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Peter Schiff On Automobile Corporatism December 2nd 2008

spoco2 says...

I'm not even going to watch the video.

[edit: Now I have watched the video... what the hell is up with your summary: 'Peter Schiff sees the current crisis as a result of todays socialism.'? He doesn't say anything of the sort... he does say that they should be allowed to fail because they are poorly managed, but this demonising socialism as a word again even though it was never used in this context is ridiculous]

But the reason why the US (And Australian) car manufacturers are dying is because they are terribly, terribly managed. NOTHING to do with capitalism vs socialism, NOTHING.

They have had decades of the writing being on the wall that what the consumers want and need are more efficient cars the preferably don't run on petrol. What do they keep making?

Ford US: STILL the thing they're advertising most, the F150 a ridiculous tank of a vehicle... stupid, stupid vehicle for all but a narrow subset of uses.
GM US: Well, there and here in Aus, they are still pushing the even more ridiculous HUMMER A disgusting vehicle if ever there was one.

Ford Australia: They cannot change and continue to spend millions on the big 6 cylinder Falcon...
GM Australia (Holden): Just as stupidly continue with the Commodore.

These companies have noone to blame but themselves. DO NOT blame socialism (nothing to do with it), do NOT blame capitalism (Also nothing to do with it)... it's the short sighted, bullshit for brains management.

Every man and his dog could see there was no future for big, fuel inneficient cars, but they keep building the damn things. And it was a point on Top Gear Australia, where the host was pleading with people to buy those two big sedans because if we didn't the Australian car industry would die... well, no F*CK OFF... you don't buy bad cars just to prop up an industry that didn't move with the times, THEY should have made hybrid, alternative fuel, and electric cars.

F*ck them for not moving with the times, and F*ck them for trying to get billions from the government.

Double Dragon -- Arcade Longplay

Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

yep! My oldest sift is this one: a dog that says "sorry" Japanese style.

Second oldest is the Commodore VIC-20 commercial :

anyone remember the Cavity Creeps?:

One of my fav commercials of all time, Mr Microphone:

Guess my sifting hasn't changed much in over 2 years

So what's your rig? (Videogames Talk Post)

Starglider intro on Atari ST

Zonbie says...

LOL I remember this! My brother had this on his ST I was only 10 when I saw this - the music was awesome because it wasn't a MIDI track but sampled! WOW, I think a sizeable chunk of disk 1 was that track

(remember "sizeable" of 720K!)

From Wiki - for those who remember
Starglider is a 3D video game released in 1986 by Rainbird. It was developed by Argonaut Software, led by programmer Jez San. The game was inspired by Jez San's love of the 1983 Atari coin-op Star Wars,[1] It was a fast-moving, first-person combat flight simulator, rendered with colourful wireframe vector graphics. The game took place over the surface of the occupied planet Novenia, and it was the player's goal to rid the world of the mechanised Egron invaders. To this end the player was equipped with a high-performance AGAV fighter aircraft, which was armed with lasers and television-guided missiles.

Starglider was originally developed by Argonaut Software for the 16-bit Commodore Amiga and Atari ST machines. Rainbird also commissioned Realtime Games to produce 8-bit versions for the Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, and ZX Spectrum (128k, with a cut-down 48k version without sampled speech or special missions), and also for the IBM-compatible PC running in CGA. Solid Images were commissioned to produce versions for the Commodore C64 and Apple IIGS. Most versions included then-novel sampled speech, from Rainbird employee Clare Edgeley.[1]

Starglider was packaged with a sci-fi novella by James Follett, describing the game's background story

It was followed in 1988 by the sequel, Starglider 2.

Angry video game nerd reviews Superman 64

Croccydile says...

Upvote for the Commodore 64! But, he should be glad he did not have to load the game from a cassette tape if he thought two minutes was bad. That's usually when you set the game loading and game back after eating dinner and finally you could play the damn thing.

critttter (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Miss Kittin & The Hacker - 1982

Treadmill Disaster

deathcow says...

All these young men and women in the same room having fun in their youth, where are their Commodore 64 Home Computers and modems? Are they having a Dungeons & Dragons tournament?

siftbot (Member Profile)

Star Wars Floppy Disk

spoco2 says...

>> ^jmd:
Unless theres something on the floppy itself hitting the head to make the sound (kind of like a music box), its fake.
Stepper motors in these drives do make a noise similar to this, but #1 you cant alter the frequencies of steps to this degree to create multiple tones, and #2 youll note that while the head moves at the start of the tone, it does not continue to moved through to the end of the tone, especially the long tones. Therefore its not the stepper motor making the sound.

I just love people, who with zero information on something, other than a blurry video, and with some tiny amount of information, make bold statements like 'it's fake'.

Did you know that you can do this entirely in software with the disk drive of the commodore 64? Granted, it's a different assembly (5.25" drive with its own CPU and controller), but same principle. While I can't find anything on how it was done in this case, I think you'll find it's real, and then your 'its fake' call seems pretty dumb.

Vintage 1985 Comodore Plus-4 Commercial

Mirror's Edge - 1st Person Parkour on PS3 In Game Footage

H.P. Papercraft

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