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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now we know it was not just Democratic senators Trump had investigated to try to blackmail them, but multiple reporters were tapped to try to find their sources for embarrassing articles they published about Trump, and even "tapping" the phones and computers of his own council, who he had directed to lie to congress, in order to keep tabs on what he was really telling people about Trump's criminal activities.

The excuse they came up with was trying to find "leakers" who gave the press embarrassing facts about the administration....not even a crime. Better, what they found was nothing. No evidence against the democrats they were secretly surveilling or their families or employees or their families had done anything illegal.

Of course, Sessions and Barr deny any knowledge of these dozens of personal secret investigations their department was performing at Trump's direction, which is absolutely asinine. These liars knew from day one and had to personally authorize all these illegal fishing trip investigations of Trump's enemies list and their friends, families, and co workers at Trump's order.

"They tapped my phone! They tapped my phone! This is just like Watergate!" Insisting that anyone involved should be in prison long term. All bullshit. Trump's phones weren't tapped, only payments coming from Russia's government were being looked at as part of an investigation of Russian election interference. Tellingly, this outraged and terrified Trump.
This Trump enemies list investigation, however, was a purely personal vendetta by the president abusing the power of government agencies to embarrass and influence his political rivals by directly investigating them over non crimes in a fishing expedition that extended to family and co-workers looking for dirt, not crimes, and not as part of any legitimate investigation. Anyone involved should go to prison long term. Just one more criminal case for Trump to defend against. He'll be dead long before he's done defending himself against serious charges...let's hope his family was involved personally so maybe some of the criminals won't escape responsibility.

newtboy said:

Remember how outraged Trump was that "Obama tapped my phone!", which was actually not true, but he never stopped claiming it happened and that Obama himself should go to prison for it?

Well, no surprise, like everything Trump gets outraged over, he was actually directing his heads of the DOJ to secretly tap Democratic senators phones and computers....

"The Justice Department in 2018 secretly subpoenaed Apple for the data of two Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (Calif.), as well as the data of their current and former staffers and family members." This included minor family members.

This was a pure political fishing trip, hunting for something to accuse the senators of to bring up before the midterm election.

Once again, Trump is guilty of what he complains about. It's so consistent that it's a great indicator that he personally defrauded the election because he keeps claiming others did....and what do you know, all evidence of fraud found was Republican frauds, all designed to help diaper Don, the biggest loser....your hero.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Fishermen Run For Their Lives

This Drone Tracks You So Good it's Kinda Scary

How Trump Fleeced His Own Supporters

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

Sure, his stated policy was "come in the legal way"....but he constantly added more restrictions and insurmountable hurdles to who could even apply, when, and where, trying to stop all legal immigration a few times and succeeding at slowing the legal process to a trickle by not funding more immigration courts, even cutting some funding to the few we had. He also drastically cut the number of legal immigrants accepted, and the number of refugees was cut to near zero.
At the same time, he cut anti narco terrorism funding, making it a choice for many of stay home and die or try to get in the he made those masses escaping serious death threats from cartels ineligible for asylum.

Yes, Obama created the temporary holding facilities, but his administration had a 72 hour limit on how long kids stayed there, not Trump, and Obama only used them for unaccompanied minors, Trump used them to separate children from their families and expelled the parents, often to Guatemala or farther away, in many cases not ever even trying to reunite families they separated, and holding the kids for months before putting them in the foster system.

There's some *specific* policies for ya.

bobknight33 said:

I can understand that false policy of F off and die. That was what fake news and late nigh pushed.

Trump policy was come in the correct legal way. Period
Trump was slammed for putting kids in Obama made caged. But fake news didn't tell you that part.

Biden created this problem and it is biting him in the butt.
I"m sure more video is out there that is equal or worse that this Biden mess.

*specific* policies or actions did the Trump administration take or promote............... He told them to come the legal process way and started wall , and enforced current laws to keep this mess from occurring.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Republicans Try to Dismiss Trumps Second Impeachment Trial

newtboy says...

It would be more convenient to go with a majority vote to bar him from office if it was that simple, but I don't think it really is. (In reality I think that's maybe not the best move, because if he can run and starts a new conservative party, it will guarantee a Democratic landslide because the liberal vote won't be cut in half)
No matter the method, it's imperative that calling for the overturn of a certified election by any means necessary, and sending a crowd to force trial by combat, instructing them to stop the congressional certification, don't let it happen (which is a a direct call for interference in government proceedings only possible by force) be punished not ignored or it begs for a repeat. It's far from just using the word fight, it's saying if you let them certify this election you lose your country, you've got to get rid of these representatives that won't go along with you, and fight hard, you can't let them install Biden, stop it, he's illegitimate and I won by a landslide but Biden stole it, do not let them certify him or you're country is gone they must elect me, I'll be there with you stopping the steal.

I seriously doubt the American people will see it that way, all polls show a majority agree with his policies over Trump's. The election reinforces that.

It's hard to imagine hurting the economy worse than Trump's disastrous pandemic response that continues to cause more damage today because the distribution part of his "plan" was 1/2 baked and 1/4 implemented. Hundreds of millions of vaccines are being shipped to Europe because he wouldn't commit to buying them when he could, even knowing he couldn't buy them later. Any misstep in the response cost lives and hurt the economy horrifically.
Then there's the 8-9 trillion added to the debt not including last year's unprecedented spending spree during a recession meaning the deficit his last year may be well over $4-5 trillion (I've seen estimates of $9 Trillion). The debt and deficit will be hard to screw up worse, but time will tell.

Let's be realistic that the majority of Americans never wanted Trump, so much they voted for Hillary the most despised politician at the time, 3 million more took nothing but not ignoring swing states and not being the most hated candidate in living memory to flip the electoral vote. Trump becoming the most despised candidate in history helped.

It wasn't a few thousand, my recollection is it was hundreds of thousands in most critical states, only a few were even close, only Georgia was as close as 12000, still more than a few, and Biden won easily without it.

The green new deal, if implemented, should create tens of thousands of good paying jobs. Innovation almost always pays off....again, time will tell. I'm of the opinion that it's too late to avoid climate disaster, probably too late to avoid a near total extinction next century without a miracle, but any mitigation is worth trying if it works. I don't want to live on Venus....and don't want my grand nieces and nephews to either.

I'll agree to disagree about guns. I've heard the same fear my entire life, claims democrats will take guns away, I once believed it. It's never happened even when they had the house, Senate, and Whitehouse. I'm pro gun and pro regulation.....a well regulated militia is what the constitution says. I respect your position even if I disagree.

I am a stickler for not fudging terminology. It makes understanding another person's argument impossible if they use words that are just wrong just because other people are misusing them, and is often used intentionally as a means of escaping one's statements by saying they didn't mean what they said, but only when tightly cornered. That's not an accusation, just a peeve. Bob, to name one, insists Trump's never been impeached.

Mordhaus said:

I could quote legal scholars who think otherwise, but since it is kind of split down the middle, you would be able to find just as many that argue that it is constitutional. My opinion goes towards the non-constitutional side. He isn't a sitting President any longer and the only reason Democrats are doing this is because, as you mentioned, it is a much higher bar to convince a jury that using the word 'Fight' means a call to insurrection. If they could manage to force it through the easier method, then they can simply call for a majority vote and block him from running again in 2024.

That is the net goal of the Democrats, because they fear he will win once people realize how badly the new ecological policies and debt from a further stimulus is going to hurt our economy. Let's be realistic in that it took Trump fucking up multiple times, the worst pandemic in 100 years, and the entire Democratic voting bloc turning out for Biden to win by a few thousand in the critical states that gave him the electoral mandate. I can't vote for him again, but there are plenty who would. Mostly poor and middle class working people who are going to be realizing just how bad Biden is going to fuck up the economy in the short term over his appeasement of portions of the green new deal.

We've discussed the gun situation to death. I could post quotes from Kamala and Biden, as well as his stated plan for gun control he put up on his site, but it would again serve no purpose. You feel that nothing will happen or it will only be limited to scary 'assault rifles'. I feel otherwise. We can bang our heads against the metaphorical wall over and over, but in the end neither of us is going to change the other's mind on gun control.

Sadly, in my case, that still means that unless Democrats do a 180 on gun control and illegal immigration I will continue to be forced to vote for Republicans. Also, yes, I mean the trial, but can we not split hairs? It's like asking for a Kleenex and getting nagged that you really meant Puffs.

Tacoma Police Car Plows Through Crowd

newtboy says...

No dummy, his life was never in danger, his windows were not broken, his escape not blocked. He could have easily backed out, evidenced by the fact that HE FUCKING DID BACK UP TO GET UP ENOUGH SPEED TO ATTEMPT TO KILL THE CROWD.

He wasn't trying to stop them, he wasn't trying to escape them, he was trying to kill them. That is the quick path to anarchy, when contempt of cop becomes a capitol offence and the cops are judge, jury, and executioner, that's anarchy, not law enforcement. Duh.

"the police shouldn't take any effort to stop us?"....are you trying to say murder is the only tool police have? So, if a cop sees you Jwalking they should just run you down and leave because you might look scary? Wow, that's some serious right wing insanity. Good thing for you they don't use those tactics against white people or there would be tens of thousands of anti maskers dead and another ten thousand treasonous traitors who tried to overthrow the government by force and murder.

And, I guess you're saying everyone involved in any way with the insurrection should be hunted down and killed. That was certainly a more violent, deadly crowd that actually attacked police, not just stood in front of one. I just think they should spend a decade in prison and lose voting rights for life.

drradon said:

Don't really understand the mentality of some of the comments above. So, if a police officer attempts to put a stop to an illegal activity , the perpetrators of that activity are free to attack the police officer and put his or her life in danger? It seems that you think we're all free to obey the laws we feel like obeying and blow off the rest - and if we do, then the police shouldn't take any effort to stop us? Sounds like a quick path to anarchy.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


So that's a great big "no, I still can't name a single one, but I'll keep claiming they were there and in charge". Typical, can't back up your lie (I was going to call it a specious claim, but that implies it's plausible but wrong....your claim isn't even plausible) but won't ever admit you're wrong, no matter how stupid and baseless the lie.

Yeah, no evidence must mean it's been magically erased from the entire internet, not that it never existed anywhere but extreme right wing propaganda sites that put forth liar's opinions as facts. Of course, I'm not going to bother with your propaganda site, it's probably hosting viruses like most far right propaganda sites, and it clearly isn't worth reading based on the title and source.
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

Let me ask, what was that former fbi agent doing there. Answer, infiltrating the capitol and trying to overthrow the government for Trump. You really think anyone is going to buy his baseless excuse that all those hundreds of unmasked and identified Trumpists smashing into the capitol, and the thousands outside murdering police on camera were really busloads of masked antifa, I guess in mission impossible masks that facial ID software identifies as Trumpist individuals.

Or is your claim that the thousands of Trumpists were led by a small group of black masked anarchists they want to kill who told them the same thing Trump told them, fight hard, get rid of those representatives and Pence, and while they didn't listen to Trump when he said it an hour earlier, they did listen to their political enemies and committed treason on Antifa's direction?

Just don't look at the thousands of posts made by the Trumptards from inside the building during their hunt for elected officials to assassinate, because you might notice a distinct lack of Antifa and a thousand or more stating that they're there because Trump said to go fight, and they want to murder officials and install Trump as dictator for life, not because this black masked hippy said to.

Jesus, you're so fucking stupid and infantile, trying that insanely ridiculous excuse to try to deflect from the FACT that Donny riled them up into a murderous armed mob and sent them to the capitol to "get rid" of the representatives that wouldn't join their insurrection, and the FACT that they went directly there and followed his instructions, telling anyone within shouting distance they were there at Trump's direction because they are listening to the president and are stopping the steal. It makes you look like a spoiled baby who, after telling everyone she is going to have cookies no matter what anyone says and was caught red handed stealing and eating cookies, tries to blame their imaginary friend for shoving those cookies into their mouth.

No one is buying it, even if it were true, and it's absolutely not, it's not an excuse, and it only makes you a brain dead liar willing to say any lie to escape responsibility for your parties actions once again.



bobknight33 said:

Looks like you are searching via google who have washed all evidence.

but if you want some truth.

C-note (Member Profile)

Ronnie James DIO in the studio - Pick of Destiny song

BSR says...

I hear you brave young Jaybles, you are hungry for the rock
But to learn the ancient method, sacred doors you must unlock
Escape your father's clutches and this oppressive neighborhood
On a journey you must go to find the land of Hollywood

In The City of Fallen Angels where the ocean meets the sand
You will form a strong alliance and the world's most awesome band
To find your fame and fortune, through the valley you must walk
You will face your inner demons, now go my son and rock

C-note (Member Profile)

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