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Blood Squirting Lizard

Fade says...

from wikipedia

At least four species are also able to squirt an aimed stream of blood from the corners of the eyes for a distance of up to 3 feet. They do this by restricting the blood flow leaving the head, thereby increasing blood pressure and rupturing tiny vessels around the eyelids. This not only confuses predators, but also the blood tastes foul to canine and feline predators. It appears to have no effect against predatory birds. To avoid being picked up by the head or neck, horned lizards duck or elevate their head and orient their cranial horns straight up, or back. If a predator tries to take it by the body, the lizard drives that side of its body down into the ground so that the predator cannot easily get its lower jaw underneath the lizard.

She's here to serve me and she's real. Shut up! She's real!!

laura says...

...and all she asks is a couple of hours on the weekend to herself for which you will never ask her where she is or what she's doing!
Sounds like a nice trade-off to me! (just kidding)
somebody needs to make a guy version of this.
I can just hear it now:
"I will wake you up in the morning gently stroking your hair and smiling at you softly.
I will work hard all day doing sweaty manly things with my big strong hands like fixing the car or building something or moving heavy objects.
All during the day I will keep walking by you periodically and slapping your ass because it turns me on, or kissing your eyelids because you look so cute when you are concentrating.
When you cook, I will remark at how good it smells as it develops and compliment you profusely while eating.
At night, I will bring you drinks and laugh with you while making stimulating conversation, showing off my inner nerd and flirting with you.
I will match your mood and needs endlessly unless I am extremely tired from working, in which case I will be sure to look cute as I rest and thank you for understanding.
I will react with religious awe when seeing you naked, and make love to you with a different, surprising passion each night and also spontaneously during the day at unexpected moments because you find it delicious to be wanted and I genuinely want you.
I will hold you as you drift off to sleep and listen to your breath as you use my left arm as a pillow and relish loving me for who I am, because I care, and you like falling asleep with your hand on a perfect man tush."
something like that.
hang on a tick, I don't need a virtual guy, I GOT a REAL perfect man!!!!
(somebody please direct my husband to this spontaneous love letter of a comment of sorts, lol...thanks )

"Emily" - Image Metrics Tech Demo

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

NeuralNoise says...

Awesome!! never thought of that. I knew you wouldn´t be able to close your eyelids and block the light, but not being able to see at all adds a whole new layer to it... cheers!!!

In reply to this comment by Fjnbk:
I'd like to point out that when you are invisible, your eyes don't block any light, so you are completely blind. But there's still time to rethink your position before the Roast.

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

spoco2 says...

>> ^tonyandronda:
A quick note. My son is now six. Not five. A lot has changed in the last year for him, as far as what he can be exposed to. Last year I was horrified to catch him watching family guy. He is still forbidden to watch adult swim cartoons and anime. (except the ones on regular tv like dragon ball z)
I think a lot of this debate can be boiled down to the context. You're looking at the game not as glorified tag, but as a violent killing spree. I can see your angle, but I disagree. If for one minute I thought he got pleasure from the killing aspect of it, rather than scoring a frag, I'd end his playing. It's just fun tag to him. There isn't a shred of meanness. If there were, If he was shouting DIE DIE DIE at the screen, you'd be right to be alarmed. I would be.
My position on swearing is that I don't allow it around him because I'm afraid he'll do it at school. I have a very liberal position on nudity. I think the general American position that sex and sexuality is bad couldn't possibly be more wrong and twisted. I fully intend to vaccinate my two daughters for HPV for instance. But that's another discussion all together isn't it?

So, I guess our sole argument is purely over our own definitions of what is 'too much' for our kids. I can see your point about him treating it like tag I guess, and indeed I like your attitude that if he was gaining enjoyment from the 'kill' then that'd be it for the game.

I too don't like any swearing around our kids either, not because I think swearing is inherently wrong, but because they don't understand the effect such language can have on others, and when it's appropriate. When they can better understand that then I have no issue with swearing around them. (But I can't imagine that being for quite some time)

Also nice to hear of your stance on nudity, how people can get so wound up over their kids seeing a naked person, but not bad an eyelid when they watch a violent film is beyond me.

SU b G E N I U S

lucky760 says...

What the devil was that warped mindfuck I just experienced?

Feels like I should have had my eyelids clamped open and my arms and legs strapped to a chair during that brainwashing.

Indiana Jones - Doctor Or Idolised Madman!

How many examples of douchebaggery can you spot?

EDD says...

#22 Doesn't blink - instead routinely shuts his eyelids for a second or so - it's way more cool that way!

#23 At 0:50 says he wants to "Understand himself" as it would make him "more productive" - productive at spawning shit like this? OR productive as in using the webcam as a mirror more (effectively)?

Fighting Terrorists One Old Lady at a Time - GTA IV Trailer

lewis black - nuclear fxxk holocaust

Peroxide says...

"You could live off that oxygen even if there was mustard gas outside in your garage. Then you could take a deep breath, open the car and exit via the door." - Dannym3141

Wrong Fool!
Mustard gas is a strong vesicant (blister-causing agent). Due to its alkylating properties, it is also strongly mutagenic (causing damage to the DNA of exposed cells) and carcinogenic (cancer causing). Those exposed usually suffer no immediate symptoms. Within 4 to 24 hours the exposure develops into deep, itching or burning blisters wherever the mustard contacted the skin; the eyes (if exposed) become sore and the eyelids swollen, possibly leading to conjunctivitis and blindness. According to the Medical Management of Chemical Casualties handbook, there have been experimental cases in humans where the patient has suffered miosis, or pinpointing of pupils, as a result of the cholinomimetic activity of mustard. At very high concentrations, if inhaled, it causes bleeding and blistering within the respiratory system, damaging the mucous membrane and causing pulmonary edema. Blister agent exposure over more than 50% body surface area is usually fatal.

Super slo-mo, explosions and skateboarding.

it's official: I'm old (Blog Entry by smibbo)

djsunkid (Member Profile)

deputydog says...

nevermind mate.
this place really baffles me sometimes. people seem to get on their high horse far too often about relatively trivial things and then something as fucking disgraceful as this makes it to the top15 - practically no-one bats an eyelid. i don't subscribe to the "the more people see it the better" way of thinking, it's bollocks.
if watching innocent people get shot by a bunch of twats is the way forward then i fucking resign.
i thought this kind of shit was way below VS.
i'm off to to look at some suicide photographs.

In reply to your comment:
Grargh! It's my stupid fault too! I blogged it because I wanted to discard it- it really fucking disturbs me a lot, and I think that it doesn't belong on here. Unfortunately, when it got returned, it was suddenly able to get back on the top 15. Hmmm.. If I were to blog and return 15 vids, i could totally hijack videosift.... hmmmmmmmmm.......
In reply to your comment:
wow, what an awesome video.

top 15?! fucking wank.

Attenborough - The Fiddler Crab

Man Saved From Bull By Choggie's Dog

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