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Governor Christie Responds To Teacher During Town Hall

shuac says...

>> ^silvercord:
You're right. I redacted the description.

Now this is how an adult admits wrongdoing. Simple and honest instead of combative, inflammatory, and meandering. And I've got more respect for silvercord because of it.

^Douchebag videosifters take note.^

Trooper Accidentally Knocks Out DUI Suspect

LarsaruS says...

I realize I will probably be flamed for this but... A couple of points:

1) There is one type of person which is the most dangerous you can come across. It is people who suffer from White Knight Syndrome. Most if not all cops suffer from it; they seem to have a pathological need to do "what is right"(tm) no matter the cost for anyone else or themselves. As they have "right" on their side they can do no "evil" (That's what Black Knights and evil people do). That is also why they are the most dangerous people you can come across. All their actions are justified. They are the type who will shoot you with a smile on their lips because they are "vanquishing evil". Living in a black and white world is great... isn't it?

2) The guy is not resisting he is simply talking, as in being a civilized human being and not a barbarian, and therefore there is no justification at all for using violence. Instead of throwing the guy face first into asphalt the cop should have just asked him to sit down. But I guess that doesn't look as cool on those cop shows.

3) I have no respect for people who drink and drive but that is not a good enough reason to physically injure the guy as he is not physically combative. Be polite, tell him to sit down, explain why he is being arrested and then arrest him. Problem solved. Imagine a world where police are not militarized and actually behave like police should and not like mob enforcers. Do as we say or we will bash your face in, taze you, mace you and add resisting arrest to your crimes as you writhe in pain...

Concerned Citizens Interrupt Perv Videographer

spoco2 says...

I find nothing to commend this video in any way on either side:
* She is posing in public, in the middle of the city, so to expect to not be photographed or videoed is ridiculous.
* She IS already being photographed in any case.
* The guy taking the video though is a combative dickwad, so he has zero high ground whatsoever

This whole thing is just unpleasant and shows how dicks on both sides can just make things uncomfortable for everyone.

In fact I'll downvote for that reason I'm afraid.

The Combover or How to Buy Beer by Two Under-age Teens.

Groucho Marx captures the essence of the Republican Party

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I'd say this video is more on the mark...

Well, to start with the Democrats have super-majorities in the Senate and the House, as well as the Presidency, and the media. If they can't accomplish anything, then it is because of their own incompetence and ineptitude (no shortage of either).

Second, maybe if the Obama & the Demos had an agenda worth supporting they'd get more Republicans behind them. As it is, their agenda is so radical and out of touch that only the far left fringe supports it, and even that support is factionalized and combative. I'd say that makes the Republican Party of "No" the side of the people and the side of the sensible.

And lastly, Gridlock is the best thing that ever happens in our political system. I applaud any group that kneecaps government. I wish the Democrats had been more willing to play that role with Bush2. The country was served well with opposition in the Congress to the Presidents under Reagan, Bush1, and Clinton. It is Bush2 and BO have/had congress in their pockets - to the detriment of the nation. The best thing that could happen for the U.S. is for both the House and Senate to go to the GOP and freeze up the government like an IBM 486 trying to run Crysis2.

Obstructionism. More = better as far as government goes.

Animated Žižek: The dangers of charity

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think he's right about charity demoralising the recipient. I haven't been on the receiving end of charity often, but one time ...

We had recently arrived in Australia, and we didn't have anyone around to spend Christmas with - we heard on the radio about a community Christmas dinner for "anyone who doesn't have somewhere to go for Christmas" it sounded good, like a great way to meet some people and make some ties in our new home.

So, it turned out it was a charity event - there were people from homeless shelters and nursing homes and us. There were all these volunteers running around serving turkey and making sure everyone got a Christmas gift. And I have to say, although the people were really nice, I did feel terrible - I had a job, we had plenty of money - but we were treated like a down-and-out family hit on hard times by these throngs of do-gooders. My present was a comb and some cheap soap so I could "clean myself up" I suppose to get a job.

My experience from that dinner was that the volunteers who were helping out finished the day feeling very good about themselves-- while the recipients of their magnanimity and largess left with their self-esteem taken down one notch.

No one wants to be a charity case.

Timmy, the Lonely Tortoise Finds Love.

A "give Steve Jobs your money" tribute video.

spoco2 says...

Thank god these god awful, combative, bullshit ads are over.

I like both the actors, but forever HATED this sort of trash talking advertising, especially as so much of it was based on perpetrating bullshit myths that maybe were true many, many versions of Windows ago but don't hold up today. (When was the last time you had a blue screen of death or system wide hanging in Windows? Really? I can't remember...)

And the blatant lies that Macs never crash, are the most simple things in the world to use, are molded from the flesh of willing angles... all such drivvle.

Christina Ricci's armpit hair.


kulpims (Member Profile)

enoch says...

bah,it was already posted but i ended up watching the whole thing.
thanks man..very awesome.
and dont worry.ill be combing through your vids to tag em electronica.
peace out brother.

volumptuous (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by volumptuous:
^ what DFT said

thanks bud.
cuz your entire que is going to be combed over.i know you have a TON of music that will fit into that channel.
i know you and i sometimes disagree on how to label some of the music we listen to but thats really peanuts and is common between music lovers.
i love your taste in music and look forward to you kicking my ass in my new channel.
thanks for voting bud.

oh...and gratz on the ruby!!

"Remember laserdisc?" An AVGN review.

Croccydile says...

Well he got it exactly right, LaserDisc is great for collecting... but hardly a convenient format anymore. I think one of the nerd holy grails is the Star Wars discs because they are the "best quality available" of the original unedited movies. There are a few of my DVDs I remember the commentary track they speak of it as "commentary for this LaserDisc" so I imagine they were borrowed here and there. Or, unique commentary on LaserDisc vs. DVD (Blade Runner?)

Image quality is arguable and there is no real winner between LD and DVD. LD in video is still a composite signal and any LD player with S-Video is just running it through an internal comb filter. Technically its commercial quality VHS on a disc. Some movies remastered for HD and DVD like Ben-Hur there is a significant difference though, like no still image jittering.

But hey, can you really argue how cool it is to pull out a huge disc like that? (As long as its does not suffer from laser rot in the meantime)

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

longde says...

The kids are not dedicated bike thieves. The situation that is set up is completely contrived and morally gray in my book. The protagonist just put an unattended bike haphazardly on a random street corner for a few hours. Nobody does that. It's a completely unrealistic situation. I could lace a 50 dollar bill with the flu virus, and then find a sidewalk in a poor trailer park or ghetto and have the same effect. I hate it when police try to entrap people, and I like it even less when regular citizens try to get into that act.

From the title, the hostility of the viewer is supposed to be towards dedicated bike thieves; the kind that from my memory prey in parks and college campuses (or beaches) and cut bike chains. The loser of a filmmaker probably spent hours combing the places where bike thieves usually prey, with no luck. So, he found a poor neighborhood, and abandoned his bike there. Even then, it still takes a while before the kids actually take the bait.

How do you know what the sabotage of the bike would do? Neither you nor the filmmaker are certified sabotage engineers. The injury it would cause is unpredictable. In my book, injuring a human being weighs more on the scale of justice than stealing a bicycle.

>> ^rottenseed:
Right they're not career bike thieves. It's just their hobby along with building ships in bottles. This was quite simply a prank...and a prank that you can be sure the victim deserved more than most other pranks. The bike wasn't set up to disassemble and the brakes weren't cut so there's really nothing the prankster did to put their lives at risk. He even made it so they can't ride fast.
All of that though, doesn't even matter. So what if you bring cops into it? You think the bike thief would rather meet up with a cop that'll make him do community service, pay fines, or worse yet, do time? Hell no, he'd prefer to fall on his ass and be laughed at compared to your alternate solution to sting bike thieves.
Also, I hate how you make stealing bikes seem like it's a mistake anybody could make now and again.>> ^longde:
Nothing to do with race in my case, and everything to do with reckless pseudo-vigilantism. If the filmmaker put a tracer on the bike and then confronted the thief with some cops, I wouldn't have a problem with the concept. But this way, he can hurt not only the would-be thief, but innocent people who don't expect to have to dodge an out of control bicycle.
Plus the whole Compton angle is so contrived. If you abandon a bike in a busy intersection for hours, what do you expect but someone will pick it up. Those kids are not the 'career' bike thieves the cameraman is supposed to be targeting.

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

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