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MC Frontalot - First World Problem

eric3579 says...

Nerd rap infests your internet. You left a trap, but it's empty.
MC Frontalot took a gape but the bait wasn't tempting,
ending up uncaged and at large
to talk smack at you through the networking appliance that's in charge
of every drip of your attention.
Yo, when mine goes out I've got to log in just to mention
my disappointment at the interruption of convenience.
I mean just: a lot left, but none up in between this
couple of minutes here and a couple of minutes later.
It's an outrage, at the price I paid. These dictators
of my leisure rule with an iron fist.
Has anybody ever been so put upon as this?

Your GPS run out of battery (first world problem)
Got to wake up Saturday (first world problem)
You just delayed a honeymoon (first world problem)
Pledge season's coming soon (first world problem)
Half your friend list is spam accounts (first world problem)
And your center channel speaker's out (first world problem)

Muffy, my hair regrowth cream is mostly ineffective
and I'm struggling to keep this in perspective,
but I feel like a massive injustice occurred.
Says "regrows hair" on the tube (in the words)
in a third — or maybe a quarter — of all users.
I must have got swindled. Is it a fault? Of whose is?
Oooh, Muffy, Muffy, I had all the servants tortured.
Did you keep them on retainer? Do you got some more on order?
'Cause I can't comb my hair on my own no more.
I got accustomed to the lifestyle, sniffed upon the spore
and it molded up my innards, made the blood turn blue.
Muffy, Muffy, there's a revolution; what we're gonna do?

Misplaced the Ambien (first world problem)
Left a participle dangling (first world problem)
You're scheduling your root canal (first world problem)
Your grad schooling had no rationale (first world problem)
You didn't like your appetizer (first world problem)
Your yacht got capsized (a first world problem)

Now while our capitalism is in a minor kerfuffle,
you have to hustle. Before the fates come, reshuffle.
Rustle up another couple grievances and air 'em.
You can laugh about it later (maybe needed while despairing).
For the moment though, you ordered half caf, didn't get it;
there was no TV set when you jetted; internet resetted
itself just as I was in the middle
of tournament play, and so I suffered from transmittal
interruption. Completely ruined my day.
MC Frontalot's a jackass, that's all I'm trying to say.
People buy CDs in these days of disaster,
so poor me: I have to be a professional rapper.

No bubbles in the soda cup (first world problem)
App crashed when you loaded up (first world problem)
Phone's OS is outta date (first world problem)
Colors won't calibrate (first world problem)
They never stock the snack you want (first world problem)
Caught herpes from a celebutante (first world problem)

Got wallhacked in PVP (first world problem)
Oh no, HD-DVD (first world problem)
Pixels aren't perfect square (first world problem)
Your favorite rapper isn't debonair (first world problem)
You own too many underwear (first world problem)
And you're not much of a millionaire (first world problem)

Trump, "Obama May Be Greatest Scam In American History"

kceaton1 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Who is crazier:
Those who suspect a man refusing to release a document that would easily end all speculation MIGHT have something to hide,
those who still believe a nation can tax and spend itself into stability and prosperity, with the top producers paying the heaviest federal taxes and the "bottom" 50% paying nothing, but slurping up plenty of entitlements.

You should add it to speed-dial and also make a bookmark. You seem to always be contrary on any political subject.

Which causes me to believe you're nothing, but a reincarnated troll from Videosift past. If you're trying not to troll, bring up some factual evidence and not semantics. Your quote does NOTHING for this issue other than showing us that you are most likely: a birther, tea-partier, and Donald Trump lover (in just three weeks; you haven't even heard his bad stuff yet--he'll make everyone at the Republican debate look like a saint by comparison, by the time they finish with him)...

He thinks a TV show helps him. Who is he Sarah Palin? Even the hairpiece has a comb-over (forward). Atleast someone like Bruce Willis isn't paranoid about it; he took it in stride and made it a part of him, a strength.

Bill O’Reilly interrupts President Obama 48 times

entr0py says...

To be fair, I sort of like the combative style of many British journalists; it's often less of an interview and more of a cross-examination. If Bill 'O did this well and used interruption to challenge and keep the guest on point, I'd be cool with it. But usually he's just trying to launch into his own exposition, as if he were the one being interviewed.

Ricky Gervais' Extremely Uncomfortable Golden Globes Monolog

Sagemind says...

• Alec Baldwin was seen wiping a tear from his eye as he laughed along from the audience.

• Rapper and actor Sean 'Diddy' Combs, said he was 'really enjoying it' and said Gervais was 'doing an excellent job'.

• Bruce Willis - backstage he admitted: 'He was fantastic, he killed it, he did great.'

• Rising British actor Andrew Garfield admitted it had been a cringe-worthy performance: 'He's been terribly nasty and horribly rude and I think he's genius.'

• Fellow Brit Christian Bale said he didn’t feel Gervais pushed the envelope enough and added: 'Thank God for comedians, they have the most important job. I hope he keeps going further!'

• De Niro was also seen dissolving into laughter but he too had made his own little jibes about the event as he collected the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award.

Creepiest Youtuber Ever? Perhaps

ambassdor says...

since when is it creepy for some 50+ yr old dude with a comb-over + pedophile mustache, to send a video birthday greeting to a 22yr old Japanese electro-pop musician, chewing gum while randomly splicing it with a picture of some tree squirrel, briefly wear a squirrel-mask, offering chocolates to her, and then photoshop-ing a screenshot of her face as though they ate it, pretending to be interrupted by answering a wrench instead of a mobile phone, then acknowledging the background music and pretending to dance with a facial cut-out of her (laminated too), of which there could be many more... whilst, viewers aren't aware if this is the love of an admirer or a father or a lover, or all three?

Yet another hit piece by Fox News on Julian Assange

Kingpin - Cold Refrigerator Nipples

And then there was this... (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

...and you are the king of disingenuousness.

You wrote out a laundry list of questions the other day. I answered ALL of them. Then you wrote a trove more and expected I answer every one of them immediately. But then when the tables are turned, you cop out and claim my questions are grounds we've combed tirelessly many times and therefore not worthy of your rebuttal.

Chimp empathy and morality, without religion

raverman says...

The reporting has it's own "pro-religion" spin... just in the way its toned.

- The fact it's pitched as a quirky "You won't believe this" surpising discovery. To any non-creationist, surely this is what you'd expect rather than a surprise.

- (1.27) "Poses a provocative question" Like he's a heretic to argue against. It's not provocative and it's not a question. It's tested evidence. Evidence is evidence - it's not up for opinion.
- (1.47) "If there is no god..." Immediately hostile christain combative phrasing.
- (1:57) "that humans, like primates..." Humans are primates. Unless you're a creationist.
- (2:15) "ONE biologist..." clearly pointing out this is just one guys opinion to be discounted. Rather than the common theory of most social behavioural scientists who are not creationists.

New TSA screening procedures (User Poll by MarineGunrock)

marinara says...

Hey i'm all about standing up for right and wrong, but these TSA scans aren't so black and white. I seriously doubt they've caught even one terrorist in 9 years, but the logic is sound.

Also the system is set up to screw you. Take the WTO summit in Vancouver (i think it was this year) They charged hundreds of people with felonies. Pretty scary no?

Anyhow if you do stand up, comb your fucking hair so they can't call you schiz.

Henry Rollins vs Hipsters

bcglorf says...

>> ^hayshaker:

I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I usually like Henry but he is a bit to full of himself here, not to mention combative and judgmental. I'll bet there are hours of old footage of Henry complaining about being judged and how the non-black flag non-punk musicians are idiots and out of touch.
to paraphrase; those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

Same here. He pretty much comes out right from the start hating on the Hipster for being elitist. I can respect that, in fact, I share the feeling. Problem is it becomes increasingly clear that his objection is that he's convinced that he's the superior elitist himself, and how dare they usurp his rightful throne. Yuck.

Henry Rollins vs Hipsters

hayshaker says...

I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I usually like Henry but he is a bit to full of himself here, not to mention combative and judgmental. I'll bet there are hours of old footage of Henry complaining about being judged and how the non-black flag non-punk musicians are idiots and out of touch.

to paraphrase; those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

Paraglider collides with hot air balloon in N. Arizona

Bloocut says...

Yet another offering of human tragedy and base spectacle-Combing the internet for the best of human mishap, mechanical and structural failure, and near-death mahem....guess if it gets the votes and attention, huh?

Down if I could.

Zyrxil (Member Profile)

silvercord says...

Hey friend,

Shuac was not referring to Christie being the adult. Shuac was referring to the redaction of my description based on Stormsinger's comments on same.


In reply to this comment by Zyrxil:
>> ^shuac:

>> ^silvercord:
You're right. I redacted the description.

Now this is how an adult admits wrongdoing. Simple and honest instead of combative, inflammatory, and meandering. And I've got more respect for silvercord because of it.
^Douchebag videosifters take note.^

It's not, actually. First, it's ridiculous for him to act like the question wasn't asked in a calm reasonable tone. Second, what actually happened was the result of Christie instructing an appointee of his the exact actions to take during negotiations with teachers unions. They blew up, and as a direct result of that, NJ lost 400million in federal funding.

The appointee was thrown under the bus by Christie, and he acts like he could have done nothing about it. This isn't how an adult admits wrongdoing, it's how a career politician does it.

Governor Christie Responds To Teacher During Town Hall

Zyrxil says...

>> ^shuac:

>> ^silvercord:
You're right. I redacted the description.

Now this is how an adult admits wrongdoing. Simple and honest instead of combative, inflammatory, and meandering. And I've got more respect for silvercord because of it.
^Douchebag videosifters take note.^

It's not, actually. First, it's ridiculous for him to act like the question wasn't asked in a calm reasonable tone. Second, what actually happened was the result of Christie instructing an appointee of his the exact actions to take during negotiations with teachers unions. They blew up, and as a direct result of that, NJ lost 400million in federal funding.

The appointee was thrown under the bus by Christie, and he acts like he could have done nothing about it. This isn't how an adult admits wrongdoing, it's how a career politician does it.

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