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I Asked AI To Make A Music Video - This Is The Result

newtboy says...

Tuning out of star-light, the innocent lifetime flickers and flashes onto a canvas. But no, nobody seems worth it

And while the feeling's sophisticated, the view is so restrained. The past is nearing closer, and closer I fear.

So let's just cut the bullshit, and tell me who's independent. Thumbs twiddling' and your life's escaping your mind

Keep In mind, well the air ain't as free as it used to be but that's quite alright while you're still eighteen

It seems, to be, and i'll tell you who's over-rated. What's a beautiful person with some hideous dreams?

And while the lining isn't silver, we're verging on the side of the road, that'll take us home.

The edge of us is getting weighed, read about your life in your local papers.

Realize, the end of us is getting near, you're just a droplet of paint trickled off your canvas.

Delirious, illusions flowing backwards through the river of colour while we analyze to try to see it clearer. Secretly appealing to a lonely prisoner. Now what's your vision?

Initiate your shading, blend the universe together in time it only gets a little easier. Suddenly you piece yourself back together. Now what's your vision?

And I don't wanna have to give a damn about you or your inhibitions.

After all, you're the one who taught me love was not for every body.

However, I'm starting to see this world in the right light, yet still gets darker.

You see, it's just a simple symphony, or a painting? Whatever

This unnatural path, it spans infinitely, but my world is crumbling.

Let it collapse into the abyss, in the midst of summer it won't exist.

This emptiness, it's just a blank slate, waiting for a painter to interfere.

It's quite complex, but what do I know?

Ministry of Truth Interrogates Man Who Shared Misinformation

ant (Member Profile)

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

cloudballoon says...

Brain so fried bob doesn't remember which party of debauchery the Cawthorn, Gaetz and their cabal of sexual deviants belong to.

Or is bob just can't accept the level of Republican's hypocrisy?

Republicans are so ill to even dream up all those sickening, baseless accusations, one have to imagine what goes through their head all day. Like, that's Psycho & Sociopath level of mental. Seek help. Please.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

Big difference between hate and truth.

Too many straw man arguments .

We WILL Fix Climate Change!

newtboy says...

What’s he mean “young people”? I’m 50, I’ve felt that way since 1990 because I pay attention. We are addicts, addicts use until they die, they don’t quit because their health suffers.

At 3 degrees some developing countries won’t be able to feed their population!?! WTF?! That was the case before any climate changes, dummy. It’s bad now. It will be apocalyptic relatively soon…like decades, not centuries.

WILL cause trillions in damage!?….guess again, already happened. It WILL cause tens of trillions in damage per year, eventually outpacing global gdp.

What scientists are he counting when he says “most agree” we won’t see this kind of future? Certainly not climate scientists, they agree it’s happening, and none see it even slowing, much less getting better. From what I saw, they just went on strike because they’re sick of being ignored.

Leveled off, eh? Look at your own graph to see that China’s coal consumption went up by 5000 twh equivalents since 2010, and is insanely massive…it went up by more than the US used at its highest levels (in his timeline). But he calls that “leveled off”. Who is this guy? He’s insane or lying through his teeth.

Solar and wind have been better than coal economically for decades, but we haven’t switched over, have we?

Where does he get his statistics, because every time I see real numbers we’ve only slowed our increased emissions by 4%, we have not actually reduced them….like saying Obama reduced the military budget because he didn’t increase it as much as previous administrations. It’s asinine.

India isn’t building trillions in solar, they’re building fossil fuel power plants and hydro electric, also disastrous for the environment….and useless after their glaciers fail.

The CO2 in the atmosphere will be there for 300-1000 years, carbon capture is a ridiculous pipe dream that completely ignores the scope of the problem. Methalhydrate is already destabilized, and it’s 25 times as potent as CO2. The total global amount of methane carbon bound up in these hydrate deposits is in the order of 1000 to 5000 gigatonnes – i.e. about 100 to 500 times more carbon than is released annually into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). It’s melting now faster every day, and will surpass human carbon emissions.

None of his “requirements” are happening. What we need is less people….like 90% less.

Progress is being made, minor progress in small amounts on tiny scales…so are increases in emissions but on massive scales and unfathomable amounts….emissions that needed to be at zero decades ago to save civilization as we know it. Climate refugees exist today in huge numbers, think how difficult 1 million Syrians were for Europe to absorb, now multiply by 2000 or more when all equatorial nations become uninhabitable. Where will we grow food with refugees covering every bit of land? Get real.

He admits that stopping warming below 1.5 degrees is impossible, and 3 degrees before 2021 likely (many say by 2050). Did he forget that 1.5 degrees warming is where we lose control and feedback loops make our emissions moot?

Do you even science, dude?

He gave me zero hope, because I know most of his pie in the sky “hope” is utterly ridiculous and runs contrary to reality and human nature. I wanted some good news, I got pablum.
Booo Kurzgesagt. Try being honest and not ignoring the facts, please. BOOOOO!

Last Week in the Republican Party

newtboy says...

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. 😉
Democrats have failed at some decent legislation because Republicans think “just say no” works for drugs and Legislating, it’s the Republican platform….and it’s a losing one.
There is no actual platform, they have no plans, no accomplishments. Only sedition, comforting our enemies, obstruction of legislation and justice, insanity and lies, praising Putin, and attacking each other for not cowtowing to Trump enough.

The Republican Party is too busy calling each other RINOs and crazy morons to campaign, and Republican voters are disillusioned again and will likely not vote. Those that do will be split between feculent and dishonest but sane old school candidates and the Trump/“freedom caucus” bat shit crazy nonsense candidates. They have no issues to campaign on thanks to Trump who made them the party of spend and spend. Economic superiority is now a Democratic trait, as is standing up to our enemies instead of cuddling up to them. What, besides “we aren’t liberals” do Republicans have left?

Not to mention the growing number of sitting representatives who are being made incapable of or disqualified from holding office by being convicted of felonies and/or giving aid and comfort to enemies of America…. Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry for instance, found guilty Thursday of 3 felonies and facing 15 years in prison. He’s still in office…an incumbent that’s going to have a hard time keeping his seat. Green too, being seriously challenged on being fit for office under the 14th amendment thanks to her support for sedition along with 6 others. Suddenly Republicans hate the constitution and want much of it abolished.

Also, Republican support by independents, the group that let Trump only lose the popular vote by 3million, no longer supports Republicans. Mid terms will be interesting, but a Trump in the whitehouse? Keep dreaming the national nightmare…ain’t gonna happen. It’s likely to be another Red tsunami like 2018, but never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter, anything could happen.

eoe said:

I don't think you've been paying attention. Democrats have been failing at all attempts at decent legislation. A lot of the progressive democrats are disillusioned (again) and will likely not vote. I'm guessing there's gunna be a Republican sweep and possibly even Trump in office in 2024.

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

cloudballoon says...

But Eileen Gu is the classic American Capitalist. She follows where the (sponsorship) money is. Expert at her sport AND doublespeak. She's living her American Dream!

It's not kowtowing to China. It's just "smart business" if you take off that racist lens.

If Walmart is so patriotic, then they can stop sourcing from China.

If the American Auto Industry is so patriotic, they can stop buying their parts from China.

If Corporate America is so patritotic, they can stop opening up factories in China.

China's not forcing shit on America. It's America that love lapping up the cheapest shit they can find in China and beyond. Corporate America is not willing to pay a fair wage in America, they're even less willing to pay of living wage anywhere else, many forcing a "996" work schedule on staff (

"China"... it's an American addiction. Not the other way around.

ant (Member Profile)

Phooz (Member Profile)

Australia's Honest Government Ad | COP26 Climate Summit

newtboy says...

I think the worst part of these summits is their stated goals.
Paris intended to keep warming to 1.5 degrees by 2050 (no real plan beyond then)…but you might recall, 1.5 degrees of warming is considered the tipping point where feedback loops and natural processes outpace human inputs, meaning even if we hit zero emissions by 2050, and if everyone kept to their Paris agreement promises, and if other nations don’t continue to ramp up emissions, and if unforeseen feedback loops aren’t stronger or faster acting than predicted, we still lose control completely by 2050. That’s the best plan we have, runaway climate shifts in <30 years AT BEST….and no one seems to be living up to even that planned disaster of a plan. Emissions aren’t being cut, they’re increasing. Feedback loops are ramping up 40 years earlier than predicted. All the while, people are complaining that gas is over $3 (I haven’t seen it under $4 in decades where I live) and insisting we adopt some heavily polluting power generation instead of investing in green energy solutions. People assume, it seems, that some last minute fix will solve climate change, ignoring the fact that emissions from today are reactive in the atmosphere for between 25 and 150 years, so we needed to be at net zero 25 years ago to even start effecting the atmosphere today…and some emissions from the industrial revolution are still effecting us now. Net zero by 2050 (a pipe dream, and the best plan so far) is planning to fail completely…like turning off the blast furnace in your house when the thermometer hits 450.5 inside and thinking you can stop it from burning down.
If Covid taught us anything, it’s that there is 0% chance humans will be able to cooperate enough to tackle climate change. People were asked to simply wear a mask and distance a bit to save their lives, and enough refused to do it that the methods that worked beautifully elsewhere failed miserably to control a virus. If we can’t pull off such a simple, blatantly obvious plan against a virus, what chance is there of cooperation across the board to sacrifice enormous amounts of money and completely revamp our wasteful way of life in uncountable ways to stop something seen as a future problem by many? IMO, there so little chance of pulling it off that it’s statistically correct to say there’s absolutely no chance at all.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Georgia is using RICO against the Trump election fraudsters and Trump personally!!! Holy sheep shit….I mean, a Newt can dream, but I never really thought anyone would use this totally appropriate application of organized crime statutes against him. OMFG, he’s so toast.
They know exactly how to destroy criminal syndicates like the Trump administration.

Ooo…ooo…AND he just lost another round of court trying to exert executive privilege he doesn’t have over documents that were not part of any presidential business. Due for release Friday, Thursday is a court holiday. If there’s no stay today, he’s done for.

The Most Insane Ski Run Ever Imagined

moonsammy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Sweet Dreams (are made of various household gadgets), has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 18 Badge!

moonsammy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Dream on Soros troll.

newtboy said:

Bwwwaaaaahahahahaaaaa….as if you know the “truth”!?! I guess you forgot, you said truth and facts are for liberals. Conservatives have no use for either. Remember you said if the truth might hurt you, only a moron would be truthful, even under oath (defending Trump blatantly lying under oath to congress). When you gleefully supported lying even under oath, even from the person holding the highest, most powerful position on earth, you have abandoned truth and honesty completely.

….so. You’re giving up on the dishonest stupidity you’ve been trying to sell for 8+ months, that it was really all left wing ANTIFA and BLM activists posing as Trumptards (which would mean Trump’s rally was a massive failure because he didn’t have ANY supporters in the crowd?). You’ve finally decided to admit reality and try another tact, that it wasn’t criminal, just people voicing displeasure?! Jesus Christ, you will just say any stupid thing to avoid responsibility, won’t you. Trump taught you well (to ignore reality and spout insanity).

They attempted to voice their displeasure by violently overthrowing the government and murdering any representatives they disagreed with or police that tried to stop them you anti American traitor.

Thousands breached the walls with plans to hunt down and murder any representatives not fully on board with ignoring the election for Trump…up to and including Pence, who they erected a functioning gallows for.

Those caught aiding in the violent, deadly coup should be shot dead for treason, every single one who went one foot past the barriers, so anyone on the grounds…that’s over 10000 you traitor. Trespassing, a minor property infraction, is not what they did. They murdered and permanently disabled police as a group, both felonies. They intentionally did millions in damages to public property, felonies. They disrupted the function of the government, a felony. They attempted to murder multiple representatives as part of an attempted overthrow of the duly elected government, not just felonies but violent terroristic treason that calls for the death penalty. They should face a firing squad or worse, every one of them that crossed the barrier line is a traitor to America and a part of the deadly failed coup. Those that actually entered the building should first be stripped of citizenship, then they should be painfully and publicly executed in cruel ways (non citizens, no constitutional protections) and their estates all forfeit to the state in restitution. Their families should just be deported and stripped of citizenship.

Oh…so now you admit multiple Trump groups PLANNED a coup….but you’re going to pretend it was only 40 people?! Insane illogical utter bullshit. There were over 10 Trump supporting groups that coordinated the well planned attack, each with hundreds of members.

You are lying again though, they had specific written plans, pre determined targets to kill, specific items to steal or destroy, maps to their targets, broadcast updates on the location of targets, and a loudly and repeatedly articulated goal of stopping the certification of the election in order to install or retain Trump’s position despite the election results. Your “sources” are apologists that also think a trespassing ticket is appropriate but the same people who think supporting BLM should put people in prison for years, and marching with them should be a death penalty…people like you. Not having a good plan for your deadly violent coup doesn’t mean you didn’t try to overthrow the government, it just means you people are all dumb shits who couldn’t properly plan a birthday party for a 4 year old without adult help.

The prosecutors have been a major let down. This was a mob attack, everyone there should be charged with murdering a police officer, they were all part of that murder and the other 50+ attempted murders of police. To be consistent, they only need to file charges against the 10000 that went along with the 40 (and in reality there is mountains of evidence that there are hundreds that planned the attack, including Trump and his minions in congress that actively helped the terrorists during the attempted coup.) Those charges should clearly be treason and murder of a policeman at a minimum for anyone there. Anyone beyond the barriers was part of that mob, and knew it. Not one should ever see daylight again. Put one in front of me, they won’t.

I call for true patriots to find, publicly identify, and drive all these traitorous terrorists out of the country or 6 ft under. They are going to attack again, these minor tickets for attempting to overthrow the US government are invitations to try again. Only burning the terrorist’s houses and businesses and violent ostracism driving them and their families out of the country (I hear Afghanistan needs more people) might dissuade them from trying again.

To paraphrase you…if they didn’t want to be charged with treason and executed they should have complied with the police orders.

So…were you there Bob? You’re such a tool I know you wanted to be, but I suspect you’re too much a coward to walk the walk, you just talk the talk.

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