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Since 1928 ALL Republican Presidents Bushes or Nixons!

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

SDGundamX says...

I hate to burst the "private property" argument bubble, but trespassing is only a crime in most states if you have signs posted clearly delineating the borders of your property. See: which clearly states that the trespassing law for Oklahoma requires signs posted every 200 feet and at the entrances and corners.

As for the warrant, as others have mentioned, a cop only needs a warrant to conduct a search. It's not required for him to come up and ring your doorbell to ask for directions.

So to sum up, the cop is not trespassing, nor does he need a warrant. Considering that according to Oklahoma gun laws almost anyone can get a carry and conceal permit so long as they aren't felons, this could have happened to anybody who happened to be carrying when the dog charged.

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

thinker247 says...


1) Season - Fall, when Delta Burke comes out to see her shadow.
2) Place in the world - In the bushes outside of KP's house, watching him watch me on his live-feed broadcast.
3) Children's book - Encyclopedia Brown or George W. Bush's biography
4) TV Series - South Park and the episode of To Catch a Predator with blankfist.
5) Word - scrumdiddlyumptious
6) Film - American History X
Creature - duck-billed platypus
9) Past time - Trivial Pursuit
10) Person - My best friend, who continues to lurk, without joining VS.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Tiger
12) Sweet or savoury - This would be a great question for Jeffrey Dahmer.
13) Cereal or Toast - Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
14) Tan or pale - Fluorescent
15) Shoes or barefoot - Socks
16) Desktop or laptop - special underwater goggles with high-speed wireless Internet
17) Drive or walk - bicycle
18) Drama or comedy - dramedy
19) Sex or food - Why can't we combine them?
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - McCain's Press Conference in Front of a Cheese Case, or Tool's Sober
22) A great comment on one of your vids - "More proof god hates orphans." From blankfist, on my post about the orphans.
23) Most off the wall member - QM, if that wall is made of rationality
24) Favourite user name - schmawy
25) Your most used channel - comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - I only get one? Hmm. Probably when I mocked the brother of Soulja Girl, and bi-polar sufferers everywhere. Good times.
27) Best avatar - Emperor Blankfist
28) Partner in crime - I have so many circle jerk partners. Where to begin?
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - my lurking best friend does. And my other friends know I love the site.
30) Idea for the site - Give me a crown, and a jar of marmalade.

About you

31) Where do you live - A decent house in Boise in Ada county in Idaho in the United States of America in North America in the western Hemisphere in Earth in the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy in the universe in God's puckered anus.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - It depends on what we're smoking. I don't smoke cigarettes.
33) Left or right handed - LEFT. You know we're better!
34) Hair colour - Brown, with an ever-growing tinge of grey.
35) Relationship status - Single and stalking. I mean looking.
36) How tall - Taller than Jon Stewart, but shorter than Michael Jordan.
37) Children - Hell no. I can barely take care of myself.
38) Ever had an operation - On my left knee when I was ten. They let me watch. It was AWESOME.
39) Best feature - My ravishing blue eyes, or my tattoos.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - intelligent, sarcastic, procrastinator, under-achiever

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Bertrand Russell
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Nope.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Does the Bush administration count as one person?
44) Relive a moment in your life - [redacted] That is privileged information.
45) Have a superpower - Invisibility
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - Find out what would happen if Hitler had won World War II.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Getting a boner in public, in the most awkward of situations. Then trying to hide it.
48) Be president for one hour - FIRE ZEE MISSILES!
49) Delete a period in history - The fall of Greece to the beginning of the scientific revolution.
50) Achieve one thing - Write and publish a book.

Obama Slams McCain for Calling him a Socialist

9980 says...

>> ^gwiz665:
It's not really his place to educate the masses on the merits and faults of socialism. We have schools for that.

I think that might be wishful thinking. With the state of education in this country, I believe more than a few of us would benefit from a refresher, and with just days before the election, I doubt many voters will be cracking open an encyclopedia to check.

1970s classic video from Ghengis Khan

The Disco Just Got 100 Times Eviler Man! (Dark Talk Post)

evil_disco_man says...

Never thought I'd get this far - I was really scratching and clawing for the last 80 or so. Music isn't the easiest thing to sift, but it just goes to show how open-minded people here are, giving my random choices a chance even if they'd never heard it before.

So thanks to you guys and gals whose promotes and consistent upvotes I desperately needed - you know who you are. Also thanks to the Beggar's Canyon and whomever voted against increasing to 15 the # of votes needed to be sifted (or my pqueue would be bigger than KP's Encyclopedia of Smartass Remarks).

I shall now slink back into the shadows to lurk around, looking for things to promote - one hand on hip, the other pointed firmly up in the air, alternating, shaking my booty I go. Muwahaha.

Biden Chokes Up During Debate

Shocking, Israelis celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11

New GOP Spin: Palin Is Not Ready

John McCain lies about Privatizing Social Secuirty

NetRunner says...

>> ^choggie:
Netrunner, yet another post like this, considering that Skeletor is most assuredly going to crumple under the weight of the implant Obama, and has not a fiddler's fuck chance of becoming the next US President ....the same tactics used by the defective entities which call themselves "journalism" and "media" are used by the most hood-winked consumers of this tripe....
exercises as nebulous as the US presidential electoral process need to be treated as if just as or more dysfunctional and abused as the social security system, not ignored or this all that consumes you, the retrograde, sophomoric tittering over symptoms of a diseased limb, rather than the excising of it??? Here's one vote for tone, the same for editorial, and an honorary J. Hoard, Muckraker of the Month Award-
(the trophy is a Jack-booted black rabbit, tearing out the pages of an encyclopedia, sitting atop a television set)

You and I disagree about what the diseased limb is, and how to excise it. To me, excising the limb is all that consumes me, and I'll gladly stoop to sophomoric tittering since it seems to be all you need to swing an election (Bush is the best evidence of this, ever).

In any case, this ain't sophomoric tittering, that's more the Colbert/Stewart stuff, or me talking about the color of John McCain's teeth...or you calling him Skeletor.


John McCain lies about Privatizing Social Secuirty

choggie says...

Netrunner, yet another post like this, considering that Skeletor is most assuredly going to crumple under the weight of the implant Obama, and has not a fiddler's fuck chance of becoming the next US President ....the same tactics used by the defective entities which call themselves "journalism" and "media" are used by the most hood-winked consumers of this tripe....

exercises as nebulous as the US presidential electoral process need to be treated as if just as or more dysfunctional and abused as the social security system, not ignored or this all that consumes you, the retrograde, sophomoric tittering over symptoms of a diseased limb, rather than the excising of it??? Here's one vote for tone, the same for editorial, and an honorary J. Hoard, Muckraker of the Month Award-

(the trophy is a Jack-booted black rabbit, tearing out the pages of an encyclopedia, sitting atop a television set)

Antonin Scalia: Torture Is Not "Cruel and Unusual Punishment

SDGundamX says...

>> ^twiddles:

Amendment VIII
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
1: the act of punishing
2 a: suffering, pain, or loss that serves as retribution
   b: a penalty inflicted on an offender through judicial procedure
3: severe, rough, or disastrous treatment

Nowhere does it define punishment as being post conviction. Indeed the amendment as a single sentence mentions bail which is certainly not restricted to post conviction. The logical conclusion based on the possible definitions of punishment - even if you were to read the constitution and its amendments literally - is that cruel or unusual punishment (severe treatment) at any time is prohibited. How do you get to punishment as being only something that happens upon conviction? Any case law to back that up? Is it okay if I hit you repeatedly with an iron bar as long as I am "interogatting" you? That flies in the face of logic. If you stretch it enough you can say it is okay if you kill the suspect as long as you were interrogating them.
I agree with NetRunner, Scalia isn't doing his job correctly and he is being a smug prick about it.

rickegee already pointed out the case law.

The dictionary definitions are moot because legal definitions differ from common dictionary definitions. Here is the legal definition of cruel and unusual punisment. Note that it specifies convicted criminal defendants:

"cruel and unusual punishment n. governmental penalties against convicted criminal defendants which are barbaric, involve torture and/or shock the public morality. They are specifically prohibited under the Eighth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. However, nowhere are they specifically defined. Tortures like the rack (stretching the body inch by inch) or the thumbscrew, dismemberment, breaking bones, maiming, actions involving deep or long-lasting pain are all banned. But solitary confinement, enforced silence, necessary force to prevent injury to fellow prisoners or guards, psychological humiliation, and bad food are generally allowed. In short, there is a large gray area, in which "cruel and unusual" is definitely subjective based on individual sensitivities and moral outlook. The U. S. Supreme Court waffled on the death penalty, declaring that some forms of the penalty were cruel and prohibited under the Furman case (1972), which halted executions for several years, but later relaxed the prohibition. The question remains if the gas chamber, hanging, or electrocution are cruel and unusual. Cruel, certainly, but hanging was not unusual at the time the Bill of Rights was adopted. (See: capital punishment)"

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc.

No one is saying it's okay to beat (American) prisoners or the like. The argument is that other constitutional rights and other laws are being violated in those cases: not the 8th Amendment.

Encyclopedia Britannica Commercial

jwray (Member Profile)

chilaxe says...

Ha! I meant only to kid about the audience not knowing the difference between a dictionary and an encyclopedia. I fear on the line between humor and tragic reality, I have treaded too close to the latter.

In reply to this comment by jwray:
Network News: is the dumb content created to cater to the dumb audience, or is the dumb audience the result of the dumb content?

Both. And it's a recursive race-to-the-bottom if you try to oversimplify things so much that 99% of the audience can understand it without even bothering to look up a word up in a dictionary.

Wikipedia wars

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