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How Can a Glass of Beer Demonstrate the Quality of a Tank?

X-Wing in a Bowling Alley.

X-Wing in a Bowling Alley.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

How The Arecibo Telescope Could Help Save The World

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

The ACA was passed on party lines, it was going to be screwed up because of that no matter what. What pisses me off about it is that instead of trying to come up with a better solution, the Democrats rammed that fucker through. I can only assume it is because for a brief period they had control of the legislative and executive branches all at the same time. So rather than take a chance to fix it, they figured if they were going to get anything they might as well get it in place.

Obama inherited the situation in the ME. Bush fucked up royally. Obama just took a bad situation and made it worse. Admittedly, there were other fingers in the pie also, but he is still culpable.

The rules for the drone war were decided by Obama's administration. Regardless of what Bush did before, that lays 100% on Obama and his team. Some good articles to read:

newtboy said:

Remember, the ACA was barely passed and had to be watered down so red state democrats would vote for it, then the states had the option to opt in or out of federal assistance. Those that opted out all had terrible experiences with higher insurance costs, states that opted in had relatively stable costs and millions insured, lowering medical costs across the board (because they didn't have to eat 30% of bills and pass the cost to the rest of their patients). Should have been universal single payer. (Side note, my insurance went up 5-10% before Trump, and more than doubled under Trump. I've had the same policy since 08.)

Funny, the people I recall claiming Daesh was a nothing burger were all Republicans, Democrats were pushing to take them on immediately when they emerged in northern Iraq. You do remember who took us into Iraq with no plan to leave, right? Not Obama.
Wasn't it Bush who decided the rules for war in Iraq, like everyone's a combatant? Obama failed to fix them and that's why he lost my second vote, not doing enough...granted he had a pure obstructionist Senate so was stimied, but I expected more.

I feel like people's political memories only go back through Obama now, and that's just dumb. Our history is much longer, our memories should be too.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

I'm not arguing the merits of either. I don't think Trump is a good man or President.

It's my firm opinion that Obama chose to play the long game, hoping that the anger over Garland not being confirmed would influence the upcoming election. He believed that they might take the Senate back and then either he or Hillary would then be able to get the nominee they wanted. Plus as @newtboy pointed out, there was no way any pick he chose was going to pass muster with the Republican controlled Senate. Picking another person would likely tarnish them and remove a good liberal pick from future selection.

I consider Obama a good person and a mediocre President. I voted for him the first time because I bought into his mantra of change. It didn't happen. He forced through the ACA on party line votes, fucking up my personal situation in regards to doctors and insurance. He further screwed up the situation with the middle east which directly led to the entire Syria/ISIS situation. He did authorize drone strikes that led to many non combatant deaths and some pretty reprehensible situations. That is including the fact that his administration considered any military aged male in strike zones to be enemy combatants UNLESS they could be verified otherwise after their death. So many of those were not counted. There are other issues I have with his Presidency, but those are some of the big ones.

He did kill Bin Laden. I will give him kudos for that. I also think that once he lost control of the Congress in his second term he had no way to get anything accomplished, so I can't say he wouldn't have done something I liked in his second term. He is also an amazing orator.

BSR said:

Obama is an honorable man. Trump is a deplorable man.

Pasco depression continues to grow and threatens business

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today 6 more right wing terrorists were arrested for plotting to kidnap the Governor of Michigan, one of the state's Trump told them to "liberate". They blamed her for closing gyms, and if they can't shower with other men, life isn't worth living for them.

Edit: UPDATE , that's now 11 right wing extremist terrorists caught so far in this latest act of terrorism, and the plans included bombing state government buildings and attacking state police, training included combat training with firearms and explosives. I'm betting there was a set of monkey bars at their clubhouse too.

Just one more group of Trumpsters caught being terrorists intent on attacking America, and taking steps to realise that goal. Trump is Bin Laden 2.0, inciting dozens of terrorist attacks on America. Where's a drone strike when we need it?

Naval Assault Suit Trials

BSR says...

As is, I think this is very limited as to what one can achieve. It's basically a man drone. The arms and hands are useless at all times while flying.

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

newtboy says...

True, but the argument itself suggests the rogue government would have a military we need to protect ourselves from with said rifles.

The public might have access to nearly equivalent rifles, but not the funds to buy those in great numbers. How many people do you know with a .50 caliber and the skills to use it?
Then there's all the weaponry you can't have. Grenades. Mortars. Armored armed vehicles. Drones. Navy guns. Missiles. I R scanning and other optical tech. Training. There's a lot more to the military than rifles.

With high tech warfare, guerrilla tactics should be far less effective than Vietnam, and Americans don't seem up to suicide bombing as a main tactic. It could sting them, but I don't think it could last like Red Dawn.

Once again, I'm pro gun, I have guns, I just think it's ludicrous to think they could fight the military. I'd be lucky to get a second shot off.

Mordhaus said:

To be fair, that assumes that elements of the military or guard do not also join the rebellion. Additionally, guerrilla forces can at least make it too costly for a military to continue, e.g. Vietnam and Afghanistan.

As long as the public has access to rifles that are at least close to the level the basic infantryman has, there is a chance (albeit a small one) that the people could resist a government that turned it's back on the Constitution.

Helicopter Nearly Collides With Drone Off Hollywood Coast

CaptainObvious says...

Would it be too expensive to have some sort of transponder on the drones and some sort of receiver / warning device on the manned vehicles? If they had collided, is the most likely outcome the drone would just have shattered?

Helicopter Nearly Collides With Drone Off Hollywood Coast

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