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Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

Who wants proven innocent blacks executed anyway because, based solely on their skin color, he believes "they mugged someone"? Mr Don Trump- Trumpublican

Who wants to shove more "thugs" (his word for blacks) in prison for longer sentences? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who complained loudly that the Biden crime bill didn't lock up enough blacks for long enough? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who wants to execute way more "thugs" (blacks), but wants something less "comfortable" than lethal injection (like slow public hangings)? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who thinks white supremacists, treasonous confederates, and neo Nazis are "good people" who shouldn't serve time for rioting and attacking peaceful anti-racism protesters? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

Who still holds these beliefs and has never once apologized for them? Mr Don Trump-Trumpublican

You are so dishonest and desperate.

bobknight33 said:

Who is behind shoving blacks in jail? Mr Joe Biden, Democrat.

Who does not care about locking up blacks? Mr Joe Biden, Democrat.

Joe Biden's Crime Bill In his own words.

newtboy says...

Oh Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy hurt?
Edit: It's OK Bob, I know you care more than you can ever admit. I even care about you, even though I'm >90% sure you are a troll farm with multiple users posting as one with ulterior motives...maybe because that's who you are.
I care, because truth is important and you are a vocal enemy of truth.

You really want to talk about "his own words" when you side with unapologetically self admitted daughter lusting, serial philanderer, pornstar raw dogging, woman debasing and dehumanizing, forceful and proud repeated finger raping, friend's wives fucking, prostitute fucking, naked little girl leering, charity defrauding, student defrauding, biggest loser Trump (all admitted to by his own words) vs shoulder rubbing grandpa Biden? Oh yeah, let's do it.

For every word flub Biden makes, and there are many, Trump flubs 50 words. For every misstatement of fact by Biden, and he does misstate some facts, Trump outright lies to the public 100 times (then says he's under no obligation to tell the truth if he's not under oath), for every unwanted touch accusation against Biden, Trump has >25 sexual assault accusations. For every mea culpa from Biden over behavior that is only inappropriate by today's standards but not contemporarily we get 100 excuses and victim blaming with constantly changing excuses from Trump. You REALLY don't want this to be a contest of character....Trump's character loses that contest every single time and thrice on Sundays.

Trump called this crime bill too soft and lenient.

Lol. I'm the troll! Ahahahahaha! I'm not the one running a sock puppet theater. LMFAHS.
Your desperation is showing again.

bobknight33 said:

Blind Tools like you I don't car about.

These are his own words, not mine.

So Joe words are right wring propaganda? Well isn't that a MF switch. Joe gone full right wing. So Trump can dump Pence and pick up Finger banging Joe as VP?

Newt - give it up you a troll for the hardest of the leftest. Radical Anti cop, ANTIFA friend. Take that chip off you shoulder and you might just see America IS great.

Jim Crow and America's Racism Explained

newtboy says...

That's pre 1968 Democrats, before Republicans in desperation went hard racist with Goldwater and Nixon and Democrats went anti-racist/progressive...I know you want to ignore history, but you know it anyway.
Funny enough, you always want to bring up back in the good ole days when Republicans were anti-racist progressives as proof that they're good, but you HATE progressives and think racists are "good people". Lol, you are so unbelievably hilarious in your silly thought free hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

DEMOCRATS are at the root of all the terrible shit heaped on the black. Democrats still bullshitting blacks today and just continue to keep them down.

Let's talk about being armed and black

newtboy says...

Silly red neck...constitutional rights are reserved for whites in least in practice.

I have to disagree that getting instructions from the top and following them to a T makes them safe. How many get killed not even knowing a cop is around, how many times have we seen cops show up and instantly shout "gun" then empty their clips, only to find no gun?
I say keep your gun in your hand highly visible, tell them out loud you have it, and if the cop reaches for theirs, use it.
Don't ever fall for the bullshit "I'm taking your gun for your safety, OK?" unless you get to take their gun for their safety first. Their racist fear doesn't trump your rights.

Cops are a gang of terrified thugs, not a peacekeeping force by any stretch. How many videos in just the last two weeks of brutish bully cops beating and shooting peaceful men women and children, shooting them point blank in the face, violently dog piling them while they're standing still, unarmed, hands raised, peacefully being interviewed on live many of these attacks were stopped by "good cops". Statistically, none. How many were excused with lies by all cops on scene before they knew they were filmed? 99.99%. Where are these mythical creatures called "good cops" when they're so desperately needed to stop the evil ones? Typically, they're nowhere.

Voting by Mail: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Cases on the rise in many southern states like Alabama, South Carolina and Virginia weeks after protests to reopen. We've now hit 110000 dead Americans, nearing 2000000 infected, worst of ANY country by far....almost 10000 since you wrote this a week ago and on the rise again.
It's not going away, it's resurfacing. Just wait until two weeks after George Floyd protests started.

Edit: It certainly doesn't help that Bunker Boy wants to do photo ops at manufacturing facilities making desperately needed medical items (that he claims weren't needed, btw) like sterile swabs but refuses to take any precautions whatsoever so every time he goes on a little trip to take pictures for his campaign the manufacturers have to throw out whatever they made that day and decontamination the entire facility before resuming production.

Sorry, Twitler won't be distracting or deflecting enough from his bunker to make Americans forget his enormous failures, and more are taking off their orange colored glasses and becoming ex republicans daily. Bet you wish you hadn't hoped for a huge walk away movement this election, because you've got one now.

Today's approval rating, 37-38% Disapproval 57% (for black Americans his approval rating is 10%)
Biden 55% vs Trump 41% well outside the margin of error unlike the polls showing Clinton ahead (hint, Clinton never broke 50% from this point in the election on)

Red tsunami! Look out!

bobknight33 said:

In another month this may be a distant fear that never occurred.

A Deer In Headlights

newtboy says...

Outright bold faced moronic liar. Especially dumb lies too. No one is buying your insane bullshit stupidity. Only your ilk believe Trump over their own eyes, ears, and videotapes.
Everyone else on the planet knows Democrats closed their states first against Trump's wishes, Democrats took it seriously from before case 1 in America, Trump called it a hoax or at worst a cold until late March if not later, Democrats pushed for funding and federal help for ppe, hospital beds, equipment, personnel, and funding, Trump repeatedly said they were on their own, find it all on the market, then directed agencies to intercept the equipment they found, turn it over to federal resellers for free, have them sell it back to desperate states at 1000% markups from pre-pandemic prices, then inform the feds so they can intercept the shipments and repeat the process.

Your lies are getting lazy, dumber, and reek of desperation. I almost feel sorry for you....almost. It's hard to empathize with a lying troll though.
2021-25 are going to be the death of you, with congress and the executive under democratic control and the populous wanting your party gone.

bobknight33 said:

Trump acted quickly, Democrats pushed back and kept their cities opened.

Trump is winning. Democrats are losing.

Covid 19-A Fireside Chat

newtboy says...

Why? I doubt you want an honest answer, but here's one anyway.

Because the Fed refused to help states in crisis and, to free up desperately needed hospital beds for those in immediate dire need of hospitalization, some infected patients who were not showing symptoms or in need of hospitalization were discharged to facilities where they could receive routine care outside the hospital.
Had this not been done, there would have been a massive shortage in hospital beds, and a corresponding jump in deaths across the board. It would have been smart to quarantine them separately like California did in many cases, at least until we were sure they were no longer infectious, but since American testing still gives 50% false negatives, that's impossible.
Because most nursing homes utterly failed to follow guidelines for properly quarantining these patients, and because the virus targets exactly the same people who live in nursing homes, elderly with health issues, and because the outbreak began in nursing homes and spread among them while Trump insisted there was no danger, it's less dangerous than the flu, there's no need to change behavior and we won't ever have over 15 cases, they were going to be a major problem.

Those were their only options given the federal government's near total lack of action, keep them in the hospital and deny other patients or send them "home" to be quarantined. Neither was a good option, both were certain to end in increased deaths.

If, as I and others suggested in January, we used the military to build temporary hospitals for covid only like China had already done and instituted social distancing, we would have <10% of the cases we've had and might be safe to relax. Instead we did nothing for months based on Trump's ignorant stupidity and his narcissistic insistence that he knows more about everything than educated career professionals, this cost at least 90000 American lives and rising, along with the decimation of the economy, the explosion of the deficit and debt, and at best a recession if not depression that could have been avoided.

bobknight33 said:

42% of all COVID-19 deaths are taking place in nursing homes that house 0.62% of the U.S. population.


MSNBC fails at basic math

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

newtboy says...

Did I say HE is a MAGA moron?
No, I did not, you inferred it, although it would be a relatively safe assumption based on his ignorant racist interruption and self centered disrespect paired with the inane irrationality of his question and blatantly racist comments.
Now who's making slanderous assumptions?

Your messiah slanders without (it's one word, Bob, not two) knowing daily. A bit hypocritical to denounce that when you so often applaud it, don't you think?

And my what is no better than the guy?
Your: possessive- belonging to you- "Your assumption is based in ignorance."
You're: conjunction- You are- "You're in desperate need of a better education because your English would fail a 3rd grade English class."

I might just WHAT another douchebag? You forgot the verb. You get an F for the day, Bobski. Nigerian princes have better English skills, and terrible English is an intentional part of their scam. (Or were you channeling Yoda but forgot the punctuation? As in "Look in the mirror, you might. Just another douchebag looking back.")

You need to watch some more school house rock and learn English better, then you might understand complex statements better and not jump to mistaken conclusions so often. Might I suggest starting with conjunction junction?

Also, I wrote MAGA, not MEGA, aside from MEGA making zero sense, I wouldn't ever insult MegaMan by conflating him with idiots like this guy. Besides an education, you seem to need glasses. Maybe that's why you can't see any of Trump's infinite character flaws?

bobknight33 said:

So he is a MEGA man?

How can anyone slander with out knowing?
You made an assumption just like the guy did.

Your no better than the guy.

Look in the mirror you might just another douchebag looking back.

How This Citizen Stopped ICE From Arresting 2 Immigrants

newtboy says...

I cannot fathom how one would use their constitutional rights to smuggle someone into the country, but I did already state I don't think smugglers are doing good, or the right thing.

I would, however, fully support someone standing on their legal rights to help people who are deserving asylum, or at least to help offer the opportunity to apply for it.

I don't get the same feeling, that this guy (hero) flaunts the law to help people flaunt it. I got the idea he used the law to protect them....within the law. Without a signed warrant or conviction, they aren't yet illegals any more than you are after speeding but not being caught. They aren't even named suspects.

Note, I never said anything close to "by any means necessary", because I don't support any such thing. You said that. I said because democracy is broken and the majority is stymied by the minority, stopped from legislating solutions, sometimes "flaunting the law" is the only method left to avoid callously walking away and letting innocents be returned to certain death. A far cry from any means necessary, which would have people murdering border agents to let in everyone. I didn't even say "ends justify the means." I said "Sometimes the wrong method is the only path to the right outcome." That's desperation, not justification.

smr said:

I've got zero issue with the action in the video. Citizen rights are inviolate. However, the action shown is one piece of a huge apparatus and body of work ENABLING the flaunting of American laws and regulations. That is the hero of this video's actual JOB. Obstruction justice. Hiding of illegals. I get the alleviation of suffering, but I just can't get around the somewhat arbitrary application of the "any means necessary" ethical construct. Out of curiosity, would you support this gentleman if he used his citizenship rights to aid these illegal immigrants in entering this country in the first place?

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

cosmovitelli says...

Unfortunately in an individualistic capitalist system the guy who's feeding his family by pouring shit in the river will fight you tooth and nail irrespective of what it means for the planet. Every other asshole is doing it why should he starve? This is why the more socially minded countries are the ones who can control themselves, as everyone feels they have a stake in it and they know they won't starve.. unfortunately the big rich countries are by definition plunderers running on greed and desperation.

newtboy said:

I have always contended that the issue/problem is not a technical one, we've had the technology to stop polluting the atmosphere since before I was born, it's the will of humanity to address the problem before it's too late that's the insurmountable issue.

Sheriff Caught On Bodycam Telling Deputies To Lie

newtboy says...

There are a few problems with that, and they all end up at the same issue, lobbying.
Police unions are incredibly powerful lobbyists and do lobby against the public's interests, and they use the threat of striking, leaving the public with zero law enforcement, to squash any attempt to regulate them.....and when that fails, the sheriffs and chiefs often just ignore the new laws, like they did about making discipline records public in CA, they just said "nope" and refused to release them, many departments held bonfires where they burned these records to ensure they would never, under any circumstances, become public knowledge....still today, even long after the law went into effect Jan. 1st and has been upheld in courts, the A.G. just outright refused again to follow state law and release these public records. Pretty damn hard to establish an effective oversight body when police have the ability to erase all information they wish by any means with no repercussions.

Second, the prison guard union is the best funded, most powerful private/union lobbying group in America, and they do actually write laws for representatives to present. It's clearly in their best interest to force the desperate to be criminals, it's their bread and butter. They fight to expand minimum sentencing, incarcerate 14 year olds as adults for life, continue and expand the failed drug war, oppose any rescinding of criminal laws, have tried to reinstate debtor's prisons, criminalized multiple civil crimes, etc....incarceration is their business, and business is good.

So while I agree, there are numerous better systems that serve everyone much better with less money , less incarceration, and less recidivism, until we revamp our political system to make it illegal to bribe politicians (and make no mistake, it's perfectly legal to bribe them with campaign donations or promises of massive support), there is no way in hell it's going to improve and a near certainty it will continue to get worse because there's money to be made by locking people up.

Drachen_Jager said:

You could... you know, just establish an effective oversight body that actually punishes cops who step out of line and break the law. Combine that with proper social programs to keep the poorest from being so desperate they see no recourse but to resort to criminal behaviour and hey, just like magic things get better!

Not exactly rocket science.

Honestly, and I'm sorry if I appear to be picking on you here, WTF is up with this bullshit. Every other Westernized democracy has a better record with their police, but Americans just throw their hands up and say, "Golly gee, if it ain't workin' here, I guess there's no solution, 'cuz 'Merica is the best at everythin'." PLENTY of other countries manage just fine. And you know what? They ALSO have lower crime rates and lower recidivism rates.

All you have to do is look beyond your own borders for solutions instead of assuming you know best.

Sheriff Caught On Bodycam Telling Deputies To Lie

Drachen_Jager says...

You could... you know, just establish an effective oversight body that actually punishes cops who step out of line and break the law. Combine that with proper social programs to keep the poorest from being so desperate they see no recourse but to resort to criminal behaviour and hey, just like magic things get better!

Not exactly rocket science.

Honestly, and I'm sorry if I appear to be picking on you here, WTF is up with this bullshit. Every other Westernized democracy has a better record with their police, but Americans just throw their hands up and say, "Golly gee, if it ain't workin' here, I guess there's no solution, 'cuz 'Merica is the best at everythin'." PLENTY of other countries manage just fine. And you know what? They ALSO have lower crime rates and lower recidivism rates.

All you have to do is look beyond your own borders for solutions instead of assuming you know best.

Sniper007 said:

I believe the only real solution is to recognize that the role of a police officer is one that is inherently unstable. As history shows, it is impossible to expect one small group of people to deal with all the violence, anger, punitive actions, and force for all of society.

But without this group of mentally and morally unstable people, then each person in the populace at large would need to individually learn how to deal with violent offenders, restrain someone, know when to use lethal force, adjudicate their punishment, carry out their punishment, handle traffic accidents, dead bodies, emergencies, and so much more. The culture at large already expects every person to delegate these tasks, and if an individual does not immediately call the cops there may actually be punitive action taken against that individual.

I have no solution to this societal problem. But then again, I don't feel obligated to solve the problem for society. In fact, the eventual destruction of the society (that so delegates) may be the eventual "solution" that inevitably comes without collective individual change. I'm content having a solution fit for myself, my family, and for those who other souls who come to me personally for a solution (to varying degrees).

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

Sagemind says...

When the power supply stopped working in my iMac, Apple refused not only to fix it, but they refused to ship a replacement part saying they don't support "Legacy computers" - My computer was only three years old. My only course of action was to Buy a new one - which cost me $3000. I was desperate and needed to access my data and programs. As it was, although I got my entire hard drive converted to an external drive, I was never able to access my emails at all, which is what I was really after, as I was in the middle buying a home, and all my legal doc were in my emails. As well as other finance related emails.

I love macs, but I'm not sure I want to ever buy another one.

Prius owner confronts a pickup driver

BSR says...

I'm desperate for attention and you're irresponsible, and I'm sick of people like you and I'm desperate for attention and the wind is blowing this way and you better step back and I'm desperate for attention...

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