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David Mitchell talks about personal debts

oohlalasassoon says...

Guy I used to work with drove some coworkers and myself to lunch one time and afterward asked everyone to chip in for the cost of gas -- and was serious.

That was the last time he drove.

Viacom snatches The Daily Show and Colbert Nation off Hulu (Terrible Talk Post)

lesserfool says...

I don't know where micro-payments are a good fit, it is hard to beat "free" psychologically. It seems like micro-payments right now are most successful offering over-priced "premium" niche content. Content providers can increase the cost on a larger population of users more easily over time if the content is thought to be free.

Hulu ads often get on my nerves but in another year or so I'll probably be willing to put up with full KY jelly vaginal stimulant themes and jingles while I'm eating lunch in front of coworkers at the office.

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

But, I love you baby! I was trying to prove a point, granted I just got back home from the bar, was completly smashed, and was in no condition to give an opinion about anything. I have since learned to stay away from comment pages during times of innebriation. You know it's bad when you wake up feeling regret about something as benign as internet comments.
In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
In reply to this comment by highdileeho:
Whatever you cracker ass faggot

In reply to this comment by Heartspark:
This is why people don't say crap when riding public transportation. You don't know the person, or anything about them. Hell they could be on the bus with a handgun ready to take out every coworker they are with and was going to leave you alone till you said "hello".

Racist, mental problems, or not..EBM WAS in the right here. He did defend himself.
Black or white does not matter, you do not act on impulses to do whatever violent act you see fit based on someones words towards you.

If that was the case, half you mother fuckers would be dead on here.

Wow, I had respect for you. Now I don't.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Alpha Gameplay Collection

Raigen says...

Need. To. Play. NAO.

I was just talking about Old Republic with some coworkers yesterday, and the day before. And, no, I'm not ashamed at all in saying that I'll be taking a week off work when this game is released.

highdileeho (Member Profile)

NordlichReiter says...

In reply to this comment by highdileeho:
Whatever you cracker ass faggot

In reply to this comment by Heartspark:
This is why people don't say crap when riding public transportation. You don't know the person, or anything about them. Hell they could be on the bus with a handgun ready to take out every coworker they are with and was going to leave you alone till you said "hello".

Racist, mental problems, or not..EBM WAS in the right here. He did defend himself.
Black or white does not matter, you do not act on impulses to do whatever violent act you see fit based on someones words towards you.

If that was the case, half you mother fuckers would be dead on here.

Wow, I had respect for you. Now I don't.

Heartspark (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

Whatever you cracker ass faggot

In reply to this comment by Heartspark:
This is why people don't say crap when riding public transportation. You don't know the person, or anything about them. Hell they could be on the bus with a handgun ready to take out every coworker they are with and was going to leave you alone till you said "hello".

Racist, mental problems, or not..EBM WAS in the right here. He did defend himself.
Black or white does not matter, you do not act on impulses to do whatever violent act you see fit based on someones words towards you.

If that was the case, half you mother fuckers would be dead on here.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

Heartspark says...

This is why people don't say crap when riding public transportation. You don't know the person, or anything about them. Hell they could be on the bus with a handgun ready to take out every coworker they are with and was going to leave you alone till you said "hello".

Racist, mental problems, or not..EBM WAS in the right here. He did defend himself.
Black or white does not matter, you do not act on impulses to do whatever violent act you see fit based on someones words towards you.

If that was the case, half you mother fuckers would be dead on here.

Pants On The Ground remixed by DJ Steve Porter

Craig Ferguson Takes the High Ground

bmacs27 says...

Donate to doctors without borders. They've been operating low cost clinics in Haiti for years. In my experience with Katrina relief, the red cross is a joke of a bureaucratic nightmare. They were called "Bologna Mobiles" because they had truck loads of bologna sandwiches which they wouldn't hand out for the week following the storm because paperwork hadn't cleared. So yea, don't do the text message thing, check out D w/o B.

p.s. My good friend and coworker lost his father in the quake.

My Religion is True, Yours a Mistake!

mxxcon says...

>> ^conan:
>> ^rosser99:
What's the deal with the hybrid speaking? I'm not even sure what the native tongue is here (maybe Hindi?), but he falls in to English for random patches. Is this typical?

I've heard that several times from coworkers from india. they switch from Hindi / Urdu to English back and forth during single sentences. Even when talking to their families. Guess that's due to the history of India being a UK colony.

what the hell are you two talking about?!
in this video they are clearly speaking about SAUDI ARABIA! where the hell did you get hindi, urdu and india from?!

Couple Arrested for Not Paying Tip

imstellar28 says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:
Do you ride to work in the rain? Because nobody I know rides their bike in the rain. So what then, call in sick every time it rains?

Rain, snow, lightning, fog, hail, tumbleweeds, crazy drivers. The weather here ranges from -10 F to 105F and yes I ride every day no matter what. Riding in the rain isn't that big of a deal if you have a waterproof helmet, jacket, pants, gloves, and boots.

You can buy a used dirt bike for about $1000 - in fact my very first motorcycle was a used Ninja 250 (sport bike) which I bought for $1400. Gets 70 MPG. As far as maintenance on my current bike goes; spark plugs are about $2 (single cylinder) and an oil change is what $10? Mine was $7000 brand new, but I don't make minimum wage. Most people spend what, 10, 20, 30 thousand on a new car? Why would you spend $20,000 on a car? They are slow, dangerous, get terrible gas mileage, and can't even ride down single track

Thing is, if you are making minimum wage, why would you need a car to commute in the first place? Theres a McDonalds on every block and used bicycles are like $30. Anyone working less than 10 miles from their house could easily ride a bicycle to work. One of my coworkers does it every day (14 miles) ...yes in the rain and snow too.

Its not a question of "can" its a question of "will." People in America think (know?) they need a car yet theres really no need for it.

As far as TAXES know I'm a libertarian right? I don't believe in that part is on you...if you want to steal 20% from someone making minimum wage thats on you, not me

My Religion is True, Yours a Mistake!

conan says...

>> ^rosser99:
What's the deal with the hybrid speaking? I'm not even sure what the native tongue is here (maybe Hindi?), but he falls in to English for random patches. Is this typical?

I've heard that several times from coworkers from india. they switch from Hindi / Urdu to English back and forth during single sentences. Even when talking to their families. Guess that's due to the history of India being a UK colony.

Homophobic Christian Whines About Getting Fired

Drax says...

The fact that he was fired, and the way he's going on makes me firmly believe this was the straw that broke the camel's back when it came to this guy.

He obviously sees his own personal behavior as deserving to be perfectly acceptable, since it's free of sin, etc. I wonder how many coworker's he's subtly tried to convert?

Course I could be wrong, I just doubt this was the only time he rubbed someone the wrong way.

Homophobic Christian Whines About Getting Fired

Homophobic Christian Whines About Getting Fired

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