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What did Reagan think about the right to vote?

bobknight33 says...

The Electoral College is a great idea. It levels the playing field across all states.

As you stated""" inserting partisanship into vote counting, assaulting the integrity of the process and subjecting poll workers to death threats isn't creating a "honest vote system", it's degrading the most fundamental principle of democracy.""

That is what happens to conservatives in major democrat cities during the counting. Glad we are on the same page.

StukaFox said:


I agree with your points below, but the limiting polling places, inserting partisanship into vote counting, assaulting the integrity of the process and subjecting poll workers to death threats isn't creating a "honest vote system", it's degrading the most fundamental principle of democracy.

If you really believed in voting honesty, you'd be railing against the Electoral College.

Man In The Women's Locker Room Is Now The Norm

newtboy says...

Definitely not, equality is what Democrats support, do it like I want or I'll ruin everything (up to and including the union) is how Republicans think and govern.

You know that, and you know this woman is a "conservative", you're just trolling like you do with your other sockpuppets, Bob, it's why you created the accounts. It's the only way to find someone dumb and ignorant enough to agree with you.

TangledThorns said:

I bet the lady recording voted Democrat. This is what you voted for.

The real history of the kkk. Democrats leave this out

kir_mokum says...

i love how conservatives think this is some big secret or cover up they just discovered when in reality, everyone knows about it and that the parties ostensibly switched platforms in the early-mid 20th century. they also ignore that their beloved GOP used to be a big gov, progressive party when trotting this factoid out.

Man In The Women's Locker Room Is Now The Norm

luxintenebris says...

BTW: why the need for transgender fender-bender videos?

very conservative women associate once told me [paraphrasing]
"I have used ladies' rooms for over half a century (yes, hard to believe but I do look good so why hide my age) and undoubtedly have crossed paths w/a few of them. Most facilities have booths - why would we want to share that w/anyone - so how would I know if I had! Never been a problem; never have heard one problem; and why make it one?!"

...while we're on the subject of dicks showing up where they're not wanted...

simonm (Member Profile)

simonm (Member Profile)

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

luxintenebris says...

addressing the 🦜 🦜 comments;

how does a 'drug slogan' or being 'unthankfully deaf' solve anything? sanctimonious slobber.

-do they believe the GOP really gives a squirt? it's been long known, admitted, and used to get the base riled.
-did the orange menace use a condom when he was raw dogging a porn star?
-did gaetz when he ganged a 17 y.o.?

they have to know the answer. 💯 but will even admit to 51%?

it's like the joke of 'um' gow' wah'. Republican senator visits a foreign land. he gives a stirring speech and it's interpreted for the non-English speaking crowd. as he thunders his speech, rife w/conservative 'ideals', he stops at every 'pause for applause' section, in turn, the crowd erupts with "UM-GOW-WAH!" the senator leaves the stage, pleased that even the rabble of third-world-ers can appreciate the values of conservatism.

as he crosses to depart on a waiting helicopter, he has to walk through the natives' pastureland (the only space larger enough for the aircraft) the local ambassadors urge him to "be careful! don't step in the um' cow' wah'!

'live w/your decision' and 'advocating for murder'?


honestly. with big daddy and father allears, what's the point? gomers on a high horse, but they're riding it backward. both blind to what they are leaving on the trail.

Rising crime rates

luxintenebris jokingly says...

just thinking...

Ever read the book "Freakonomics"?

'specially that theory on abortion and crime?

that's the quandary i'd like to see 🦜 and all the other 🦜 🦜 have to think through.

if crime goes down while abortion is legal, then liberals support low crime while conservatives w/loving the unborn, support high crime.

better point...

the malfeasance of the president & his administration most assuredly raised the crime rate in d.c. w/his election. so how does anyone question the democrats on being soft on criminals, when just removing mar-a-lard-dough would have quelled a crime wave?

newtboy said:

Only two of the largest 25 cities are led by Republicans, but also two of the most dangerous 20, three of the worst 25. Fox and @bobknight33 hope you don't know that because if you don't it makes it sound like Democrats can't lead, when really Republicans do worse statistically.

Such sad little whining, Bob. You've tried this dishonest ploy before and failed....remember?

Funny how the crime rate wasn't Trump's or Republican's fault or responsibility in any way, but suddenly after January 20 everything is controlled by and the fault of the president including crimes that happened before he was in office.

Of course crime rates were lower during full lockdown, and of course they rose after real leadership allowed opening of businesses and cities. Too difficult a concept for some.

Yes, a vote of no confidence from any cities police union, especially Chicago's, is a badge of honor. They are so corrupt that, if you don't play ball with them, they threaten public officials and the public in official statements.

More delicious tears from losers. Big Daddy Biden crushing it. Harris 2028!!!

Parents Read of books from the LCPS Library

cloudballoon says...

Violence, class/race oppression, history suppression/revision and delusional self-aggrandizing American exceptionalism are all par for the course in US teens lit, but sex? Hell no!

Europeans are getting a good chuckle at this.

But isn't that's classic American education? With a conservative SCOTUS, the American education system gonna get even worse.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Weird, because like I mentioned those tax cuts weren't helping my portfolio until after the election. They must have really kicked in only after the inauguration. But to be fair, Trump did say the market would tank immediately if Joe's the president....apparently the market didn't get the memo.

It is still running under the Trump corporate/billionaire handouts, and still suffering from the Trumpdemic recession, it had been languishing under the same circumstances last year but is now skyrocketing with the nation under adult leadership.

Tax hikes will likely slow things somewhat assuming any pass, time will tell, but your prognostications have proven to be least, unlike Trump and Republicans, Biden wants to pay for at least some of his spending. For all the worrywarting about China, you guys sure liked to be deep in debt to them. Yes, Democrats are spending like drunken sailors, it's worrisome, but so were Republicans. At least it's on brand for Democrats, they don't pretend to be fiscally conservative anti socialists while giving away trillions on credit and getting nothing for it.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you dumb.
Still running under Trumps / Republican tax cuts.

Slow down when Biden passes their tax hikes.


newtboy says...

BTW @bobknight33, his statistics are pure bullshit, totally made up figures, pure *lies.

For instance, the actual divorce rate is 39% or less and dropping, not 67% and rising. In 2019 divorce rates hit a 50 year low, and are expected to drop precipitously when 2020 statistics are released.

It follows that, with the easiest statistic to verify so incredibly wrong-not just nearly doubled but he also got the trend totally backwards, every statistic he quotes is certainly made up in the same dishonest way with zero factual basis.....Like most everything you post.

Bob, why are you such a constant liar? Everything you post is, at best, total misrepresentations of fact and far more often, like this, pure hateful lies coming from a place of weakness and infantile hatred for anyone not a conservative white male. What happened to you that makes you abhor truth and facts along with women and non whites? No, really....what happened? It must be a good story to have this kind of impact on you.


newtboy says...

"Abortion is murdering your baby....that's not my opinion, that's fact."
Like all "conservatives", he's completely flipped what he believes is opinion and what is fact.
Abortion doesn't happen to babies, because they have to be born first to be a baby....fact.

Most children do come from single mother homes...because multiple mother homes are quite rare and illegal in many states.

Such asinine twaddle, @bobknight33. Misogynistic babble from a moron.

Pike County Sheriffs Beat And Mace Man In Restraint Chair

newtboy says...

Lol. See that peacock logo on the video?
Or are you saying unless every network shows it on their prime time national broadcast news show, it wasn't covered. I found reporting from ABC, NBC, CBS, VICE, even Fox (but not Faux news). I bet CNN had coverage too, but they aren't easy to search. Even if it didn't make the prime time broadcast, these networks all have late night national broadcasts that use local affiliate clips like this to fill the time.

If that's your position I guess that means there is no right wing/"conservative" news at all then, there is no nationally broadcast right wing channel, nor is there any right wing NEWS at all, only what they admit in court is ignorant biased baseless unbelievable hyperbolic uninformed opinion they call news but only morons could possibly believe it, and there are only basic cable networks.

Yes, punching someone in the head a dozen times with full force of a 250-300 lb man so hard it breaks his hand, with the victim restrained so they can't defend themselves is attempted murder. Pepper spraying a restrained man, letting him topple over to the concrete, and letting him gasp for breath for well over 10 minutes, tightly restrained on his back with no assistance, never checking on him while he's possibly aspirating or concussed from the fall, definitely struggling for air is attempted murder.

If the tables were turned and the cop was the victim, you would see at least 13 attempted murders, one for each punch and at least one for the mace to the face, and say every single one justifies killing the perpetrator. You are so transparent and hypocritical.

How do I know what? think? But let me guess, the guy had it coming for not submissively complying, and that justifies the cop going too far on four separate occasions....he should have immunity, civil and criminal, and so should the sheriff office.
Too bad so sad for the victim....right?


bobknight33 said:

This was on CNN, MSNBC ABC CBS NBC national news?
This Attempted Murder.????????????
How do you know ?

Yea the cop went to far.

Congressman Matt Gaetz Snubbed by Trump Amid Growing Scandal

luxintenebris jokingly says...

just notice...

- that 'not-so' green women who had (at least) two affairs on her now re-united with husband
- jacket-less jordan who 'said' he didn't know (about sexual abuse) but those who said he did can quote his response(s) verbatim
- cruz who vacation in mexico while his state's people had to deal with an unnatural disaster

(overlook the conservative donors that gave jobs by getting hand-jobs, the university president that got fired for not having sex with w/his wife, or the ones responsible for the burning deaths of prom-goers) the lackluster news of a republican congressman paying for sex and doing illegal drugs ONLY makes the headlines because one of the contractors was underage...

this is not your dad's gop.

paleontologists don't have that many skeletons in their closets.

surfingyt said:

One by one Trump's little bootlickers are falling. It is glorious.

Can't wait to see who is next in line.

Democrat Breaks Senate Rules To Call Out Racist Senator

luxintenebris says...

too simple to be believed. no way. it's just ridiculous. a conservative bitter about power at any cost - from the other party?!! too unreal. come on. even the former president couldn't get infrastructure, or medical or medicine reform introduced into congress. geez, b33 get real.

to believe johnson wasn't concerned...well...yeah, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed...or congress...but he should have been. had the idiots made it into the senate chamber, he was just as likely to die as any other non-descript senator.

most constituents can't identify their representatives, let alone, some other state's members. that's been proven yearly, and over decades of investigations.

it was racist. and undefendable.

...and caring? name the issue. then match the effort(s). HR1 is a better measure than any GOP bill offered in the last 20 yrs.

caring? reread that whole shat pile about abortion, murder, illegals, death, debauchery, and destruction...then explain how that's thoughtful and constructive.

personally, not a fan of most of that...but debauchery?
what's not to love?

bobknight33 said:

Such Bull shit.
Everything is racist to a Democrat.

Dems don't care, they just want power, at any cost. Thy let blacks abort and murder each other so much that now they need illegals for Democrat votes.
Democrats, the party of death, debauchery and destruction.

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