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State of the Sift 2010 (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

I'm never here. Which site is this again? or something? I don't know.

Yeah, I love this place. Reach arounds for all. As for ad sense, I'm not sure what can be done about that. To find customer service numbers on sites, I typically google "1 800 site:[url of site]" or "1 888 site:[url of site]" but it didn't turn anything up for

I wish you the best of luck. I say @Hybrid's idea to create a *violence channel is brilliant, thought it may be difficult to go through the thousands of video pages and tag every video appropriately. Damn you, Google!

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

A replacement? No, they took my MBA, said '5-7 days' and that was that. It's been 20 days, and they have no idea when I'll be getting it back. That's just piss poor customer service.

I understand saying it'll be between 5-7 days and it being 10 days, or, hell, if you cannot turn it around that quickly, just say it will be however many weeks. Just don't boldly lie about it. Do they make these damn cheap plastic parts only when someone orders a replacement?

3 Strikes. You're out? Cop slaps his way to 10 paid days off

Crosswords says...

Only can a cop get away with something so blatant like that. Lets see a Professor do that to some asshole student and see how long they keep their job. Hell maybe people in customer service should be able to do that to any dipshit at their service window.

John Pinette - Trip to France

rottenseed says...

There's this Italian family that are fresh off the boat that own 2 restaurants by me. They have got to be the most friendly and welcoming group of people I have ever met. They really know customer service. They're wonderfully boisterous and they're always yelling back and forth to each other. That's just the atmosphere...wait 'til you eat their food.

United Breaks Guitars 3 - "United We Stand"

lullaby_lune says...

At 1:22 - I'm the one in the green sweater clapping along behind the grouchy flight attendants!
I'm also holding the teddy bear in the Customer Service line up.

This was such a fun shoot! I'm so glad to see how it turned out.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

bmacs27 says...

@ "Capitalism" Defenders:

Why do you reject government interference in the marketplace yet accept the market distorting charter of preferential protections to corporations, particularly with regard to political influence? The concentration of wealth, and thus power in corporate America is startling to say the least. You say no corporation has a hold on you, but I call BS. They control you at every turn, through lobbying, wages, and market manipulation. Don't kid yourself.

This is particularly the case with the most unfortunate amongst us. Those most likely to be interacting with BoA's "Customer Services" department. You talk about buying sports cars you shouldn't... how about paying your heating bill so your kid doesn't freeze? You'd be able to afford it if you weren't getting gouged on the interest payments for the debt you needed to accumulate during hard times. The sad fact is that many of these people are being perfectly responsible, they've just been trapped in the cycle of stagnating wages and predatory consumer debt. It's no secret, but that doesn't make it efficient, sustainable, or justifiable.

The FDIC should hire her to enforce the Truth in Lending laws. If someone is breaking the law she should throw food on their shoes. Cause that's how civil people do it.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I think it's pretty stupid company policy to antagonize your own customers. But if that's how BoA chooses to handle their clients, then that's their decision. This gal makes no bones about it. She admits she was violating company rules, disobeying the orders of her superiors, and disregarding the terms of her employment. She got fired for it. Duh.

She's not the CEO of Bank of America. She isn't the branch manager. She isn't the department manager. She's not even the 'senior customer service representative'. She's an entry level clerk with 5 months on the job. The right thing would have been to quit the job herself the second she found out how BoA runs its shop and give them a bellyfull in the exit interview.

It is pretty much a national pasttime for entry level employees to carp about the company they work for as if they were the CEO and know how to run things. And I've never met a single person in my entire life who was fired from a job but who couldn't spin a moving, heartbreaking yarn about how evil and unfair the company was for doing it.

Fox News - No Terrorist Attack During Bush's Presidency

invader says...

Nope, no terrorist attacks in the USA 2000 - 2008. Though there was quite a bit of state sponsored terrorist attacks in Iraq from 2003 on.

April;30 0 0 United StatesElettsville, Indiana The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) claimed responsibility for causing over $500,000 in damages to construction equipment in Elettsville, Indiana. Fourteen pieces of logging and construction equipment were destroyed by the perpetrators, who filled gas tanks with sand, cut fuel and hydraulic lines and set a tractor-trailer filled with wood chips on fire. Graffiti found at the scene read, "Go develop in Hell," "ELF" and "This machine is evil." The equipment was being used for a state-run project to build a four-lane highway in the area. In their written statement, the group writes, "the government and developers are mad with greed and there will be no limit to what they destroy until we take away the profit from their schemes."[48]

# United States United States, September 11: Attacks kill 2,997 , and many more later from exposure to toxic dust in a series of hijacked airliner crashes into two U.S. landmarks: the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. A fourth plane, originally intended to hit the United States Capitol Building, crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after an apparent revolt against the hijackers by the plane's passengers.

# United States United States: Anthrax attacks on the offices the United States Congress and New York State Government offices, and on employees of television networks and tabloids.

# United States United States, May: Luke Helder injures 6 by placing pipebombs in mailboxes in the Midwest. Motivation to protest government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana and promotion of astral projection

# United States United States, July 4: An Egyptian gunman opens fire at an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles International Airport, killing two Israelis before being killed himself.
# Israel

United States United States, October: John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.

March 3 0 9 United States United States: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drives an SUV onto a crowded part of campus, injuring nine.

July 28 1 5 United States USA:A woman was dead and five others were hospitalized this afternoon after a shooting at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle building in downtown Seattle by a man who declared he was "angry with Israel."[10]

August 30 1 16 United States United States: An Afghani Muslim hit 19 pedestrians, killing one, with his SUV in the San Francisco Bay area.

October 26 2 United States A pair of improvised explosive devices are thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder and detonated by fuses, causing very minor damage. Police investigate the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New York in 2005.[105]

July 27 2 7 United States Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting, Jim David Adkisson kills 2 people and injures 7 in Knoxville, Tennessee.

17 1 4 United States Dalton, Georgia An explosion at a personal injury law firm in downtown Dalton, Ga., injured four people, including at least one lawyer, and resulted in the death of the apparent bomber in what a federal law enforcement spokesman described as a suicide attack.[212]

December 12 2 2 United States Woodburn, Oregon. Woodburn police Capt. Tom Tennant, and Oregon State Police bomb technician Bill Hakim were killed, and Woodburn Police Chief Scott Russell was critically injured after a bomb exploded at the West Coast branch of Wells Fargo in Woodburn. Customer Service Manager Laurie Ann Perkett was taken, and later released from the hospital after being hit by shrapnel. The explosion happened just before 5:30 p.m. while Hakim and Tennant were trying to open the bomb, which Hakim felt confident was not a bomb. Officers were on the scene investigating a bomb threat called in to the bank at 10:19 a.m., when the explosion occurred. Joshua Turnidge and his father, Bruce Turnidge were charged with the murders.[314]

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

poolcleaner says...

Quality assurance, research & development, production, customer service, and management jobs will always exist, and in greater numbers as automation increases. Software, especially continuously updated software, is far too chaotic to ever achieve a system where human intelligence is not needed to diagnose and fix problems. The company I work for employs more than 4000 people for 3 applications (as well as sub-apps to assist with the primary ones). More and more companies such as this will forge the way as automation software springs up. You cannot simply trust automated processes to maintain an evolving piece of software with billions of lines of code. Variables, expressions, and conditional statements only go so far before you need more abstract analysis.

TDS - Glenn Beck's Operation

blankfist says...

Haha. That was brilliant. Our healthcare system is bad, but Glenn Beck is simply *terrible.

I do think people expect too much in terms of customer service from our healthcare system, as if they're making a purchase at WalMart and expect the old guy in the blue smock to kiss their ass while buying that $3.99 bulk toilet paper pack.

Bill Kristol Admits That The Public Health Option Is Better

ForgedReality says...

Yeah the soldiers deserve the best health care because they risk their lives in war.

But the taxpayers are the ones that MAKE THAT WAR POSSIBLE. We PAY for the government to EXIST. But we're given shitty "customer service" because it's just "company policy" to treat your patrons--the ones who keep you in business--like shit.

Okay. I'll go shop elsewhere.

I hear Norway has great customer service!

United Breaks Guitars

notarobot says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
This guy obviously has no skill with customer service representatives.
Remember, kids: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Yeah, I can't imagine a wheel getting much more squeaky than 1.3 Million hits on Youtube in a week.

This music video is going to cost United Air a lot more money than simply offering good service in the first place.

United Breaks Guitars

blankfist (Member Profile)

shuac says...


In reply to this comment by blankfist:
There is a reason no one cared when you got your 100 star.

In reply to this comment by shuac:
Wow, what a poorly-constructed argument. BF, you may have opted out of a few too many essay questions whilst in school. Let me help you out, buddy.

If you make an assertion you should demonstrate it with a preponderance of evidence where possible. You kind of did that with the firmware story (although I'm not sure any rational person would agree that because you had one iPod go wonky on you that Steve Jobs has raped you in the mouth...but whatever). It would have helped this point to have at least one additional story about how an iMac failed you, how your Nano konked out, or how a MacBook Pro had a bunch of dead pixels. You see? Once you establish a pattern of similar experiences, then your claim gains weight.

The customer service complaint wasn't backed up by any story. All you say there is that "as you will notice if you ever buy one of their products, is terrible with not only customer service..." Well, you've got to demonstrate that, m'boy. How is their customer service bad?

A point about structure: your second and third paragraphs basically say the same thing, containing the same points, and one lessens the impact of the other. Each paragraph should argue a single, unique element of the argument. Well-constructed arguments are very economical with their word usage and they rarely repeat themselves other than to sum up.

To sum up: have bucketloads of evidence, back up each assertion presented, and be sure each element of your argument gets its own paragraph.

Here endeth the lesson.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

MarineGunrock says...

I bought an ipod a couple of years ago and from the very start it was fucked up. It would not play more than 15-20 seconds of a song if I was using it with headphones, yet worked just fine in my car charger/FM transmitter. It's an issue with the "pause if the headphones come out feature"? Yeah, nope. Even when it's playing and I pull the cord out, it keeps playing. Besides, why the fuck do you really need that feature? It's just one more thing to go wrong. Will it really be the end of the world if you accidentally pull the cord out and you miss three seconds of audio on your song or movie?

So anyway, I called customer "service" to get it fixed, and they tell me that it's out of the warranty period. WTF? I just bought it. Well, apparently vendors are supposed to pull units off the shelf that are a certain age and send them back, so apple automatically assumed this one was too old to be covered. Well fuck you, apple. I just didn't care enough to follow through with it because it worked fine in my car, which is really the only reason I got it.

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