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<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

RedSky says...

If you hadn't mutilitated your 5G iPod yet, I'd have recommended installing rockbox firmware on it. Far better and more customisable than default and plus it bypasses iTunes altogether and allows you to drag and drop music onto it. Would have been a good chance it would have fixed your problem too.

Anyway, I totally agree they overprice their computer/laptop line tremendously although frankly the iPod line, particularly the 5G and down hard disk models are a great piece of hardware and having tried various other digital audio players, I think they're one of the best in sound quality. I also dislike their style and simplicity over functionality and customisation attitude although there's obviously a huge demographic this appeal to. Still, the fact that iPods are now filled with bloatware that practically no one uses, while they can't seem to integrate a decent audio equaliser into it it sad. Not to mention scroll wheels and touch-keyboards for all their sleekness will never be as easy to use as tactile keys.

Haven't dealt with their customer service, but I recall a mate of mine in high school managed to have his iPod replaced because he claimed it scratched too easily.

shuac (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

There is a reason no one cared when you got your 100 star.

In reply to this comment by shuac:
Wow, what a poorly-constructed argument. BF, you may have opted out of a few too many essay questions whilst in school. Let me help you out, buddy.

If you make an assertion you should demonstrate it with a preponderance of evidence where possible. You kind of did that with the firmware story (although I'm not sure any rational person would agree that because you had one iPod go wonky on you that Steve Jobs has raped you in the mouth...but whatever). It would have helped this point to have at least one additional story about how an iMac failed you, how your Nano konked out, or how a MacBook Pro had a bunch of dead pixels. You see? Once you establish a pattern of similar experiences, then your claim gains weight.

The customer service complaint wasn't backed up by any story. All you say there is that "as you will notice if you ever buy one of their products, is terrible with not only customer service..." Well, you've got to demonstrate that, m'boy. How is their customer service bad?

A point about structure: your second and third paragraphs basically say the same thing, containing the same points, and one lessens the impact of the other. Each paragraph should argue a single, unique element of the argument. Well-constructed arguments are very economical with their word usage and they rarely repeat themselves other than to sum up.

To sum up: have bucketloads of evidence, back up each assertion presented, and be sure each element of your argument gets its own paragraph.

Here endeth the lesson.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

shuac says...

Wow, what a poorly-constructed argument. BF, you may have opted out of a few too many essay questions whilst in school. Let me help you out, buddy.

If you make an assertion you should demonstrate it with a preponderance of evidence where possible. You kind of did that with the firmware story (although I'm not sure any rational person would agree that because you had one iPod go wonky on you that Steve Jobs has raped you in the mouth...but whatever). It would have helped this point to have at least one additional story about how an iMac failed you, how your Nano konked out, or how a MacBook Pro had a bunch of dead pixels. You see? Once you establish a pattern of similar experiences, then your claim gains weight.

The customer service complaint wasn't backed up by any story. All you say there is that "as you will notice if you ever buy one of their products, is terrible with not only customer service..." Well, you've got to demonstrate that, m'boy. How is their customer service bad?

A point about structure: your second and third paragraphs basically say the same thing, containing the same points, and one lessens the impact of the other. Each paragraph should argue a single, unique element of the argument. Well-constructed arguments are very economical with their word usage and they rarely repeat themselves other than to sum up.

To sum up: have bucketloads of evidence, back up each assertion presented, and be sure each element of your argument gets its own paragraph.

Here endeth the lesson.

CitiGroup Cuts Bonuses. Gives 50% Salary Raise Instead !!

Smokers: Will the E-Cigarette Work For You?

laura says...

Oh, for the record, the guy at gives awesome customer service. When I had battery trouble, even though it was past 60 days, he replaced it w/ a good one and always sent extra free smoke juice.

Person Rejected Job at McDonalds

WBMC - The Best Beards & Moustaches in the World 2009

HenningKO says...

What makes this so impressive is the immense sacrifices these men must make in terms of social life, hygiene, and employability.
Wanna go out to a family restaurant? Can't, my beard scares the children.
Wanna have a hamburger? Can't, I've just cleaned and plaited my beard.
Wanna have a job in customer service? Can't, I only get hired for Civil War re-enactments.

Take a big Throbbin one in your gold star (Kids Talk Post)

Take a big Throbbin one in your gold star (Kids Talk Post)

America the Illiterate (History Talk Post)

Prank call to a bank ... please hold

11807 says...

I took up a seasonal job with Harry & David taking phone orders, and I've got to say, this is freakin' hilarious!!!!

If this happened to me, I'd laugh my ass off and enjoy the ride for a while.
unfortunately you're graded on number of sales/day so I'd have to get permission to hang up =(

recently I've been put on hold a few times from customers because they need to get a bank card, answer other phone, or deal with their customers and I don't mind it. I'm still getting paid while on hold so take all the time you want.

"Odds are, these people aren't even in the same building."
True. Though at my work I've transferred customers to customer service, only to get the guy sitting next to me =P

"Venti" does NOT mean large

Psychologic says...

Trying to make customers use your lingo is not good customer service.

At an airport once I tried to order a "small" drink at some fast food place (Burger King I think) and was told that they didn't carry that size, just "medium, large, and extra large."

I ended up paying them in pennies, just in case they needed "medium" change.

"Venti" does NOT mean large

soulmonarch says...

>> ^rougy:
True, but bad karma for insulting the labor.

I would argue that the labor insulted him first with the ever-infuriating "Uh... a what? Do you mean a VENTI?" comment.

I order a 'large' at Starbucks all the time. They know what I mean. And if the girl behind the counter isn't sure, she just holds up a cup and says "Is the 20oz okay?"

Trying to make customers use your lingo is not good customer service.

Internet Help Desk

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