anything below GP2,and most drivers would be fine with it given a month to get used to it. allso annything below GP2 and the G's make driving easer than sim racing not harder , as it allows you to feel what the car is doing.

Lets focus on road racing as I don't know or care that much about nascar.

to specificity answer your points

1) Red bull use Rfactor pro which is likely to be fairly simular (going by what the people that make Rfactor have said) to normal r factor it just outputs more data and gives the team far better data as to what effect there modifications have made.

Lets bare in mind that all the top sim racers pretty much use Rfactor as there default simulator

Allso there is enough steering collom feed back in Iracing ,Rfactor , Netcar pro to alow a driver to become a significantly better driver by training on it so long as they are using annything above a g25 for input. ITS NOT SIMPLY A CASE OF LEARNING RACING LINES , simulators like Rfactor , Iracing give enoughf feel for you to drive reactively , They allso simulate close racing and sim racers will get to exsperance more racing with other people and as a rsult develop more race craft faster . Remember when all the poker players came from online and totaly dominated real world poker players , this was simply due to the fact that they played thousends more hands than evan vintage poker players , this is what will and has happend with top end sim racers. the onyl difference is you have to be a ritch basterd to get into motor sport in the first place this is why sim racers dont often trasnfer its a totaly riged sport controled by the ritch of the world , but this is slowly chainging.

2) The sole resoin that sim racers drive to the limit is that it dosent cost them annything to crash the car repatedly to find the limit , once they have found it they can pritty much stick to it.


3) There are a good number of top sim racers that would rape the vast majorty of real world drivers , they are far more or equaly skiled than real world drivers they just have never had the money to drive in real life. If you consider there are probably only what 1000 top level competative road drivers , the top 20 sim racers would be able to compete with 80% of the gird in F1 and they represent the best of the best.

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

westy says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Seric</a>:<br />I wonder how good he would be if he'd spent that time learning real drums <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR></em>
Yeah, you kind of shot yourself in the foot. He's using a real drum set, not to mention he is using very advanced drumming techniques. He probably learned to played the drums as a kid and then just found this game as a fun way to learn to play new, complex songs.
Furthermore, you should keep up with the new Rock Band coming out. The goal is shifting from just a fun way to chill with friends to actual tutorials on the instruments. The guitar is actually getting 6 strings with fingersensing technology, and it WILL teach those that want to learn to play, with enough effort of course. On the drums, the ride, crash, and high-hat will have different locations charted than the snare and toms, further enhancing gameplay.

Also, Westy, the analogy you made to racing virtually and for real is extremely off. The two focus on completely different things, one is mastering the course and memorizing lines, the other is having a solid team to tune your car, quick thinking out on the course, knowing the course AND dealing with the G's.

You do reolise that G forces are only relivent in F1 and indy car maby some of the other high speed single seaters and evan then you could easily train for that over a year ? other than the phisical strain Gforces actual make driving a car ALLOT ESEAR as you can feal what the car is doing where as in a game you have to go of the stearing collom alone.

you allso reolise that the teams in f1 pritty much compelaty set the car up for the driver ?

You do know that Driving simulators are not just used for learning the layout of the track right? and that in f1 since testing time is so limited drivers themselfs spend a huge amount of time in the simulator testing the teems setups and car modificatoins that the mechanics have done for them ?

Have you ever played a sim racing game ? top sim racers have to do far more tweeking and car set up than a real driver would ever be exspecvted to do , allso sim drivers Drive FAR FAR tighter than a real world driver ever would litraly 100% on the limit to the millimeter.

sim racing is allso far closer and requires more race craft than the vast majorty of other pro forms of racing , due to the fact you can see far less and people are driving closer to the limmit , i dont know if u ever watch f1 but 90% of the grid hardly push the limit interms of race craft.

The largest fundimental factor that stops incredably tallented sim racers compeating in the real world is CASH pure and simple , you have to be a ritch basterd to race and thats without getting anny money back.

Things are slowly changing though , seems that more and more scoller ships are opaning up offering top level sim racers the chance to race in the real world

Cryonics ~ Discussion Welcome ! :)

ponceleon says...

I have very mixed feelings about it.

First of all, I do not intend to criticize the OP(s) for being "members" of alcor.

It is a VERY cool idea and I would do it in a HEARTBEAT if I was a bit more confident in their science.

The way I understand it is that yes, there are organisms that can survive being frozen and then reanimated in either simple or complex ways. That said, I do not believe that human beings are built to make this probable.

The questions are ones of time, money, and science. Science right now CANNOT do this. The methods by which Alcor (and the other place) are "preserving" bodies has not been proven to encourage a non-existent procedure of reanimation.

This technology will not be available for a LONG time, if ever. I don't believe it is impossible, but I believe it is the sort of thing which would come FAR in advance of where our medical science is now. I believe that the science involved would have to not only have to unfreeze but reverse certain aspects of decomposition that happen WAY too fast for this to be possible. Unless you are being frozen almost instantly while still alive, which I do not believe is legal since it would be tantamount to euthanasia. So in my mind, we are talking about advanced techniques of cell manipulation and reconstruction which don't remotely exist. This brings me to

Will Alcor still exist in 300-1000 years? What provisions are being made for this?

I hate to say it, but I think the partial answer lies in Alcor's profits. I doubt they would ever release their financial statements, but you can probably tell a LOT by what their financial situation is.

If Alcor is actually legit, and not just to separate the future-minded person with expendable income from their money, they won't exist for long. The money involved in keeping these bodies in suspended animation for hundreds of years will not allow them to stay in business forever and eventually the plug will be pulled on these tubes and that will be that.

That's the best case scenario.

The worse case scenario is that this is a scam. They probably know damned well that they are banking on solutions that don't (and probably won't) exist in their own lifetimes. Therefore they charge money to people who like the idea, enjoy their Ferraris and dump the bodies in about 50 years when there are no living relatives so the inheritors of Alcor can continue the business. Another clue: their staff is volunteer based with little to no medical background... yeah.

I know I'm being a bit pessimistic, but it is very much akin to UFOs... there are lots of people that believe in UFOs and there are lots of people who make product for those who believe in UFOs. Some of them also believe in UFOs, but I suspect a vast majority see a market that is booming and money to be made. Whenever someone is trying to sell you something, you know that they know it is bullshit.

It is like all the 2012 hysteria. Why am I seeing commercials for SUVs and McDonald's tie-ins for a movie about the end of the world? Why do we have major corporations sponsoring shows on the Discovery channel "analyzing" the Mayan predictions about the last few years we have left? Money... it's always about selling me something.

But seriously, I really don't mean to be a debbie downer about this, but it is just a flash in the pan. I just really hope that you aren't spending money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Finally, I REALLY question the idea of preserving just the head. All I can think of is this scene:

Skip to 2:12

You won't guess what happens as this guy cleans his Ferrari

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

You won't guess what happens as this guy cleans his Ferrari

bleedmegood says...

See....what had happened was......I thought it was an actual-sized ferrari...but there at the end I found out it was a model-sized ferrari, cleverly placed closer to the camera to present the illusion of a ferrari of greater are a real son of a bitch Oatmeal....this is why I have a hard time trusting people...

You won't guess what happens as this guy cleans his Ferrari

arvana (Member Profile)

Jimmy Kimmel Ambushes Jay Leno on Leno's Own Show

Lodurr says...

>> ^EDD:
How Leno could go home and polish his 300 Ferraris after that without a debilitating sense of shame is beyond me.

He hasn't used any of his Tonight Show earnings on his cars. He hasn't spent it at all as I understand. It seems likely he'll use it for some charities or humanitarian causes in the future, when he's got free time to make sure it gets used correctly (ala Bill Gates). Kimmel is painting Leno as a self-indulgent maniacal millionaire and I don't think there's proof to back that up.

Jimmy Kimmel Ambushes Jay Leno on Leno's Own Show

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^EDD:
"Listen Jay, Conan and I have children; all you have to take care of is cars. I mean we have lives to lead here; you've got $800 million, for God's sakes — leave our shows alone."
Oh my fucking goodness, this might just be THE most memorable (non-political) smackdown I've seen on late night. How Leno could go home and polish his 300 Ferraris after that without a debilitating sense of shame is beyond me.

I'm sure he doesn't feel TOO bad, after all Kimmel and O'Brien are multi-millionaires too, it's not like their kids will ever go hungry.

Jimmy Kimmel Ambushes Jay Leno on Leno's Own Show

Raaagh says...

>> ^EDD:
"Listen Jay, Conan and I have children; all you have to take care of is cars. I mean we have lives to lead here; you've got $800 million, for God's sakes — leave our shows alone."
Oh my fucking goodness, this might just be THE most memorable (non-political) smackdown I've seen on late night. How Leno could go home and polish his 300 Ferraris after that without a debilitating sense of shame is beyond me.

As we need to be worried about Kimmel/Conan bank accounts.

Jimmy Kimmel Ambushes Jay Leno on Leno's Own Show

EDD says...

"Listen Jay, Conan and I have children; all you have to take care of is cars. I mean we have lives to lead here; you've got $800 million, for god's sakes — leave our shows alone."

Oh my fucking goodness, this might just be THE most memorable (non-political) smackdown I've seen on late night. How Leno could go home and polish his 300 Ferraris after that without a debilitating sense of shame is beyond me.

Best Garage Ever

Payback says...

>> ^Raigen:
The first time I watched this I could've sworn it was comletely fake. Fake in the idea that it isn't a real house, it is just a model. There were a couple things that made my skeptical brain cry foul... The seemingly "small" size of the home for having four Lambos and what looks like a Ferrari in the garage. The sounds of the voices didn't sound proper in the respect to the size of the equipment and home. Also the strange echos from the lift mechanism during the lift, and when it finishes.
I'm on the fence about this one, I'll remain a Lamborgini Garage agnostic until I see a person standing next to it.

The one off in the distance is a Diablo as well. Anyone wealthy enough to own 4 Lambos and a hydraulic hide-away garage wouldn't be caught dead with a Ferrari. 3 Diablos (blue one is a VT I believe) and 2 Countachs.

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