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White House CIA Leak - Story of Joseph Wilson

Conan and Jim Carrey Talk Quantum Physics

gorgonheap says...

Yeah it's like watching CSPAN... except I'm not falling asleep, or bored to tears, or having suisidal thoughts. But I am lost as to what the heck they are talking about, so that's at least one similarity.
(omega frequency my ass)

Senator Leahy rips Gonzalez a new one over Maher Arar tortur

bamdrew says...

Yeah! F*ck Canada! What are they gonna do? Ask us for an apology? Its fun to be dicks!

... by the way, anyone hear how Sen. Ted Steven's wife Catherine gets pulled aside and questioned everytime she tries to fly? ('Cat' Stevens, hah!) I heard him say this on CSPAN and thought it was hilarious.

"We have to exterminate white people..."

choggie says...

...yeah, reality is more to the tune of all of us,every race-creed-color, has an unknown hand, that full ofour collective short and curlies......

..upvote for the applause for veganism...(i love to make fun of self-appointed, herbivores)
....oh and CSPAN sucks, more useless diversion....

Nancy Pelosi Rips Bush Over Oil

Reelect Rick Santorum or YOU WILL DIE!!!

marinara says...

Mr. Santorum is proof that incest can produce children. The guy can't go 10 seconds on CSPAN without losing all appearance of competence. I guess we better not take a chance on casey! Go Santorum.

New End of Year Project (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Ok, how many nominations do you get? and how is it top100? is there voting later on, or just sorted by VS upvotes received? And are you just gonna give #1 to uke-dude?

Probably need more clarification on tv / movie clips.. what about outstanding tv moment like stewart on crossfire, or colbert correspondance dinner speech (well cspan is tv).. I'm assuming your favorite fam guy/simpsons/tds/colbert clips are out (what is left?).. So can we limit the number of slots for guitar based vids or kitten based vids?

9/11 Pentagon Crash. Dear tin-foil hat crowd, please shut up

joedirt says...

Ok, so a bird will shred an engine, but this plane had no problem plowing through, not one, not two.. But like SIX lamp poles. And yet there are no fragments of PLANE WINGS in the photos next to any of the poles.

If the plane was going fast enough with enough energy and the wings are that strong, wouldn't the poles get sheared off at the top? Are aluminum wing struts that strong?

Regardless, check out Minetta's comments when he retired a few days ago.

He remarked that he was in the room with the guy that goes, Mr. Vice President, the plane is 30 miles out, do you want to give the order? Mr. Vice President 20 miles out... Mr. Vice President 10 miles out.

Mineta testified that he arrived at the PEOC at 9:20 a.m. and that Vice President Cheney was already present with his staff. The 9/11 Commission Report states that Cheney himself arrived at the PEOC at 9:58, a stunning 38 minute contradiction to Mineta's testimony.

Mineta's PEOC testimony was also edited out of the 9/11 Commission video archive.

Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??"

Lemme guess CSPAN is a conspiracy network. And the 9/11 Commission is run by Art Bell.

Show me where that is in your video.

Update Your Own Posts (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Do you mean you posted it to YouTube Ant? mlx posted that one here. Thanks for the heads up in any case, I've discarded it.

I can't believe that CSPAN is asserting copyright on this thing. Aren't they supposed to be a publicly funded broadcaster?

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