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The Reason for God

enoch says...

i have stated this previously and in multiple posts.
lets define "god" for a moment.
and lets accomplish this without any religious influence or overtures...none.
because lets be honest,religion acts like it has the secret key to the hidden doorway.
which i find not only repulsive but dishonest.

lets see if we can agree on a few things.i shall use the monotheistic religions as example because using all 4500 would be..tedious:
1.god implies masculine.this is obviously a falsehood.why would god need sexual organs?
2.we are all made in gods image.again a falsehood.having never seen god how can we know?
3.the bible/q'ran is the written word of god.(i wont include the torah because jews do not make that pronouncement).again this is false,some basic research will reveal this statement to be an utter fallacy.unless of course you are a fundamentalist,and in that case..carry on with your wars of attrition /looking at you fundmantalist christians and muslims).
4.god loves you.unless you break these rules and in that case he has built a special place for you to burn for eternity (varying degrees of understanding here,even fundamentalists struggle with this obvious hypocrisy).conclusion=bullshit.

ok.i am going to stop because i could do this all day.
my basic point is that it is RELIGION that makes the claim that it is THEY who hold the keys to the gate.that only through THEIR understanding could any of lowly humans ever think to have salvation.
religion is man-made with tangible texts,doctrine and dogma and in being so is subject to it SHOULD be.
these institutions define god and then attempt to compel through fear get people to comply.
in my opinion it is these very institutions which hinder the growth and development of us all as a species.
fundamentalism is the stunting of the spirit and the stagnation of the mind.
none of what i am saying here takes away from the poetry,literature and wisdom from the is RELIGION which perpetrates that crime.

everybody still with me?
am i making sense? lets define god and lets do it in a way that religion will never do because it will make those institutions irrelevant.
(which ironically was the EXACT thing jesus was attempting to do..but i digress)
lets consider "god" an entity with immense consciousness.
let us for a moment imagine this consciousness giving birth to the universe from itself.
what is the first thing to come in to existence besides energy?
and when that happened what else became evident?
everything became relative due to this added dimension.
let that sink in a bit because it has huge implications.
now if we continue on this thread of thought.this would mean that the universe is literally god.
every molecule.
every atom.
and what if this creator put out only one simple edict for his construct?
thats all.he sets the rules and puts only one line of code=create.
and everything his creations creates is part of him and
good..evil..arbitrary terms used to relate subjective realities focused from a singular perspective.
the creator does not notice them because all of it is the same to the creator.
WE make those very human definitions.
lets imagine for a second that the universe has a that we may be aware or unaware of,but we know we are an individual.
we have consciousness.
we do NOT know if a plant has a consciousness that we can measure but we may some day.
now if we are a part of this incredible creation called the universe and we have consciousness.this means we are aware of not only ourselves but the universe around us.
this means we experience creation on a daily basis.manifesting in so many dynamic ways:love,loss,anger,violence,wonder,imagination,making love,cheeseburgers with a cold beer etc etc
and in that light would not the creator experience its own creation subjectively through our experiencing his creation?

now this is not a new idea,in fact it is quite old but it does have the quality of not needing any religion,nor doctrine or dogma.
why not?
because in essence YOU are god and god is YOU.
if i had postulated something like this as early as 100 yrs ago i would be burned at the stake.
why? religion.
but this is the basic definition i use when i use the term "god".
it is also the reason why i have no urge to preach or proselytize.
the only thing i try to do is recognize that i do not hold the key nor the answers but i seek them and that is my path.
yours is your own and the only thing i can do is recognize that you are a spiritual being (whether you believe that or not) and respect your choices on how you wish to live. the end..they are YOUR choices.

now please understand i share this with you not to convince or to invite ridicule but rather to offer a different definition.
to me life is amazing in the very simple act of breathing.
of loving..
and arguing..ah..many thanks for those in my life for the glorious arguments.
this life is precious if only for those simple things.
is there an afterlife?
i believe so,what it looks like i have no idea but i know it wont be THIS life.
so cherish those who you care about because this is one helluva ride,and i am glad you all are here to enjoy it with me.

for those of you still here.
thanks for coming to the show!
dont forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses!
and thank YOU BRM for taking the time to discuss things of this nature with me.

Keira Knightley gets Educated on TDS

Gov't stopped funding charity, private donations surge 500% (Politics Talk Post)

GeeSussFreeK says...

I was just looking up some of those numbers, and that is about spot on, about 2.7% to abortions and
nearly all other services are just sexual system related...not that I ever supposed that they were a huge abortions machine. And while even if those numbers are 5 or so percent off, it doesn't really matter to the person who is apposed to abortions all together. It would be akin to a husband saying to his wife, of all the women I have met, I didn't cheat on you with 98% of is that small percent that matters when morality is concerned. Certainly, though, as far as a health organisation goes, I have nothing against PP.

Personally, I think you should use the logic that war is murder, and you are against murder in an effort to diswage your congressman against acts of war. I would tend to agree with this position, most of the wars haven't really been fought to save ourselves from torment as of late, more like cause torment. It doesn't have to be "cover" if it is true. And this truth is completely subjective, hard to test the legitimacy of peoples claims beyond face's all so damned tangled in personal backgrounds.

I think you are being rather disingenuous as the the totality of church go'ers on donations. While I know fire and brimstone churches exists, I have had the pleasure of not ever attending one, ever. I am no longer a Christian myself, but when I was, I gave out of the compassion that I knew it was going to be used for something good, instead of a cheeseburger for myself. That raised up in me a charitable heart in myself furthering my commitments to those in need. I was fortunate enough to be able to support the blood and fire food hand outs, the Sam's battered women shelter, and several others. Giving is a mindset more than a command. And in that, goodness is only going to success if we take an active role in it. A fraction of our taxes will never be enough. Giving has to be a lifestyle, it won't work otherwise.

>> ^peggedbea:

except that 97% of the services pp offers are not abortion services. the idea that pp is some massive abortion franchise is pure myth. its main function is to provide low cost birth control, breast exams, pap smears, std tests and education. i don't know the people who think those things are murder.
furthermore, i'm down right against war and an aggressive foreign policy and believe these things to be murder but no one is defunding any of that and using my moral outrage as cover.
also, churches use fear and religious devotion and obligatory methods to secure their funding. it's called tithing and it was ordered by god in the bible somewhere, you can't compare the funding of other organizations to churches. god didn't mandate you to give 10% of your income to fund various social causes, unfortunately.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^gwiz665:
500 % of $2000 isn't much compared to the millions the government provides either.

Private donations account for 1/4 of operating revenue. Government spending is was/is 1/3ed. (all according to wiki). Which means that private donations accounted for 370% more than government spending would of accounted for, up from government spending 120% more than private donations prior. >> ^peggedbea:
do you think the surge has more to do with the highly publicized nature of the threat to defund them?
what do you think would happen to organizations that aren't in the news constantly?

Publicity and people who care account for the spending surge no doubt. I would imagine the total spending will drop to levels lower than they were previously in time. But I don't mind this so much, I am pro choice mind you, but to FORCE someone to pay for something they down right believe is murder is pretty outrageous. It will be up to those who truly believe in the cause to take up financial arms, as it should be. There are organisations that aren't publicized via media and do very well for themselves and every church in america.
This funding change also may force PP to be more dithered and less national, which might force it to be less monolithic and more regional in its ways and policies. This could bring both good and bad, only time will tell.

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

ponceleon says...

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

>> ^The_Ham:
Why is it the people complaining about this are always ugly women?

I don't think Kate Winslet is ugly.

Strangely enough, Kate lost a LOT of weight from her Titanic days (no pun intended). I actually preferred the way she looked back then... these days shes in quite a lot of movies/commercials looking a bit like someone who needs a cheeseburger.

Heart Attack Grill spokesman dies. (News Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

No, I agree with quantum. What better way to take a stand against the liberal enemy within than to eat lots and lots of hamburgers, steaks, ribs and chicken fried steak?! No, really, this would be a great protest. Tea Parties are for pussies. Have a Meat Party.

Here's how you do it:

Eat really fatty, cholesterol laden dishes 6 or 7 times a day. About one meal every 2-3 hours. But, you don't want to get fat and out of shape, because when the revolution comes, you are going to need to be lean and mean. Get a gym membership to counteract all those calories, and be vigilant about working out. Don't even waste a second. Eat a triple western bacon cheeseburger and curly fries and then immediately do some strenuous cardio. With all the extra workout time, you won't have as much time to sleep, which means you are going to have to get some cocaine. LOTS and LOTS of cocaine. So, to recap, take lots of cocaine, eat copious amounts of high calorie, high fat, low fiber foods, and then engage in extremely strenuous activities sporadically throughout the day. I think that would be the best way for people of your political stripe to make this world a better place.

Heart Attack Grill spokesman dies. (News Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

I agree with Boneremake, That dead person who died of pneumonia is disgusting! Fuck him and all his friends. He deserved to die.

I hope they eat disgusting cheeseburgers at his big fat fucking funeral. And when the little kids who knew him ask what happened, we'll tell them the truth, "Well kids, he was a disgusting fatbody who didn't deserve the heart he was given."

Boneremake is right. This guy was probably just sitting around in his big fat apartment one day when he sat up, looked around and said, "You know what? I give up on my life. I'm fat because I don't care about anything but food and if I want to be like everybody else, it's as easy as making a decision. But I'm not going to make that simple, easy choice, and that's why I'm not worth as much as other people. Because I'm fat."

You said it Boneremake. Vomit-inducing, stomach-churning, cheese-laden, fat things should be killed and turned into fuel and delicious, healthy snacks for school children.

Screw all disgusting fat people except the ones who win "Biggest Loser".

Crazy Driver Intentionally Hits Cyclists

pho3n1x says...

>> ^Darkhand:

I think that when you don't respect other people, you don't deserve to live. Whenever you put your own personal way of life in front of anyone else's you deserve to die. That's all these people are doing. They are putting their needs in front of everyone else's. So they deserved what they got.
I don't care if it's my right to have an abortion, or my right to eat a freakin cheeseburger.
Show me how doing these demonstrations are "respectful" in any way at all.
The cyclists rights end where my bumper begins. (As long as it's not in a cyclist lane of course)
>> ^WKB:

You hope it happens more. You hope it happens more!?!?! So you support murder when traffic is blocked. You are saying you think that it is OK to drive over and crush the skulls of fellow human beings because of a protest cos*qualityting you driving time. Well, as a general pacifist, I'm pretty close to supporting your murder in the interest of general welfare. You are either just some fucked up internet troll, or a truly fucked up individual that does not deserve any respect, love, or human compassion from the rest of your species.

Choose your method then sir. Your lack of respect for other people is appalling. The way you are putting your personal life (oh noes I have to get to Burger King before I get fired), in front of everyone elses...

Crazy Driver Intentionally Hits Cyclists

Darkhand says...

I think that when you don't respect other people, you don't deserve to live. Whenever you put your own personal way of life in front of anyone else's you deserve to die. That's all these people are doing. They are putting their needs in front of everyone else's. So they deserved what they got.

I don't care if it's my right to have an abortion, or my right to eat a freakin cheeseburger.

Show me how doing these demonstrations are "respectful" in any way at all.

The cyclists rights end where my bumper begins. (As long as it's not in a cyclist lane of course)

>> ^WKB:

You hope it happens more. You hope it happens more!?!?! So you support murder when traffic is blocked. You are saying you think that it is OK to drive over and crush the skulls of fellow human beings because of a protest costing you driving time. Well, as a general pacifist, I'm pretty close to supporting your murder in the interest of general welfare. You are either just some fucked up internet troll, or a truly fucked up individual that does not deserve any respect, love, or human compassion from the rest of your species.

Arab Dictators, you are in BIG TROUBLE -- Morocco Version

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^legacy0100:

There's a strong Arab community near my area and I often go here to do my grocery shopping. One time I went to an Egyptian shop to buy some bulgur, and then there was a riot in Egypt. Then I went to a Yemeni restaurant in Brooklyn for some Salta and then there was a riot in Yemen. Nowadays I goto a Moroccon restaurant to get tagine for dinner, and now it looks to be a protest in Morocco.

You should eat a cheeseburger and freedom fries...see what happens.

legacy0100 (Member Profile)

calvados (Member Profile)

Fitness ball buried in sand = MINI TRAMPOLINE!

Simon's Cat in 'Lunch Break'

I Remember and I'm Not Voting Republican

KnivesOut says...

Winstonfield_Pennypacker = ranting loon. Fact.

I can't imagine what you'd be doing if you weren't trolling videosift, but I guess it keeps you off the streets, so thats a net positive.

Tell me more about how the facist neolibs want to take over our country one cheeseburger at a time. Also include the part where the patriotic bastions of freedom on the right engineered Citizens United so kindly megacorporations can secretly buy campaigns... FOR FREEDOM.

Michelle Obama Lectures the National Restaurant Association

quantumushroom says...

You are neither a Rogue nor a Poet. End of line.

>> ^rougy:

>> ^quantumushroom:
She's as ridiculous as a guy eating a double cheeseburger leaning over and chastising someone else for putting salad dressing on her salad.

Considering that this is a chop job, you are as ridiculous as the bucket of cum that you forgot to swallow yesterday morning.

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