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Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

newtboy says...

When you have to carry a child, sustaining it with your body even if you know it may kill you, or cannot live outside your womb, or will require constant medical attention at taxpayer expense because you have no money and this unintended pregnancy ends your career, then you can have a say. Until then, what you think is irrelevant.

You left out birth control failure....not that any of your exceptions exist in this new anti woman law. I hope all the decent thinking women in Texas move. I know some ready to. This can only dumb down an already short bus state.

Rape survivors had no choice. Incest survivors had no choice. Birth control failures were not by choice. None of these are exempt. Medical inability to safely carry a child.....that's up to doctors and courts to determine...doctors and courts with anti choice agendas wielding great power while shirking any responsibility.

You're such a misogynistic asshole. If men carried embryos abortions wouldn't just be available in every doctors office, they would be free, and there would be absolutely zero roadblocks to getting one on demand. You would have had at least three, I know full well you're far too stupid to be smart about sex even if you bore the brunt. You would impose Sharia law to remove autonomy from women only because it's unlikely to effect you. How about this....every time a woman is denied an abortion, the man who got her pregnant must have their entire penis removed and be forced into indentured servitude to pay for the bills....over $200000 on average. When you fight for that and win, you get a voice in this woman's issue.

Every time you get out the tweezers and Jack off, you've aborted millions of potential babies. You've therefore, by your definitions, personally murdered more babies than any group of women ever could. Obviously you don't care a bit when you are the murderers....then those unborn children don't count, even though the bible actually specifically says they do but never mentions abortion.

Hilariously, the party of "personal freedom" to make decisions about your own life doesn't believe women should enjoy that freedom....just like you claim to be the party of law and order....but only for others not yourselves.

If it can't live without help outside the womb, it's not a baby, it's a parasite living off another human being. If you think it's ok to force one person to be a life support system for a not yet human, get your ass down to the hospital and donate your kidney, liver, and stay at least 9 months as a transfusion donor without an option to quit...and pay the bills for those you saved. Until then, shut your idiotic hypocritical mouth you moronic woman hating dumb ass.

The Spartans were right, it's not a human until it's first birthday.

Why aren't you busy telling us how Trump will be reinstated as president in August? You know it will happen, a crack head said so. You do know Trump is pro-abortion and has arranged many, right?

bobknight33 said:

My dreams matter not my unborn child.

It has a heartbeat. I don't care let me kill it.

You had a choice. Just say no.

Rape, Incest or medical reason then ok. Else live with your decision.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

U uter such leftist lies.

You have Zero ides what is going on, other that what MSNBC/CNN fake news machine is cracking out.

newtboy said:

You should have heard by now, the fake bamboo audit has now completely destroyed Maricopa county's election system because, since the pro Trump "cyber ninjas" (who's name itself indicates they intended to surreptitiously set traps and viruses in the machines and who had no supervision) tampered with vote machines, tabulators, and databases (and have asked for every piece of government held data in the county from addresses and social security numbers to expunged criminal records), so now every single machine in the county they touched must be discarded by court order.

It's impossible to know how many tens to hundreds of millions they wasted, finding nothing, and now they intend to travel the country doing it in every state. They seem intent on destroying our election apparatus, just like Trump's presidency was intent on destroying our government. It wasn't about finding problems and fixing them, it was about destroying the system and wasting billions of tax dollars, then lowering taxes to destroy America with massive debt over stupidity.

Because they played so fast and loose, with no chain of custody, no supervision, and no honesty, their "audit" is completely invalid on it's face. They destroyed the data, destroyed the machines (400 $5000 tabulators and around 10-20 vote machines per tabulator at another $5000+ each at a bare minimum in this one county) in the $20- >$40 million range for fraud #1, and they plan on at least 50 more. Good job handing Dominion tens of millions to replace pay up.

Every single Republican should have to pay for every cent they wasted, with non republicans exempt from the new election fraud fraud recovery tax. Children of Republicans too. I'm writing my congressman.

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

luxintenebris says...

either t.t. is an everyday troll or unstable. i vote unstable.

here's the pitch...

- warps the women's death for some perceived 'victory' or points in some cracked-pot game of 'rubber and glue'
- .gov is an odd slur. as if it's an unnatural beast that roams halls looking to slay citizens. [f'n' weird.]
- the shooting was legit. any court, or reasonable person, can see the justification of the action. it's distorted in his eyes. to label it 'murder', shows any inability to gauge actuality
- twisted perception that others didn't care or 'democrats' as a group celebrated the shooting?'s a detachment from reality.

no. not murder. not cheered. not ignored.

personality, rather she'd lived to examine the verisimilitude of hair hitler's words.

like this other misled american did...

Baby Got Bach

Rick and Morty in the Eternal Nightmare Machine

moonsammy says...

I'm confused by the length of this. They're not exactly cracking jokes regularly, so why make it nearly as long as an episode? I could understand the video needing to be this long if it were someone actually playing through a game, but it seems to just be a really long pixel animation. Certainly well done, but I'm not going to watch 17 minutes of it...

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

newtboy says...

Yes. All last year the police met non violence with violence, time and time again on camera. Violently attacking journalists who were following their instructions, knocking the elderly to the ground, cracking their heads open and letting them bleed unconscious with no assistance, shooting peaceful crowds, ramming peaceful crowds with police cars, macing submissive handcuffed protesters in the eyes from 3" away. The examples could fill a book just last year.

Gangs and thugs, as in cops. Blue gang. The most violent gang in America.

Yeah yeah, back to your racist position that only blacks kill blacks. Been there, debunked that. Cops have become THE issue...overshadowing all others.

Still with the brain dead Project Veritas propaganda? Bob, only gullible ignoramuses like yourself can convince themselves that the propaganda group caught dozens of times lying and faking outrageous claims to spark outrage are not just doing it again....but you trust convicted school, business, and charity fraud Trump without question so it's not likely you'll ever change.

bobknight33 said:

So fighting non violence with violence?
That's what been going on.

Gang and in Thugs as in not Cops?
BLM seem to strictly protesting against Cops.
Marxist BLM would serve their community better if they would march against those actually killing blacks in large #s.

Cops aren't the issue.

GOP Pedo Ring

STAR WARS Reimagined: Return of the Jedi

Everything That Happened Leading Up to Nixon's Resignation

lurgee says...

I do not. I did before but now I really do not give a crap. I just do not care for the video crack that is all the rage these days here. I long for the old days of the sift.

moonsammy said:

@lurgee - do you not upvote your own videos? I find it weird to be the first upvote on a post...

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

bobknight33 says...

Crack head Biden taking down his dad and family.
Its coming

newtboy said:

This stupid hoax has failed miserably, but another succeeded brilliantly.....and it was fucking Borat!!!

You want to trot out some faked files from random computers to try smear Biden...and are outraged that no one believes it (maybe shouldn't have destroyed your credibility by lying constantly)....but Borat comes out tomorrow where we will all see Guliani flirt with someone introduced as a 15 year old, go alone with her to her room for drinks, ask for her phone number and home address, grab her ass repeatedly, flirting shamelessly the whole time, then lie down and start touching himself in front of her only to be stopped by Borat who barges in and tells Giuliani to stop, she's too old for him....he admits it all happened but claims he was just tucking in his shirt (just ignore all the flirting and invitations for private meetings, the groping, the lying down on the bed, the movements in his pants, and the embarrassment when he was caught).

More real pedophilia in Trump's inner circle. First, decades of picking up YOUNG girls with his best friend Epstein, then he intentionally chose a well known incestuous lawyer.
Now he's also proven to be another pedophile too, not with fake Russian photo shop, but professional multi camera video. Streaming tomorrow. Enjoy!

Republicans, the party of pedophiles and incest (let's not forget Giuliani also married his young cousin).

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

Whipping a massive chain

Xaielao says...

The crack at the end of this and other whips when correctly used, is actually a sonic boom, as the very end of the whip is moving faster than the speed of sound.

Hilarious Day In Life Of A Destroyed Russian Roadblock

Professor Brian Harvey On Why Not To Cheat

newtboy says...

I thought you were saying everyone can benefit from chemical compounds that react in their body to produce certain effects.
That I agree with.

That everyone should use recreational (I'm assuming including unregulated, blackmarket, psychoactive) drugs I strongly disagree with.
Many people are not mentally equipped to have a single light beer, one of the least potent recreational drugs while some few can successfully smoke crack in moderation. Many don't have the experience to avoid fake, adulterated, or deadly drugs. Some have physical limitations that could make a joint deadly.

Remember, especially with humans, there are always exceptions to any rule.

kir_mokum said:

i am talking about recreational drugs.

and what is it you think i'm saying?

White Fir Tree Barberchairs during cutting

lucky760 says...

That's called barberchairing?

Honestly, the whole time, I must've been thinking "barbershop quartet" as I was thinking it'd start making some kind of melody with the chainsaw or cracking or something.


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