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The New York Times Just Hired a Racist

Mordhaus says...

To be fair, if she was not female or even if she was white, this would be crazy.

Obviously I have to take it with a grain of salt given the source and because she was posting these to 'anti-troll' people trolling her, but if I did the same thing I would be castigated. Even if I later pointed out I was just responding in a satirical fashion.

She is sorry about it and probably didn't mean it, but she was still wrong. The fact that we excuse it is partially a symptom of how pissed we are at Trump, which isn't a good reason to overlook this kind of thing.

Return of the Turkish Ice Cream man

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

That only works if there's equality in lower/mid level education, giving all students a reasonable opportunity for quality education before that SAT testing, and there is not.
Low income district schools are at a distinct disadvantage in funding, facilities, and availability of assistance, as are low income students. Female students have, historically, been discouraged from pursuing science and math, especially at high levels.

Equality of opportunity at least to a reasonably competent base level of education is considered a civil right. Because we are still far from reaching that ideal, rolling back programs designed to address the continued shortfalls IS a rollback of civil right protections in the same way rolling back civil right protections in our election system was a rollback of the voting rights for a large, specifically targeted population which led instantly to attempts to return to old, clearly discriminatory practices designed to deny voting rights.

bcglorf said:

From the outside looking in though, requiring diversity of genders and races by law is the issue.

If we simplify student quality down to only their SAT scores, what is the fair and equitable method of picking the 100 students that get admitted for the upcoming year?

Here's what I think a color-blind non-racist equal opportunity minded admission process looks like. Sort the students by SAT score and admit the top 100.

Looking at the comments from the left, by example the Daily Show video jabs above, the process I described is considered a rollback of hard fought civil rights.


How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes

Mordhaus says...

Researchers found that disabling the fucose mutarotase (FucM) gene in laboratory mice – which influences the levels of estrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the female mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up.

"The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference" said Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research.



Study shows Transgender brains more closely resemble brains of the sex they align with, rather than what they were born with.

Julie Bakker, who led the research, utilized 160 MRI scans of transgender people diagnosed with gender dysphoria when they were either kids or in their teens. These scans also measured the brain’s microstructures with a technique called diffusion tensor imaging.

After all of these scans were made, they were then compared with people of the same age who had not been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The study found that transgender boys’ and transgender girls’ brain activity corresponded to both cisgender boys and girls. The MRI tests examined brain activity after an exposure to a steroid and measured gray matter as well.

Bakker believes that this research could be used to help children at an earlier day who’re diagnosed with gender dysmorphia. Bakker stated:

"Although more research is needed, we now have evidence that sexual differentiation of the brain differs in young people with GD, as they show functional brain characteristics that are typical of their desired gender.”


[This study is also in line with multiple previous studies done since 2011, with MRI results showing differences. The major change with this study is that it involved children who had not been exposed to hormone treatment and that were pre-pubescent. - Mordhaus]


As long as they aren't hurting anyone and any sexual interactions are between consenting adults, who cares if it is genetic or behavioral? Personally, I don't even give a fuck if people use different bathrooms. If a cis gender woman wanted to use the Men's restroom, I would say "Go for it, just don't flip out if you see a dick or two." Same goes for vice versa.

This lady is welcome to her opinion, but science is starting to weigh against her in increasing degrees. At a certain point, this is going to be equivalent to the Flat Earth people, if it isn't already.

Paradise - Love Official UK Trailer

Brass Against - Wake Up

MilkmanDan says...


Accomplishing the guitar solo parts with strong suits of various brass -- sax, trombone, trumpet: Awesome.

Female singer keeping the feel and style of the original (male) vocals, while also putting a unique spin on it: Awesome.

Idea, execution, production: Awesome.

That's a full-on trifecta of badass!

News helicopter follows wrong car during chase

Mekanikal says...

I watched this live since it was in my neck of the woods and it got even crazier. I can't find the footage but this wasn't the only innocent car they followed. There was a couple that unknowingly gave a ride to the female passenger who bailed out of the suspect car.

Vampires vs Werewolves

notarobot says...

One of the best Werewolf movies ever made is centered around female characters.

Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer

Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer

OCEAN'S 8 - Official Main Trailer

00Scud00 says...

Classic Hollywood over correction, try to fix a decades long problem with women in Hollywood by pumping out a few female centric movies as a mea culpa. Then, if the movies bomb they'll point to that as proof that nobody wants to watch female led movies.
All the while ignoring the fact that male led movies crash and burn all the damn time and nobody goes "it failed because, you know, men". And never addressing the real problems.

newtboy said:

So they learned nothing from Ghostbusters.

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

"saying humans are born with either a penis or vagina isn't a hateful statement against people."
It absolutely is hateful to hermaphrodites, clearly saying they aren't human. Use the qualifier "usually" or "almost always".

"As for gender being something different than sex, if you define it that way"
No, you said that. I'm saying all the physical attributes of gender are changeable besides the brain, and many humans with male gonads have female brains, and vice versa. Today, gonads can be surgically changed, so where is gender? I argue it's in the brain, which today can't be changed.
Gender is different from sexuality, clearly, no?
Edit: I guess I do think gender is different from "sex", if sex is determined solely by your gonads. to who cares about gender....the bigoted bakers do. ;-)

We're talking perceived race, gender, sexuality, ethnic group, as identified by the discriminating individuals. They don't DNA scan or brain scan customers before serving (or denying) them, they react based on perception.

Skin color, that's totally changeable. Never heard of spray tans or bleach? Try watching Eddie Murphy's 'White like me'.

Odd you might argue against perception being the measure, since you seemed to argue that gays could be perceived as acceptably heterosexual by not acting on their uncontrollable urges and desires, bypassing the bigoted discrimination, essentially by lying.

Again it's about perceived ethnicity, not actual genetic heritage. Like you say, your actual heritage is unidentifiable by strangers, so less important to this discussion of public business discrimination.
If I want my wedding cake for me and Chris, and I wear my pink paisley silk shirt, leather chaps, choker, and heavy makeup to buy it that doesn't make me gay but the bigot baker would still deny me because he would assume I was.

The Diversity of Local Independent News

RedSky says...


The instructions for producing and airing the localized versions went into great detail about how the promos "should look and sound," according to another document obtained by CNN.

"Talent should dress in jewel tones -- however they should not look political in their dress or attire," one of the documents says. "Avoid total red, blue and purples dresses and suits. Avoid totally red, blue and purple ties, the goal is to look apolitical, neutral, nonpartisan yet professional. Black or charcoal suits for men...females should wear yellow, gold, magenta, cyan, but avoid red, blue or purple."

At the end of the promo, viewers are encouraged to send in feedback "if you believe our coverage is unfair."

The instructions say that "corporate will monitor the comments and send replies to your audience on your behalf."

In other words, local stations are cut out of the interactions with viewers. Management will handle it instead.

enoch (Member Profile)

Lost in Space - Official Full Netflix Trailer

Payback says...

Dr. Smith is played by Parker Posey (The female vampire in Blade 3). She's in the trailer saying "It's complicated" or something similar.

jmd said:

Also I was wondering when the doctor would show up.

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