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Bill Burr - Population Control

rottenseed says...

>> ^cracanata:

anyone else gets Doug Stanhope's vibe?

Similar topic to Doug's "abortion is green" bit, among others. Way different vibe though. Bill plows along as some angry white guy. His whole act is him just being mad at the way shit is. Doug takes a more jaded and sarcastic approach to his philosophies.

If you want to see "vibe" stealing check out Steve Byrne's "Comedy Central Presents" and compare his "vibe" to Dane Cook's...well you probably won't find that special because he probably took it down.

Doug Stanhope on Osama, Politics, Trump, etc

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^deathcow:

Who is the ?David Tell? he mentions... need vids

I highly recommend you grab a copy of the Dave Attell Insomniac Tour. It's Dave, Sean Rouse, Greg Giraldo and Dane Cook. The best part is, yes, Dane Cook comes on last so you can just push stop there rather than having to fast forward through it.

Dave also had the show, Insomniac, on Comedy Central for a few years which was both hilarious and interesting.

Atheist Experience: a possible conversion?

Louis CK on Conan 1993

The real cost of faith - Matt crushes poor caller.

Short stage act is incredibly wacky & brilliant

Gwiz665 becomes royalty, starts talking to skulls (Woohoo Talk Post)

Haldaug says...

Hurra! You getting a crown might inspire me to start posting videos again. The image of a filthy Dane higher in the hierarchy than me might be just what I need. We already had our 400 years of darkness under the Danes here in Norway and I don't want them back.

Gwiz665 becomes royalty, starts talking to skulls (Woohoo Talk Post)

Zach Galifianakis Channels Annie

Zach Galifianakis Channels Annie

Danish sailors make insane harbour entry attempt

Danish sailors make insane harbour entry attempt

Fantastic Louie C.K Interview with Marc Maron (Comedy Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:

I thought he was decent to Dane Cook- it was more like "there's this perception of you out there that ..." I don't remember anything particularly rude.
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^dag:
How come?
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks man! I fell out with WTFPodcast.

I was pissed after his snooty interview with Dane Cook. I'm not really a Dane Cook fan, but Marc wasn't being a cordial host to the comedian. His disdain for Dane Cook came out and I thought that was unprofessional. That and he hasn't had a lot of talent on that I want to hear from lately.
Also I've been getting into Bill Burr's podcast.

Marc came off as condescending, to me. He was openly mocking Cook's situation with comedian Steve Byrne where Dane Cook says that Steve "stole his essence". Now, that does sound like a strange accusation, but I did notice that Steve Byrne's delivery, timing and energy were exactly that of Dane Cook (before I had heard of any interaction between the two). I think as a respectable, interviewer, Marc should have viewed Steve's act to see exactly what Dane was talking about. He obviously did not, as it is unmistakable. As somebody who understands joke theft, he should understand that a comedians identity is more than just his jokes.

Interestingly, I've seen Steve Byrne's newer routine's since the conference between Dane and himself and his act has changed a lot. He's finding his own voice.

Fantastic Louie C.K Interview with Marc Maron (Comedy Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I thought he was decent to Dane Cook- it was more like "there's this perception of you out there that ..." I don't remember anything particularly rude.

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^dag:
How come?
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks man! I fell out with WTFPodcast.

I was pissed after his snooty interview with Dane Cook. I'm not really a Dane Cook fan, but Marc wasn't being a cordial host to the comedian. His disdain for Dane Cook came out and I thought that was unprofessional. That and he hasn't had a lot of talent on that I want to hear from lately.
Also I've been getting into Bill Burr's podcast.

Fantastic Louie C.K Interview with Marc Maron (Comedy Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:

How come?
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks man! I fell out with WTFPodcast.

I was pissed after his snooty interview with Dane Cook. I'm not really a Dane Cook fan, but Marc wasn't being a cordial host to the comedian. His disdain for Dane Cook came out and I thought that was unprofessional. That and he hasn't had a lot of talent on that I want to hear from lately.

Also I've been getting into Bill Burr's podcast.

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