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When Harry Met Santa Claus

When Harry Met Santa Claus

Can Spinlaunch throw rockets into space?

maestro156 says...

Using a mountainside might help with structural integrity, but it's not likely to give much air resistance advantage if I'm reading the math correctly. The 5 highest peaks in the US are all in Alaska and and range from just under 5km to just over 6km. Commercial jets using air resistance/density for lift fly at about 10km and even at 38km aerodynamic lift still carries 98% of the weight of the plane (

Air density is halved at 5km compared to sea level, but air resistance doesn't diminish as quickly (due to it being multiplied by velocity squared and drag coefficient), and only becomes irrelevant (for short-term purposes) around 100km at the Karman Line.

If we had a 5km peak in Florida, the lack of logistical costs might make the benefits worth it, and if we could build on one of Equador's 5km peaks, then there's the further advantage of equatorial location for optimal rotational advantage (part of the reason we launch from South Florida)

Slice of Sea • Gameplay Trailer

Slice of Sea • Gameplay Trailer

Parrot Photobombs Highway Traffic Cam...

newtboy says...

We paid for them, why do commercial news operations get exclusive access? Maybe I want to see traffic now, not what it was during the morning news. What could it hurt? It wouldn’t cost a dime, just allow access.

ant said:


Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

newtboy says...

There is no such thing as internet privacy. It’s a total myth. You are tracked anywhere you surf, and there’s no publicly available encryption the government can’t crack, usually they have back doors so they don’t even have to.

Of course, all social media sites are funded by selling your information. What, you thought they’re free?!

Do people not remember Carnivore? It collected and read EVERY email and text sent in the US in secret in the 90’s. Are people so dumb they think this stopped post 9/11?

I have no cell phone, no social media, and I always click “do not share my personal information “, required on any commercial site operating in California….and I still have no illusions that my data is private. Want to stay private, don’t give out your information to anyone.

“Spot Me Up” | The Rolling Stones & Boston Dynamics

Oxen_Morale (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Two more movie trailers coming up. You’re welcome.

I promised you one every time you tell people to not post trailers. You don’t have that right. VideoSift doesn’t exist just for you. Good thing, you’ve never posted a thing….just complained lately (but done absolutely nothing to fix your personal issue).

Use the filters on your profile page, filter out cinema and commercial. You’ll never see another trailer.

Oxen_Morale said:

enough with trailers please!

Hell Hath No Fury

The Black Phone

The Black Phone

STAR ATLAS Trailer (2022)

ant says...

Why don't you go away or ignore the trailers? You can filter out commercials in your account. Use the filters please.

Oxen_Morale said:

More trailers? Please go somewhere else if you want to see what movies are playing!

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Beggar's Canyon