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Injustice 2 Catwoman

Bill Maher Live RNC Special Edition: July 20

oblio70 says...

This is really important. *promote
MM lays out how REAL a President Trump is, based on some of Hillary's fatal flaws, like the TPP support and the loss of the Rust Belt support.

Yet she still continues to make poor choices, like double-down on Wall Street/Banking support with Caine, and a big wet sloppy kiss to Wasserman-Schultz after evidence surfaces of their conspiracy. This is the behavior of the Entitled, not the Deserved.

Ex politician on Dallas: 'This is war. Watch out Obama.'

RFlagg says...

My Facebook feed is filled to the brim from right wing nuts about cops, "pray for cops", "cop lives matter" and the like. Not a single one of them posted anything about the two recent killings that sparked the demonstrations.

And it's like newtboy said, nobody is saying cop lives don't matter, or that black lives matter more than others. What they don't seem to understand is they rush to find an excuse for a cop killing a black man, "oh look at his prior records" and don't care that he was doing nothing in the situation that caused the fatal shooting. They focus on the report that says the one guy didn't raise his hands and say "don't shoot me" and ignore the other report by the same people, released the same day that there was "systemic" racism in Ferguson, and similar reports have said the same about Cleveland and far too many others. When Brock Turner got 6 months for rape, they evoke his swimming records, and deny that if he was black and poor they would have searched for priors instead of his outstanding swimming records, and if he had no priors these same people would have been outraged had a black judge given him only 6 months in jail. They deny such things, but it's evident from their actions every time something like this happens. They lack any real empathy... which is especially funny since many of these people post things like the reason Christians suffer depression so much is they have so much empathy, and I'm thinking I don't see it, and I'm sure those in the LGBT don't see it when you deny them equal rights under the law, or deny them access to the bathroom of their gender identity, and I doubt blacks don't see it when you ignore their plight and instead post about how cop lives matter, or white lives matter.

If they do so out of ignorance, it is purposeful.

I used to be a evangelical, far right wing nut. Then I started vetting the information and news. Learned what sources are trustable and not. There started to be a pattern. I started educating myself further and changed positions. I became a liberal Christian, and eventually lost the faith due to the far right's overly big influence. So if I, who's not overly intelligent (perhaps more than the average person, but not nearly as intelligent as many family think I am), with no skills or real worth can get out via self education, they can to, but they prefer the comfort of their ignorance, and that I can't abide. You can point things out until you are blue in the face and they will just dig in harder to hold on to that ignorance and their limited world view.

I think we can trace a lot of this back to the rise of right wing radio and eventual rise of Fox News which convinced the Christian right that the regular, responsible news outlets were "liberal" when pretty much all news is controlled by a very select few, and none of them have an interest in making people aware of the truth... just because you can watch perhaps 12 hours of CNN before they point out something in the Obama administration that is bad, where Fox does it several times an hour doesn't make CNN liberal... it makes Fox an ass that is singly focused on making people angry at the Democrats and what they deem as liberals, and then they shift the goal post and make old Reagan era style political beliefs the new liberal... and they work to build the division. It's not longer acceptable to work with Democrats on finding a reasonable middle ground, that's being weak, and they want to dig their heals in and have it their way or the highway (basically they want a dictatorship but under the guise of a democracy). Then the rise of social media is perhaps the thing that really pushed the schism further as they further surround themselves in an echo chamber. So when people say "black lives matter" their echo chamber fills up with "well so do white lives and cop lives" and their echo chamber fills up with the idea that those on the left don't care about cops and that we think most of them are corrupt and don't care about their lives.

...aborts rant early as I'm already a million miles off topic...

Bernie Sanders Explains His Reluctance To Endorse Hillary

Lawdeedaw says...

No, you make one fatal error. You are comparing Clinton supporters with Bernie supporters. That is incredibly incorrect and it makes me shudder. You should compare Clinton to Trump supporters---ie., the entire republican party has sided with him, minus a few who will vote third party. Clinton supporters are exactly like that. Bandwagon, that's me! Not to degrade them but put a D in their mouths and they are happy.

On the other hand, Bernie supporters have more integrity and are tired of the funnel-effect of the lesser of two evils bullshit whereby more evil comes to our voting booths.

So yeah, maybe 1% of Clinton supporters will be mad and vote elsewhere (Like Jill) but what, 25% of Sanders will? Yeah...not quite the same.

entr0py said:

I don't know any more, I think those hypothetical match up poles that have Bernie beating Trump by a higher margin than Clinton don't take into account the fallout from the only way he could be nominated now, if nearly all of the super delegates decide to overturn the result of the primary. And that would seriously piss off the majority of Democratic primary voters.

If it actually went down that way, I don't think Bernie would be up in the poles given how many Clinton supporters would feel cheated and betrayed by the party. I know that's ironic since Sanders supporters already feel that way, but overturning the primary is an epic level of shenanigans that would eclipse anything done to Sanders.

The only hope for a Sanders nomination is if Clinton implodes in the next 3 weeks, like by being indicted. Otherwise I think the best he can do is what he's been saying, try to affect the party platform.

Woman almost hits biker by merging, gets caught by cops

Chairman_woo says...

At first I thought he was overreacting slightly, looks like she was just trying to slowly, but dickisly force her way in.

But on second viewing she appears to have been completely ignoring the fact he was there, either deliberately or through ignorance. (I could't see her look at the biker even once and he was in the blind spot)

Either way that behaviour could easily prove fatal at higher speeds. And even at the speed they were going serious injuries are entirely possible, I nearly broke my wrist once merely dropping a bike (Yet walked away from a 40mph spill because life is strange like that).

I know motor-bicyclists may seem like whingy bitches sometimes, but we are absurdly vulnerable to ignorant assholes like this.
At the very least, this plays on the sub-conscious heavily and even minor slights can sometimes feel like attempted murder at the time.

Another time and place she might have caused a serious incident, so I'm glad she got a stern talking to at the very least.

But yeh, this is small fry in the grand scheme of things. I usually just move on, but had I been filming and then run across a police car.....I might well have done the same here. (Though I do make a big point to stay out of blind spots these days as most car drivers don't bother to check it)

vil said:

Is this really worth involving police in? I am with him for a honk or two, a bit of cursing and giving opulent instructions on how to acquire better driving habits. Then get on with your life.

John Oliver - The NRA

Januari says...

Yes, there is some chance of being injured or dying while doing almost anything at any time. Extreme statistical unlikely-hoods occur all the time and they are extremely difficult to protect against.

Comparing 400+ deaths a year (for example), while in pursuit of a biological requirement that all humans are required to do, and thus spend roughly 1/4 of their lives doing it, to 80,000+ no fatal injuries and 11,000 homicides from gun use is asinine to the extreme.

Apparently The Greatest Airbag Crisis In History Is Upon Us

MilkmanDan says...

As much as I'd love to pile more hate on some faceless / heartless corporate entity that doesn't care about anything other than profits, I find it somewhat unreasonable to be TOO hard on Takata here.

Just by sheer Philosophy 101 arithmetic of lives saved vs lives taken, airbags in general are massively beneficial. Take a worst case hypothetical scenario -- I know that my car has Takata airbags, AND I live in a very humid environment, AND my car is pretty old, AND the waiting list on the recall means that I can't replace the airbags for another 2+ years. Even in that scenario, I think I'd *still* opt to keep the thing in and active until it could be replaced. It would be nice to have further information on the 10 fatalities (roughly where, make/model, age) and corresponding information from other recent crashes under similar circumstances where the airbags *did* work properly, but I'd wager that even in that kind of worst-case scenario the good outcomes still handily outweigh the bad outcomes.

It is hard to foresee everything that can go wrong years and years into the future. We put lots of hardware through robotics that open doors / actuate things / etc. every few seconds continuously for months in an effort to predict how they will stand up to normal wear and tear for years, but that's harder to emulate with chemical processes.

So, until/unless there is evidence that they used the Ammonium Nitrate while knowingly and intentionally ignoring the potential long-term risks as the stuff ages in some environmental situations, I would be very hesitant to call for their heads over this. I guess that is the purpose of a "criminal investigation", but I really hope that isn't code for "witch hunt".

Bill Maher: New Rule – There's No Shame in Punting

RFlagg says...

The GOP has had problems since at least 2008, and they keep building up and up on the same issues.

The problem is the party is sort of stuck, and the split that it desperately needs would hurt it. Fox and the right wing talk radio aren't really on the classic GOP (of the Reagan and prior eras) side. Fox and talk radio and the social media that surround their viewers/listeners has shifted very far to the right. So much so that Reagan would in no way win the nomination today. Today's far right Republican party sees governing, and negotiating with the other side of the isle as a weakness. They don't want a representative democracy, they want a theocratic dictatorship while calling it democracy.

A party split is needed though. They need to split the two elements of the party from one another. Let the Tea Party form on it's own and let Fox and talk radio follow it. They'll find that the mass media is still far more central and closer to them than what they've been led to believe via Fox and talk radio, who accuses it of being far liberal. The party would be hurt for a couple election cycles, but as people start to wise up, they'd come back to the GOP from the Tea Party and the Tea Party would eventually become a footnote. As it stands, leaving the Tea Party elements in it will destroy the party in full.

The GOP keeps trying too hard to appeal to the far right element of it self and abandoning the central core. They are appealing to the hate mongers and bigots rather than the compassionate conservatism that Reagan at least pretended to have (though didn't).

I still think that McCain made two major errors when he ran. First was stepping too far to the right of where his voting record was while running. Had he stuck to what his record showed, he would have stood a semi-decent chance of winning... had he not made a second major fatal error and that was putting a batshit crazy, way far to the right, person as his VP candidate. Even if she wasn't crazy, or had a brain, she was far too the right for most Americans. Now, even if he had stayed true to himself, and used a centrist VP candidate he may have lost as Obama tapped into something... and I don't think anybody saw that coming.

Then the GOP embraced the hatred of Obama too much. Obama could cure cancer and they'd decry it as a bad thing, he can do nothing right so far as they are concerned. They should have toned that down. They also messed up the messaging on Obamacare. They should have embraced it, noting that they invented it, and tried to pass the same thing into federal law 3 times prior, twice under Bush Sr and once under Clinton and each time it was the Democrats who wouldn't take it. Showing how the Democrats embraced your idea would have shown, "look, we were right the whole time. We could have had this ages ago but the Democrats said 'No' and now they realized we were right." Rather than take the high rode though, they rode the crazy train of hate, and pushed more and more to become obstructionist.

Now side note, obstructionism works. Many Republican and non-affiliated voters, blame Obama for the lack of progress, though none of his ideas really got to be tried since they were bound and determined to obstruct everything and have done everything they can to ruin the Nation so they can blame him for the state of affairs, knowing full well most Americans don't know Congress controls the purse and pretty much all things related to it.

Anyhow, then Romney too shifted far to the right of what his record as Governor showed, and again went with somebody who's too far to the right (who oddly enough is now seen as too establishment by the Tea Party element) as a VP candidate... though Obama's popularity, and the popularity of Obamacare would have made it hard to overcome... though again, if the GOP had handled Obamacare properly, as their invention, then Romney would have ridden that strongly as his state used the previous Republican led efforts to create the same program, to do so on the state level. He could have ridden the fact his state had it before anyone else... again they let hatred of Obama override the logical move.

The party in the end is too afraid to do what it needs to do. It's too afraid of the short term losses and doesn't realize that the far goal is obtainable.

ahimsa (Member Profile)

ahimsa says...

"Kaiser Permanente Encourages Plant-Based Diets

VegNews Daily
Kaiser Permanente Encourages Plant-Based Diets

By Melissa Nguyen | May 16, 2013
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The healthcare company’s peer-reviewed medical science journal tells physicians to promote plant-based diets to patients.To address the rising cost of healthcare and skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, medical publication The Permanente Journal recently released an article encouraging physicians to advise patients to reduce meat, dairy, and processed food consumption and implement a plant-based diet. It points to research showing that consuming whole foods can reduce the need for medication for chronic illnesses and decrease risk of fatal ischemic heart disease, all while offering the most cost-effective prevention and low-risk medical intervention. “Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet … Physicians should consider recommending a plant-based diet to all their patients,” the article states."

A Super Shit History of Dune - exurb1a

Chairman_woo says...

As a matter of pedantry.....Paul knew full well before the Jihad started, that it would spread to the stars.

This was the least fucked up possible future he saw and even though he knew it involved the death of his love Chani, he chose that future over the "golden path".

*Massive spoilers from later books below*

His second son Leto (yes another one) eventually fulfilled this and basically calls his father a big pussy for avoiding it in the 1st place.

The Golden path being ascent to godhood and becoming the greatest tyrant the human race would ever know. (Worm-man super hybrid)

(The end result being that the human race would finally be free of the fatalism Paul and Leto II were trapped by, by the time his reign ended millennia later.)

Richard Muller: I Was wrong on Climate Change

ahimsa says...

your stance about veganism is very similar to the climate deniers in that you choose to buy into myths and lies as opposed to looking into the facts youself. the documentary i posted considers the issues of local, and so called "small" farms also. they are no more humane or less cruel than so called "factory farming" and are every but as inefficient and environmentally devastating. "factory farming" is a mere symptom and the root cause is the commodification of sentient non-human animals, just as in the past humans used to commodify other human beings of certain races. for example here is an article on the myth of "humane" animal farming:

the fact that climate change is driven in large part but the raising of non-human animals for food is without question a well documented fact. the human population is without a doubt a major factor but above this issue is the fact that it requires MANY times the resources to produce on calorie of flesh, dairy or eggs than it does to produce one calorie of plant based food. are you aware that in the USA, around 80% of crops grown are fed to the 10 billion farmed animals who are murdered every year for food? it has been estimated that 800 million humans could be fed on the crops which are grown for farmed animals alone. these issues are also gone into detail in the documentary.

as far as "tugging on your heart strings" goes, how is having compassion and empathy for anyone who suffers a bad thing? no one would be questioning it if the victims were human children but since they are "only" cows, pigs chickens and fishes (all of whom feel pain just like you or i do, perhaps even more so), suddenly violence against them is considered a matter of personal choice. the bottom line is that if you would not wish to expeience something yourself, it is never moral or ethical to force others to experience it, especially not in the name of a momentary taste sensation.

finally, here is a quote which i think best summarizes the situation:
“Aren’t humans amazing? They kill wildlife – birds, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice and foxes by the million in order to protect their domestic animals and their feed. Then they kill domestic animals by the billion and eat them. This in turn kills people by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative – and fatal – health conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and cancer. So then humans spend billions of dollars torturing and killing millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, few people recognize the absurdity of humans, who kill so easily and violently, and once a year send out cards praying for “Peace on Earth.”~ David Coates

Zero Punctuation - Fallout 4

JustSaying says...

I'm too busy punching the snot out of peoples faces in Deus Ex 3.

However, I prefered Skyrim (it's crack) over Fallout (it's a grind) simply for the fact that I can be the bastard child of Palpatine and Conan, shooting lightning out of my hands while wielding big swords. Also, I fatally shot a bear into its asshole twice. I'm quite proud of that. Fuck Bullseye, I'm Brownseye.

Guinea Pig Takes Cat's Bed - Cat Wigs Out

iaui says...

This is probably true, actually. I believe we tend to think all our animals are equally mobile. From that height a cat would find it easy to jump down but to a guinea pig a fall might be fatal. I think he/she is huddled against the wall worried about falling over the edge and hoping the cat doesn't push him/her.

I think the cat's reaction is one of friendship while still being annoyed at it's spot being taken. It's a funny way for a cat to react but I think the guinea pig's terror here isn't good..

Payback said:

I find it hard to believe the pig wasn't placed in this position, and isn't currently terrified.

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

ChaosEngine says...

c) get through it with the help of family and friends like literally millions of others have done.

Christ, you people act like no one has ever left a church before. No, it's not easy, but neither is it fatal.

I love the fact that I'm accused of idealism when I'm talking about something that objectively happens literally every day.

Lawdeedaw said:

@bareboards2 @ChaosEngine and @newtboy Most want a particular church, or prefer a particular church. But a very few NEED a particular church--ie., they can't live without one. Take my mother-in-law. She survived a fire that nearly killed her, was forced to have sex with animals by her abusive father, was beaten by her husband, then lost all her children to DCF and well that sums up her life. It is easy to chalk up her reliance on Jehovah's Witness' faith as her "choice," but then that is denying the biological need to be accepted and loved in a certain manner. Hers is that faith alone. Take it away and she would either A-shut down, or B-more likely kill herself.

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

bcglorf says...

I've gotta say I'm disappointed with the extremity of your response.

To actually quote you, this may have been "Attempted murder" of a "Child"?

From the video this looks like a HS room, and the student looks not much different in size from many adults., so the child part seems a bit much, no? From the video, it sure doesn't look fatal. Heck, a typical fail video has more severe injuries in it.

My entire post though was asking what do we expect as a better response as a society? Is it really a good function of our school system that a student that refuses to go to the principals office requires not one, but two uniformed police officers to handle the situation correctly? I personally believe we've failed as a society a few steps before this.

Is it really best that we mandate that all school staff are absolutely forbidden to come into physical contact with the students? No taking a kid by the ear, certainly, as that could hurt them. Not even grabbing by the arm and dragging them to the office? Are we really wanting the only acceptable use of any physical force to require a pair of police officers called in?

newtboy said:

Certainly you can see a difference between reasonable force needed to remove a person and what happened here.
Reasonable force does not injure the person it's applied against.
Reasonable force would mean calling in another officer and taking her out, not strangling her and throwing her across the room by the neck. That's not reasonable. That's assault and battery, and perhaps attempted murder. I'm 100% certain the child would face at LEAST those charges if positions were reversed.

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