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GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

newtboy says...

Accidental Upvote, screen jerked. Someone please downvote the lie above for me.

Yes, rewriting with lies and false, ever evolving stories they can't keep straight.
If you're going to be a liar, you better be smart or you won't be able to remember the you.
Your life is nothing but lies and false stories. We all saw what happened live on tv, but you trust liar Trump over your own eyes and ears and the Everest of evidence you Maga morons left online...months of planning. Not one Antifa member has been arrested, not one BLM member, (the guy who once said black lives do matter doesn't count, I know it's all you've got) but hundreds and hundreds of stupid short bus Trumptards are awaiting prison because Trump told them to overthrow the government and make him president again. They said this repeatedly on camera. This was not business as usual, these were not peaceful protesters nor peaceful visitors, it was an armed, violent, quite deadly attempted coup. When you try a coup, you are an insurrectionist. As part of the mob rioting inside the capitol building, every single one is complicit in 5 deaths and should go away for life. If they WERE BLM or Antifa, you would agree.

You are the liar. You only tell false stories....constantly, and then hide like a baby when they are proven to be lies time and time and time again.

Your failed election/insurrection lies so far....
Trump won an election....that has never happened.
There was massive election fraud by democrats.
There was no attack on the capitol.
Trump wasn't involved at all.
Trump didn't tell them to attack.
Trump did everything possible to stop them.
There wasn't any violence.
It was really all BLM and Antifa, not Trumpists.
It was led by BLM and Antifa, who tricked Trumpists.
No one was armed.
It was planned by Pelosi.
It was planned by McConnell to please Pelosi.
It was a normal day and just some normal visitors acting appropriately.
Trump isn't so stupid that he stared directly into an eclipse on national television.....sorry, I guess that's unrelated, but still a failed lie.

Your idiotic bullshit is never ending....just saying baseless factless nonsense until people are so sick of it they ignore you, then calling that winning. Hint, that's losing like a spoiled baby everyone dislikes, not winning.

For you....Barry Morphew was charged with first-degree murder for the death of his wife Suzanne Morphew, but that didn't stop him from casting a ballot in her name for Donald Trump. Republicans actually murdered their loved ones to commit voter fraud for Trump, and he still lost in a historic landslide. Remove all the cheating, frauds, road blocks, voter purges, etc, Biden would have 75% of the vote, loser.

Second one for you....Trump is charging his secret service detail almost $200000 a year, $400 a day every day for one small room at Maralago to be near enough to protect him. No other ex president has EVER charged their security detail to stay on their property, I guess Trump is either so broke he really needs every tax payer penny he can squeeze out or so unpatriotic he just wants to keep sticking it to America....most likely both. Your hero, convicted fraud and charity thief who raised the debt in 4 years of a recovered economy as much as Obama in 8 years of recovering from the last Republican recession/depression....Your "financial genius".

And a third Trumptard snowflake story for today....7 republican majority counties in Oregon that make up 2% of the population voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho because they hate the liberal majority but think they shouldn't move, the state needs to change to suit them, giving up over 75% of the state, most of which doesn't want this, so they can not live in a liberal state. Talk about whining little bitches. Your party is Benjamin Buttoning back into this rate, by 2022 we can just abort you. Lmfahs!

bobknight33 said:

Not rewriting, Just correcting the lies/ false stories.

Parents Read of books from the LCPS Library

newtboy says...

Approved for high school, not for small children. Many high school books deal in explicit detail with murders, torture, kidnapping, being buried alive, dismemberment, etc....but these prudes flip out at the mention of sex. Grow up, repressed little babies. If you want to shield your children from reality, home school them.
If you're ok with the tell tale heart but upset by this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with sleepy hollow but have a problem with this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with mutiny on the bounty but have a problem with this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with kids reading the bible but have a problem with this, you have an outrageously serious problem you need professional help with.

It sure seems the issue is that they're black girls having oral sex, because the sex couldn't be more soft core and many high school books have sexual components much more graphic than this.

Enhancing photorealism in video games

Khufu says...

while this is cool, it's really just forcing a specifically art-directed look of the game(texture detail, color grading) into a dashcam-quality, drab color-scheme version. The game was obviously going for a more film-inspired color grading meant to give you the impression of a hot summer day in LA, not a cold German day seen through a raw ccd limited dashcam. cool that it's this fast though!

just saw the bit at the end with the broader dataset used.. that's more like it, keeps the vibrant color but does improve realism of things like road look.

My 50 Cal Exploded

Epic self-transforming self-moving Optimus Prime

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

Mordhaus says...

In our legal system, everyone involved gets to wet their beak. There was a documentary a while back that covered this in detail.

It is sickening how much the system fleeces from both sides.

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 T

StukaFox says...

I remember the first time I saw the Ring Nebula through my Dobsonian and thought "man, that thing is really far away". Then I swung my scope to Cassiopeia's "W" and looked at the ghostly smudge of the Andromeda Galaxy. I tried to fathom the distance and came up lacking. My eyes were better then and I could see things in the mid-6s, but even with full night vision and using averted vision, I couldn't make out any detail; it was just a little wisp of light where the middle was a touch brighter than the edges.
That was the day I fully became an atheist. It made no sense that God would put a smudge of light 2.5 million light years away that was actually a trillion purposeless stars. I had no answer for that. Standing on that runway in the Sierra mountains, enveloped in blackness and looking at Andromeda, I felt a direct link between myself, time and the universe. I didn't need heaven anymore and I never felt the existential dread of death ever again. I understood that I was part of infinity and that was enough.

This is why we can't have nice things

spawnflagger says...

I knew about the "planned obsolescence" of bulbs and nylon stockings, but this video had more details.

I gotta call B.S. on the "everlasting LED bulb" comment he makes at the end. I've had many LED bulbs fail after 2 years when they are supposed to last at least 8. Most of them Feit brand. Sure I could request a warranty replacement, but I'd have to pay shipping both ways, which costs more than getting a new one.

Apple has had class-action battery lawsuits almost every year since the iPod introduction. I did take advantage when they had $30 battery replacement for iPhones, but guess what - that's gone back up to "overpriced" as of last year. At least they support iOS devices with 5 years of software updates. Google has always been worse, and some 3rd party (HTC for example) ship new Android phones (at least their cheaper non-flagship models) with outdated software, and never release a patch.

Mom Says Neighbors Repeatedly Call Cops On Her Kids

A New View of the Moon

blacklotus90 says...

I had this experience up in Burlington, VT once - a bunch of home hobbyist astronomers had set up their telescopes on the street and were inviting people to take a look at astronomical bodies (moon included). The feeling of being able to see that level of detail with your own eyes is indescribable and it definitely reignited a sense of awe and wonder at space. Loads of towns around the world have similar groups that do public viewings - highly recommend it if you ever have a chance.

Plane Engine Catches Fire Over Colorado, Drops Huge Parts..

Consent, explained for Donald Trump

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Absolutely not going to your links. You have linked to virus hosts more than once...and I know these companies have absolutely not admitted they defrauded anyone....but I will gladly forward your libelous statements to them so they can add your name to the lawsuit if you desire.
Care to paraphrase what you claim Time says so I can investigate myself, including any important details and specifics not just "time said dominion admitted to fraud", or is that beyond your capabilities?

Some stupid Americans were defrauded by Trump and the right. Your blind insistence that these debunked and retracted false claims are true only shows you're still a dumb sucker. Even OAN and Newsmax have publicly stated there is no evidence of any vote fraud by these companies, the election was not rigged, it was properly certified, and Biden is the duly elected president.

How much did you give Trump to fight the steal, only to find that he only spent +- 4% on contesting the results without winning a single case or point, the rest went to his outstanding bills because he doesn't pay them.

bobknight33 said:

America was defrauded by these machines and the left.

And they openly admit it.

4yo old child in space suit becomes internet star in China

SFOGuy says...

I love this. Also--did anyone flash on the inflatable Xmas tree costume at Kaiser Hospital San Jose CA which is now thought to be responsible for over hundred cases and a death? The person WEARING the soon was an asymptomatic superspreader---and as they walked around the ER, they were blowing contaminated air under pressure out every outlet into the rooms...

Lava lake

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