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The End Of Morality and The Anarchy Of The Soul

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's just very interesting that you rail against censorship- and then when it's nasty stuff directed at you (and it is nasty) you call for me to censor this user.>> ^dag:

A very trashy comment in my opinion- but who am I to put my subjective morality on someone else? How's your sense of irony?
I'm an atheist - but scripture comes to mind- something about reaping and sowing- and perhaps turning the other cheek.
>> ^gwiz665:
Grow the hell up, you sniveling little kid. The adults are talking.
@dag can we just ban him already?
>> ^rougy:
You wanna get the man-child's attention?
Say "Look! Over there! Some naked six-year-olds are playing in the waves!"
Then the great dane will ask one of them out on a date.
Then he'll call her a cunt when she tells him to get lost.

The End Of Morality and The Anarchy Of The Soul

gwiz665 says...

Hah. Videosift is not "the world", here we have rules - this is not 'nam!

Plus I neither sowed nor am going to reap any of this bullshit - what am I, a farmer? - rougy is just being his pleasant self again spewing "cunts" all over the place. it's irony, because it's a man.

Me and iamtheblurr are having such a nice conversation about morality and hamsters or some shit, and this douche feels he must deign us with his wisdom about pedophilia. Bah humbug.

@IAmTheBlurr if you want to continue the conversation, I'm sorry for the tom-foolery; let us proceed.

>> ^dag:

A very trashy comment in my opinion- but who am I to put my subjective morality on someone else? How's your sense of irony?
I'm an atheist - but scripture comes to mind- something about reaping and sowing- and perhaps turning the other cheek.
>> ^gwiz665:
Grow the hell up, you sniveling little kid. The adults are talking.
@dag can we just ban him already?
>> ^rougy:
You wanna get the man-child's attention?
Say "Look! Over there! Some naked six-year-olds are playing in the waves!"
Then the great dane will ask one of them out on a date.
Then he'll call her a cunt when she tells him to get lost.

The End Of Morality and The Anarchy Of The Soul

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

A very trashy comment in my opinion- but who am I to put my subjective morality on someone else? How's your sense of irony?

I'm an atheist - but scripture comes to mind- something about reaping and sowing- and perhaps turning the other cheek.

>> ^gwiz665:

Grow the hell up, you sniveling little kid. The adults are talking.
@dag can we just ban him already?
>> ^rougy:
You wanna get the man-child's attention?
Say "Look! Over there! Some naked six-year-olds are playing in the waves!"
Then the great dane will ask one of them out on a date.
Then he'll call her a cunt when she tells him to get lost.

The End Of Morality and The Anarchy Of The Soul

gwiz665 says...

Grow the hell up, you sniveling little kid. The adults are talking.

@dag can we just ban him already?
>> ^rougy:

You wanna get the man-child's attention?
Say "Look! Over there! Some naked six-year-olds are playing in the waves!"
Then the great dane will ask one of them out on a date.
Then he'll call her a cunt when she tells him to get lost.

The End Of Morality and The Anarchy Of The Soul

rougy says...


You wanna get the man-child's attention?

Say "Look! Over there! Some naked six-year-olds are playing in the waves!"

Then the great dane will ask one of them out on a date.

Then he'll call her a cunt when she tells him to get lost.

The Pathology of White Privilege

GenjiKilpatrick says...


Anyone who thinks white privilege isn't real obviously isn't brown.

You're saying that every brown person that isn't treated statistically as equal as the average whitie is purely a result of chance?

Which is obviously bullshit because individuals are responsible for all their actions.

[Even if our Ego & conscience trying to steer our dumb animalistic brains is akin to a flea controlling a bear.]

So while chance may have bestowed great riches onto all white folk and Aids, sickle cell, and markedly lower generational wealth onto all brown folk..

They really doesn't make up the whole ..lynchin'-motherfuckers-and-displaying-them-in-trees-because-they-tried-to-attend-school-where-there-were-white-girls.. gap.


Also, HATE the "human race is all one race. See, racism never existed" argument.

I mean.. you've seen dogs by your age, right?
Labradors - dalmatians - great danes - jack russells.

Those are all within the Canis Lupus species yet they all look completely different.

They have different outward and inward appearance and are prone to different genetic disorders and diseases and so on..

So if dogs can have different breeds. Humans can't have different breeds..?


And finally.. WTF?! The study of history can't be applied to anything meaningful?!?!

Now I'm absolutely convinced you're either trollin' or just stupid as all fuck.

What kind of person thinks that learning the collective knowledge of ALL OF THE HUMANS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN ALIVE BEFORE YOU [about 100 billion] is meaningless?

You don't think knowing what all the other dumb humans did to get themselves and their societies wiped off the planet is useful?

Yeah i'm probably done with this. Unless you make some other awful intellectually compartmentalized rebuttal.

2010 World Yoyo Champion

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

My experience from Denmark was that everyone understood what I was saying but I could hardly understand a word they said. This lead to the uncomfortable situation in which I seemed like I was too arrogant to try to understand Danish while they still understood me fine, and so I switched to English and pretended I was a foreigner. Weeeird....

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Haha, back at ya. I don't understand a word of Swedish!

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
You're a Dane? Woooaaah, I was the fucker who was peeing in your fountain while buying alcohol over there. You know, what they call a "Swede". And in Denmark I speak English, I can't understand shit you're saying.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

chtierna (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Haha, back at ya. I don't understand a word of Swedish!

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
You're a Dane? Woooaaah, I was the fucker who was peeing in your fountain while buying alcohol over there. You know, what they call a "Swede". And in Denmark I speak English, I can't understand shit you're saying.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

You're a Dane? Woooaaah, I was the fucker who was peeing in your fountain while buying alcohol over there. You know, what they call a "Swede". And in Denmark I speak English, I can't understand shit you're saying.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

Some guy does us all a favor and shuts Dane Cook up.

Some guy does us all a favor and shuts Dane Cook up.

Duckman33 says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

Um.... I guess I don't get it. Looked planned to me.

It wasn't planned. This guy had a chip on his shoulder over Simon because he was pretty hard on him when he auditioned. Rightly so I might add, as the guy was HORRIBLE. After he started his rant and the girl could not get the mic from him, they just cut to commercial which you cant see here.

Armadillo Trailer - Cannes award winner

rougy says...

I'm just beside myself when I see stuff like this.

I can understand why the USA is in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't like it one bit, but I know why they're there: to serve corporate interests under the guise of "fighting terror."

But I can't for the life of me figure out why the Danes and the Dutch are there.

I mean, you want adventure? Strap on a six-iron and stroll the streets of Ciudad Juarez, or go to any of the dozen hell-holes in Africa if you want to take on some bad guys.

Fighting the Iraqi's and the Afghans is like...I don't know...beating a woman.

Might make you feel tough, but nobody's impressed by it.

Surprise Birthday Flashmob for Bus driver

He will NEVER EVER forget this Birthday!!!

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