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World Record 33cl Bottle Beer Chug - (3.298 seconds)

Who needs a minivan when you have a motorcycle

Unusual Fruit

Wage disparity? (Equality Talk Post)

Lawdeedaw says...

Thank you peggedbea--that's exactly the kind of quality post I wanted in the comments! I can only learn to sympathize by hearing about the hardships other people have face. Sorry it happened, but glad you shared it.

I bet it is not rare to avoid hiring single mothers. It is also not rare to have a breast pumping policy (Which, I am an avid supporter of women's right to breastfeed and pump milk at the workplace.)

>> ^peggedbea:

if you're looking for anecdotes of women passing up opportunities to take care of kids... or being fucked because they kids or a vagina... i got both.
I passed up a seemingly lucrative middle-management position in healthcare so that i could stay home during the week with my kids when they were both too young for school. I opted instead for the 40 hours in 2.5 days overnight on the weekend shift. Granted, I had no desire to be anyone's manager ever. But it would have been more money and improved job stability.
Also, at the exact same company... I was eventually promoted into CT scan... where I was systematically treated like horse shit. Mostly for having a young child-bearing vagina. All 3 single dads in my department were given 20% wage increases at some point or another because they had to "pay child support" ... as if, as a single mom, 100% of my fucking wages didn't go to the care of my children. And then, the CT department held monthly team meetings during the week. I had to miss one because my youngest, asthmatic child had pneumonia. My slag of a boss attempts to write me up for missing a meeting. and then I find out that one of my coworkers (a man) never ever has to attend meetings because he works nights and is home with his children during meeting hours. Well, so was I. When I brought this up to my boss, she tore up my write up. AND THEN, when my regular coworker would take a night off work, I'd always be scheduled to work with this one creep who would do creep things like... pin me up against the wall and tell me how he likes to be touched, talk about my tits, touch my ass every time i leaned across a counter and try to fuck me in break room when we didn't have any patients. He wouldn't quit so I finally told my boss if she scheduled him with me again, I was going to call in sick.... so that cunt calls me 2 weeks later and threatens me ... i recorded that phone call and turned it over to her bosses... then i found out that the creepy guy was pulling the same shit on the $9/hr file clerks and my boss also ignored their complaints. I brought this to the director of the department's attention... I was fired 3 weeks later. After 8 years with 0 write-ups, I was fired for insubordination.
guess who works my shift full time now?????

oh an that same boss would tell me things like "i had 4 days a week to be a mother" when i had to call in an on call tech ONE TIME IN 8 YEARS because my kid had pneumonia.
also, it is extremely rare for a company to provide child care... your wife is very fortunate. it is not at all rare on the other hand for companies to avoid hiring single mothers.

Wage disparity? (Equality Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

if you're looking for anecdotes of women passing up opportunities to take care of kids... or being fucked because they kids or a vagina... i got both.

I passed up a seemingly lucrative middle-management position in healthcare so that i could stay home during the week with my kids when they were both too young for school. I opted instead for the 40 hours in 2.5 days overnight on the weekend shift. Granted, I had no desire to be anyone's manager ever. But it would have been more money and improved job stability.

Also, at the exact same company... I was eventually promoted into CT scan... where I was systematically treated like horse shit. Mostly for having a young child-bearing vagina. All 3 single dads in my department were given 20% wage increases at some point or another because they had to "pay child support" ... as if, as a single mom, 100% of my fucking wages didn't go to the care of my children. And then, the CT department held monthly team meetings during the week. I had to miss one because my youngest, asthmatic child had pneumonia. My slag of a boss attempts to write me up for missing a meeting. and then I find out that one of my coworkers (a man) never ever has to attend meetings because he works nights and is home with his children during meeting hours. Well, so was I. When I brought this up to my boss, she tore up my write up. AND THEN, when my regular coworker would take a night off work, I'd always be scheduled to work with this one creep who would do creep things like... pin me up against the wall and tell me how he likes to be touched, talk about my tits, touch my ass every time i leaned across a counter and try to fuck me in break room when we didn't have any patients. He wouldn't quit so I finally told my boss if she scheduled him with me again, I was going to call in sick.... so that cunt calls me 2 weeks later and threatens me ... i recorded that phone call and turned it over to her bosses... then i found out that the creepy guy was pulling the same shit on the $9/hr file clerks and my boss also ignored their complaints. I brought this to the director of the department's attention... I was fired 3 weeks later. After 8 years with 0 write-ups, I was fired for insubordination.
guess who works my shift full time now?????

oh an that same boss would tell me things like "i had 4 days a week to be a mother" when i had to call in an on call tech ONE TIME IN 8 YEARS because my kid had pneumonia.

also, it is extremely rare for a company to provide child care... your wife is very fortunate. it is not at all rare on the other hand for companies to avoid hiring single mothers.

Macy's Thwarts Theft By Peeping Tom

Sarcasm Detector

Sarcasm Detector

Sarcasm Detector

News of the World "journalist" clearly imploding

Craig Ferguson makes fun of Corp Sexual Harassment Train Vid

Found a Sexist Indictment of another community.What U Think? (Sift Talk Post)

KnivesOut says...

In fourteen years of software development, for companies large and small, I've never worked with a female programmer, developer, or engineer.

I've had female coworkers who were analysts, graphic designers, quality assurance, technical writers, IT jockeys, program managers, project managers, and "normal" managers of various levels.

There's definitely a male bias in the programming fields, so I'm not surprised that they're under-represented in open-source projects as well.

NSFW thumbnail censoring (Controversy Talk Post)

residue says...

Well the issue was that a couple days ago someone promoted the topless joust video so everytime you loaded the page, there was the topless thumbnail proudly displayed right at the top. That was an issue for me and I had to completely avoid the sift for the day at work (not a big deal, but a resolvable problem for that and future situations). There are lots of times at work when I want to show a colleague something that's on the sift and you're right, most of the time it's perfectly fine. What I'd like to create a situations where it's ALWAYS fine.

If it's a huge amount of work, which lucky has alluded to, then you're right it's not worth it. Just a suggestion

>> ^Sarzy:

How many times in the history of the sift has the thumbnail itself been NSFW? Maybe a handful of times? In the rare, rare case that you see a boobie or a wiener or some other NSFW bit of skin in a thumbnail, just scroll past it. The thumbnails aren't exactly huge -- unless your boss or a coworker is standing right over your shoulder while you browse the sift (in which case it's your own fault if you get caught looking at something inappropriate), no one will notice.

NSFW thumbnail censoring (Controversy Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

How many times in the history of the sift has the thumbnail itself been NSFW? Maybe a handful of times? In the rare, rare case that you see a boobie or a wiener or some other NSFW bit of skin in a thumbnail, just scroll past it. The thumbnails aren't exactly huge -- unless your boss or a coworker is standing right over your shoulder while you browse the sift (in which case it's your own fault if you get caught looking at something inappropriate), no one will notice.

Improv-A-Ganza - Moving People 'I'm Drunk'

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