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Bush fire goes from 1 to a 100 in a couple seconds

eric3579 says...

Seems Eucalyptus trees are made to create firestorms..

Fallen eucalyptus leaves create dense carpets of flammable material, and the trees' bark peels off in long streamers that drop to the ground, providing additional fuel that draws ground fires up into the leaves, creating massive, fast-spreading "crown fires" in the upper story of eucalyptus forests.

Additionally, the eucalyptus oil that gives the trees their characteristic spicy fragrance is a flammable oil: This oil, combined with leaf litter and peeling bark during periods of dry, windy weather, can turn a small ground fire into a terrifying, explosive firestorm in a matter of minutes. That's why eucalyptus trees — especially the blue gums (Eucalyptus globulus) that are common throughout New South Wales — are sometimes referred to wryly as "gasoline trees."

Eucalyptus do extremely well after fires. Fire and Eucalyptus make good partners it seems.

6 Underground: Because Science Says So

Drachen_Jager says...


I think of "Michael Bay"ishness as a bad thing in movies.

Explosions for no reason. Narrative leaps that make no sense except to get to the next action. Plot only serves as a device to get from one explosion/action scene to the next with no character development or originality whatsoever.

If you've outgrown your teens and still like Michael Bay, I honestly feel pity for you. There is a world of brilliant filmmaking out there you're missing for this immature pablum.

To paraphrase, another film: Mr. Bay, what you've just made is one of the most insanely idiotic movies I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent film were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational plot. Everyone in this theatre is now dumber for having watched to it. I award you no stars, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Foundry worker puts wet scrap metal in furnace

Epic tank diorama

wtfcaniuse says...

I've tried smoke and explosion effects with cotton wool and dacron. Never turns out very well. Jealous of people who can make it look this good. The base is pretty average though.

BSR (Member Profile)

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

newtboy says...

So you think machine guns aren't firearms...or do you think they aren't really illegal?

Edit: What about bazookas, grenades, mortars, etc.?
They are firearms by the federal definition....

(3)The term “firearm” means (A) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (D) any destructive device. Such term does not include an antique firearm.
(4)The term “destructive device” means—
(A)any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas—
(iii)rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces,
(iv)missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce,
(v)mine, or
(vi)device similar to any of the devices described in the preceding clauses;

harlequinn said:

The 2A specifically says "arms". There is plenty of debate and case law regarding what arms they meant. Suffice to say there isn't a shadow of a doubt that it means firearms (long and short) of all varieties commonly available.

"doesn't mention anything about not restricting the types of armaments people can use"

It does restrict the government from making laws in this regard. The 2A is a law restricting government, not the people. "shall not be infringed" literally means you shall make no law that affects this right in any way.

Two Players struck by lightning

lucky760 says...

I find this hard to believe.

I've seen a lot of videos of people catching on video a close-up lightning strike (like in their backyard) and there's always an enormous, deafening explosion sound when the lightning hits, and you also see it.

In this video there's just a flash in the sky and the two blokes seemingly just lay down with a bellyache.

Who launched the drone attack against Saudi oil facilities?

notarobot says...

There are commercially available drones that have a large enough cargo capacity off-the-shelf to for delivery of a big enough explosive to start a fire that could be quite destructive if delivered to the right location. Just $5k or $10 will be enough for each aircraft itself. Depending on how close the pilots want to be they could go as cheap as $1k for each drone, maybe lass.

Lucky for the Yemeni the technology in this video won't be available for another 3-5 years....

*quality *promote

Honest Trailers | Aladdin (2019)

lucky760 says...

Aladdin was one of my favorites in the 90s, and unlike many others, I've been perfectly content with Disney making live-action versions of all their old cartoons (just don't get me started on the atrocity that was the new Beauty and the Beast).

This movie was perfectly fine, except that Robin Williams's incredible performance was completely besmirched (as in it had poop rubbed all over it).

Aside from the great range in Williams's acting performance, his singing performance was so fun and exuberant and enthralling, as were all the songs in general.

They took those masterful Disney songs from the classic and just butchered them. I just felt disappointed at all the moments where I expected to feel an explosion of energy but instead fell flat.

Terminator: Dark Fate - Official Trailer (2019) - Paramount

cloudballoon says...

Well... the cliché is as old as cinema, true, BUT, if there's THE one female badass that truly would behave as such IRL, it would be Post-T2 Sarah Connor, isn't it? Both character (Sarah) AND actress (Linda Hamilton) EARNED the "calmly walk away from explosions" shtick in my book.

The All-time Greatest On-Screen Female Badass #1 & #2 gotta be between Sarah Connor or Ripley from Alien. For me I'd pick Sarah as #1. My jaw dropped so hard seeing the changes of Hamilton from T1 to T2. Freaking amazing.

BSR said:

Sarah Calmer? Wha...?

OK, the calm walking away from large explosions is getting really old.

I'd even bet there is a close up shot of a foot stepping out onto the ground from a car too. Haven't seen that compilation yet.

Terminator: Dark Fate - Official Trailer (2019) - Paramount

BSR says...

Sarah Calmer? Wha...?

OK, the calm walking away from large explosions is getting really old.

I'd even bet there is a close up shot of a foot stepping out onto the ground from a car too. Haven't seen that compilation yet.

FPV drone pilot is invited to film a power plant demolition

cloudballoon says...

I concur. This is more a fail than a success. The commission, I assume, is not to have something "cool" to see -- like watching aerial parkour -- but to have footage at each stages of detonations for the engineers to analyze if every calculations/explosive hookups went off as planned.

With that as parameters, there's almost nothing to see here. If the drone is equipped with a wide-angle lens and/or multi-cam setup (filming both the building and the smokestack at the same time) than maybe the video would be useful. What I see here is crap, narrated by clowns.

@mxxcon: The drone controllers are the assholes IMO. Shouldn't be paid, or paid 10-20% of the commission, max!

lucky760 said:

@TRRazor That was exactly my reaction...

THIS is the footage you got??? The edge of the screen showing something happening off screen, lots of empty idle ground mid-frame, and the very tail-end of the tower hitting the ground?

SUCCESS! not so much

WWI Bombs Are Still Being Found Over 100 Years Later

StukaFox says...

When I was in Belgium a couple of years ago, I visited a farm where they're still pulling WW1 iron out of the ground on a daily basis. "The Iron Harvest" it's called. Finding WW1 shells is so common that farmers in the area just collect them and put them at the end of their roads for the disposal guys to pick up.

The truly scary part is that somewhere in Belgium, there's about 87,000 kilos of high explosives, which was supposed to be used to blow an enormous hole in the German trenches became lost when the Brits had to fall back. To this day, no one knows where the explosives are. In 1955, lightning hit a similar "lost mine" and pretty much leveled an otherwise dull field of vegetables.

Article about these lost mines here:

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

So, you think, with no training, no equipment, no pay, and no oversight, I should become an armed vigilante, a punisher, and that somehow addresses police corruption? What?
Edit: I already do that when reasonable....when I see something I DO something. Where I live we have highway patrol and that's it. They don't show up when people are reported detonating huge explosives or shooting their guns rapid fire in the neighborhood, so I and others must investigate ourselves.

Police don't do those kinds of studies, why should I? They don't address corruption a bit.


Not a bit motivated to do meaningless busy work at your whim.
You do a study, it has nothing to do with solving police corruption and abuse, why would I?

Since it's your field, how about you do a study on how often police are given a pass on felonies that would put anyone else in prison. Then do another showing how often they get away with crimes that would cost anyone else their net worth. Then do one examining what happens to cops that turn in criminal cops. Then do a study about what happens to cops that threaten other cops off the force. Have your studies verified, repeated, and published, then if you aren't in prison on trumped up charges I'll give you that atta boy you didn't offer me before explaining what a waste of time that was.

Not a bit sure what your point could be. Cops do some needed work, so give all their crimes and abuses a pass?
What are you saying? Nothing rational or helpful that I discern.

Sounds like ' You need farmers to feed us all, so let them use deadly poisons and sell deadly, contaminated, even fake food without repercussions, or consider the implications of having no farmers.' a gnat.

Sniper007 said:

Well newtboy, how about this? Start promoting the concept of taking action on your own behalf and on behalf of your fellow man in situations that most would normally delegate to the police force.

Start first with listing every situation that would cause someone to call the cops. Be comprehensive. It might take several days or weeks. You may even want to interview subject matter experts to help with this ideation phase.

Then, come up with 3-5 alternative courses of action for each situation that don't involve a police force.

How motivated are you? I organize these types of research projects for a living. Heck, even without you I might undertake this project. I have many others higher on my list though.

Once you are done, it's a matter of publishing and promoting your research. I do all that as well.

TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time

Payback says...

Why is there a Winnebego driving through the super volcano explosion 300,000+ years from now?

(I'm kidding, I just know that's from 2012 along with half the other scenes)

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