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Insanely Big Explosion in Beirut, Lebanon (compilation)

Spacedog79 says...

I believe it did all go up, the explosion was about 1.1kt (TNT equivalent) because Ammonium Nitrate is about 0.4 times the explosive power of TNT.

wtfcaniuse said:

Apparently a lot of it didn't combust and was expelled by the blast. I saw an estimate of 1kt equivalent which is still massive.

"Weird Al" Yankovic is on the plane.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Largest ever 3D map of the universe

vil says...

"I especially appreciate the way everything very clearly looks like it exploded out of a central point."

No, that is not how it works. What you see in the model is our point of view. Whats closest to us is moving away slowly, what is further away is moving away faster.

If you choose any random point (you cant really, we are stuck here) and start your model there it would be similar but centered at your new point of observation.

Any random two points in space (in this model) will be moving away from each other with a speed that correlates to the distance between them (unless the two points are close and local conditions prevail temporarily).

The question of a "center of an explosion" and "where is it now" makes no sense. Everything that now is was in that centre, so now the center is everywhere (according to our current best model).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another right wing boogaloo boy Stephen Carrillo caught after trying to turn protests into riots shot multiple police and fbi, caught with a van full of explosives.

Right wing extremists are THE main terroristic group operating in America....have been since Trump was elected.

The Party of HATE

newtboy says...

Protesters and looters are separate groups.
Not one video shows what led to these attacks. Considering the source, that's not surprising, nor will it be surprising when they are shown in full and every "victim" either instigated the violence (like attacking a crowd with a sword) or the attackers were actually more right wing thugs posing as antifa/leftists to paint them as violent out of control monsters.
Stupid bitch...the one's arrested starting riots and with explosives were boogaloos...a Right wing, pro Trump group caught repeatedly now trying to start race riots dressed as antifa....and the FBI found no Antifa involvement in riots or vandalism in DC.

Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

newtboy says...

Looks like it's the boogaloos, a right wing, pro Trump, anti liberal, pro civil war, pro collapse of society group, stirring that pot of discontent. Three were arrested on terrorism charges with explosives trying to start riots in Las Vegas, and known members have been seen in almost every city that's had riots.

Can you point to a non OAN or Fox opinion report of verified antifa caught trying to start riots, fires, and explosions in the crowds? I haven't.

bobknight33 said:

Looks like Antifa stirring the pot of discontent.
Talk about Cultural appropriation.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

Drachen_Jager says...

Not a paintball.

Whatever it was, it used explosive propulsion, not gas, you can clearly see the flash just after 21 seconds. Paintball guns give a little puff of gas sometimes, but it wouldn't light up like that. Paintball guns also don't sound like that.

I hope it was some form of "non lethal" ammunition, but remember a reporter lost an eye just the other day to something similar.

The #1 job of the police is, and always has been, to enforce the divide between rich and poor. Most pretend or believe they are there to "protect" law-abiding citizens, but times like these their true colors shine through. If there weren't such a stark divide between rich and poor, 90% of the work police do would vanish. Maybe if they actually enforced the law when it came to rich people, laws on tax evasion and wage theft, I might believe otherwise.

Of all financially-motivated crimes in the US (theft, robbery, fraud, all that rolled together) the biggest sector, outweighing ALL OTHERS COMBINED by a 2:1 factor, is wage theft. Employers not giving vacation days, or breaks they're obliged to, forcing employees to work extra hours without pay, docking pay for illegal reasons, or simply not paying what they owe. This is a criminal enterprise that steals 15 BILLION dollars a year from working-class Americans for the benefit of people who already have more money than they can use.

If you steal money from the rich and get caught, you go to jail Period.

The penalty for wage theft, literally stealing from those who cannot afford to lose more? First offense, if you're convicted (which is rare) a $10,000 fine.

SFOGuy said:

I wonder what the heck it was? Paintball? More like...chalkball?
Their idea of a non-lethal (less lethal?) round?

I sort of doubt they have any authorization for that...

Covid 19-A Fireside Chat

newtboy says...

Why? I doubt you want an honest answer, but here's one anyway.

Because the Fed refused to help states in crisis and, to free up desperately needed hospital beds for those in immediate dire need of hospitalization, some infected patients who were not showing symptoms or in need of hospitalization were discharged to facilities where they could receive routine care outside the hospital.
Had this not been done, there would have been a massive shortage in hospital beds, and a corresponding jump in deaths across the board. It would have been smart to quarantine them separately like California did in many cases, at least until we were sure they were no longer infectious, but since American testing still gives 50% false negatives, that's impossible.
Because most nursing homes utterly failed to follow guidelines for properly quarantining these patients, and because the virus targets exactly the same people who live in nursing homes, elderly with health issues, and because the outbreak began in nursing homes and spread among them while Trump insisted there was no danger, it's less dangerous than the flu, there's no need to change behavior and we won't ever have over 15 cases, they were going to be a major problem.

Those were their only options given the federal government's near total lack of action, keep them in the hospital and deny other patients or send them "home" to be quarantined. Neither was a good option, both were certain to end in increased deaths.

If, as I and others suggested in January, we used the military to build temporary hospitals for covid only like China had already done and instituted social distancing, we would have <10% of the cases we've had and might be safe to relax. Instead we did nothing for months based on Trump's ignorant stupidity and his narcissistic insistence that he knows more about everything than educated career professionals, this cost at least 90000 American lives and rising, along with the decimation of the economy, the explosion of the deficit and debt, and at best a recession if not depression that could have been avoided.

bobknight33 said:

42% of all COVID-19 deaths are taking place in nursing homes that house 0.62% of the U.S. population.


newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Jay, Maine Pulp Mill Explosion, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 221 Badge!

newtboy (Member Profile)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Mekanikal (Member Profile)

Implosion creates leaning tower

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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