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Helicopter Nearly Collides With Drone Off Hollywood Coast

Helicopter Nearly Collides With Drone Off Hollywood Coast

SFOGuy says...

Yep; just like a birdstrike to the cockpit or for a big commercial class drone--engine intake or like a FLOCK of geese coming through the cockpit windshield.

nock said:

It's only a matter of time until there's a major accident.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Firing the 16" 50 caliber guns on the Battleship New Jersey

Beirut Explosion Pressure Wave Slowed Down

moonsammy says...

Set it to 1/4 speed at about 1:28 for a really kickass slideshow, with accompanying ambient horror movie background drone! Seeing all the windows simultaneously kick out of the top floor of (what I'm going to call) front building #4 at 1:34 is interesting.

SpaceX Starlink 10 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing

BSR says...

I may be mistaken but, this may be the first time the booster landed on the drone ship and the camera didn't black out.

Lawyer's Reaction to Carnage at Lafayette Square

newtboy says... said it, so it's on you, and no excuses...I'll put my $50 in your commissary account if you're convicted......aaaaaannnnnd GO! ;-)
Edit: (Hint)-early drones can be bought without ID and have few serial numbers to erase, think Venezuela, if Trump can try to assassinate a president, he should be fair game for retaliation, right? ;-)

I take the fact that he didn't burst into flames as undeniable proof that there's no god and religion is just another scam designed for little more than to take 10% of your money and rape your children. If God could smite anyone, he would have done it right then.

Mystic95Z said:

tRump is the biggest loser pussy to ever hold the Presidency, he has to go now by any means necessary. I would have been so befitting if he had just burst into flames there holding that bible being he is so amoral and so not religious.

Norway landslide sweeps homes into sea

Norway landslide sweeps homes into sea

Norway landslide sweeps homes into sea

Boeing Unveils First Loyal Wingman Aircraft

Watch a Breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm

Jay, Maine Pulp Mill Explosion

High-Rise Fire Fighting Drones

SFOGuy says...

I don't get it. 20 minute charges with regular battery swaps? How could you ever get enough foam/water on the fire? and that water stream doesn't seem like it would reach very far into the building where the fuel (office papers, furniture, etc) are...

Why not just power the drones of a power umbilical paired with the hose (yes, it would have to be really light) Why bother with a battery pack?

newtboy (Member Profile)

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