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Wikipedia wars

Posting and you.

hixsonj says...

Basically all you have to keep in mind when joining a forum is that everyone is a dick who acts like they have an entire encyclopedia of information on a subject but can't offer anything more that "OMG cross post!" or "It's called search, n00b."

fissionchips (Member Profile)

The Encyclopedia Of Life opens (Blog Entry by BicycleRepairMan)

The Encyclopedia of Life

2007 TED Prize winner E.O. Wilson on TEDTalks

Ballots voted using invisible ink due to "utter stupidity"

Kung Fu Sex--uh, it is NOT safe for work

MarineGunrock says...

The people in this clip may have Sex-Fu, But I have Google-Fu! It's from a move called "A Chinese Torture Chamber Story"
Ass; I kick it.

You can read a summary of it here. (I haven't yet)

[edit] There's no need to be condescending, Thylan. You can easily make your point otherwise.

Entire Scientology Awards Show! Watch it Before It's Gone!

BillOreilly says...

I'm a street sweeper, but I have less influence than a housewife? Who made that rule?

I guess they couldn't use acronyms for street sweeper, cause "SS" wouldn't have looked good in the L Ron Hubbard encyclopedia under "occupation".

The Science of Remote Viewers (9:59)

rembar says...

LOL at "well-respected parapsychologist", that phrase is an oxymoron and especially ironic considering the two professors you're talking about. Tart got a Pigasus Award in 1981 for being such a tool, and Targ was one of the ones who thought Uri Geller was an actual psychic before Randi debunked him. Targ was so far gone as to publish a book (Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities) saying as much with his Scientologist buddy Harold Puthoff.

Speaking of parapsychology, Susan Blackmore has a PhD in parapsychology and she has a few things to say about her experiences here and here. I particularly like this quote: "The way I really think is more like this: 'I am a scientist. I think the way to the truth is by investigation. I suspect that telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis and life after death do not exist because I have been looking in vain for them for 25 years. I have been wrong lots of times before and am not afraid of it.'"

As to the Ganzfeld experiments, causation can't be established to any psychic phenomena. As Dgandhi said, yes, there is a statistically significant effect, but that effect is linked instead to severe experimental and analytical flaws, of which there are dozens if not hundreds, including amongst them interference in the procedure of the experiment by the researchers, outright cheating on the part of the researchers, allowing subjects to receive aural clues (as Dgandhi said above), and even basic failure to perform proper randomization.

Then again, Mink, I couldn't care less about debunking every single experiment "proving" psychic phenomena, especially if the only thing you have to offer is mindless throw-away comments without any actual effort on your part, when you don't even read the report I cited that did, in fact, offer debunking and criticism galore. It's boring, it's already been done, and, most importantly, the onus is not on me to prove anything.

I am going to finish up by quoting Dghandi, because what he wrote so eloquently bears repeating:
"The question is have these organizations produced extraordinary evidence through replicable experiments to back up their extraordinary claims, and the answer is still no."

Yves Behar Talks About the $100 Laptop

Have You Ever Heard Of Conservapedia?

omnistegan says...

I love Conservapedia's slogan: The Trustworthy Encyclopedia.

And the Breaking news on their site at the moment, "Hillary is plummeting!" doesn't seem biased at all. I mean seriously, at least lost the Exclamation Point there Fox n-- I mean Convervapedia.

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

MINK says...

Ranting about how you are not a raving loony... that's never a good look.

And your basic error on the origin of the Rothschild family was laughable, especially when you then point out a single spelling mistake.

from google, what happens when you type in "rothschild": - Welcome to Rothschild - One of the world's leading independent investment banking organizations providing financial services to governments, corporations and ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Rothschild family (often referred to simply as the Rothschilds), is an international banking and finance dynasty of German Jewish origin that ... - 59k - Cached - Similar pages

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

qualm says...

International financiers
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The international financiers or international bankers may refer to international finance institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, or national investment banks.

[edit] Conspiracy theories referring to international financiers

The term found some currency in conspiracy theorism. Adolf Hitler often blamed "international financiers" or explicitly "Jewish international financiers" for Germany's debt after the First World War. In a similar vein, Henry Ford's antisemitic writings (among them The International Jew) which referred to "international bankers", were used by Charles Coughlin for the same purposes.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Movie clip)

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