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ant (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Police Spike Strip Causes Accident

newtboy says...

Police stopped traffic, lining the road with potential victims, then directed a high speed chase into a device designed to make a speeding vehicle lose control. Traffic should have been stopped well away from the spike strip, not used like inanimate barriers to direct a chase.
Imo, this was 100% foreseeable and the only likely outcome of their plan.
That police force is likely going to pay those victims millions. They put those people in harm's way and they were harmed.

Police Spike Strip Causes Accident

Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb

littledragon_79 says...

"It's just not worth their time to look into." But I'm sure 12 officers from 8 different departments can afford to respond to a chase 2 municipalities over. It's more about managing appearances than solving crime, sadly. May as well have Hyacinth be every police chief.

George H.W. Bush, American War Criminal

newtboy says...

Actually no, I responded to what you said, which could be taken to mean many things.
I said I thought you meant the current state of Iraq when you said "blaming Sr. for Iraq"...and reading this it seems I was correct.
Imo, the current state or the region is mostly due to jr, not Sr.
Many people still blame Sr for the current state there. I disagree with that theory. That's all.

Sr hardly had a war in Iraq, his barely crossed the border and was mainly in Kuwait if memory serves. They chased the Iraqis out and bombed the shit out of them as they ran.
Kuwait was considered a sovereign nation, not a province of Iraq. Saddam invaded it. Sr never tried to remove Saddam, except from Kuwait. Since he understood the problem of creating a power vacuum there, I think leaving Saddam in power was smart with no feasible plan to replace him, even though it was clearly inhumane....and we have evidence now to support that. Iraq is absolutely worse off today than it was under Saddam, no matter which group you belong to.

Fortunately, all the WMD talk was pure fabricated fantasy...we never had evidence he continued those programs after the first gulf war/Kuwait. If he had had them, Bush Jr might have started ww3 by attacking him, knowing he would use them on his neighbors like he had before. Remember, it was Jr's administration's plan to convince the public he had wmds, so it's no surprise he also had people saying they're too dangerous to attack while he had many more saying he's too dangerous to leave in power....the same people claiming he was involved in 9/11, which was asinine.

bcglorf said:

I try and choose my words carefully, it looks like you are still responding to what you think I must mean, rather than what I said. You say you thought I meant jr and the recent war in Iraq when I reference Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait. I was in fact referencing no particular Iraq war, but the overall condition Iraq is in(as per the video and my own earlier reference to same. Maybe some room to misunderstand that, but my full quot if you can read it carefully this time:
“blaming Bush Sr. for Iraq, rather than Saddam's campaign of genocide against his own people and his conquest of Kuwait.”
I did specifically name Bush Sr, which At the least should rule out thinking I’m discussing anything done by Jr.

As for Sr’s war in Iraq, Kuwait was a province of the Iraqi state when Senior came in to liberate it. He also stopped short of removing Saddam, which was imo a mistake for Iraqi’s and the one thing I’d agree would be a fair accusation against him re the overall consition of Iraq today. It left Saddam time for another genocide against the Shia Iraqi’s that had risen up thinking Senior was serious about standing with them. Public opinion though was too much against it and so American forces stopped short of removing Saddam and followed popular opinion. Saddam’s WMD programs where dismantled(which he very much had then) and northern Iraq’s airspace remained occupied by Anerican forces right through until jr’s war. Saddam also continually decieved, obstructed and kicked out the UN inspectors in Iraq there to confirm his full and continued disarmament. Enough so that before jr’s war one of the most vocal anti-war inspectors cited Saddam’s almost certain possession and use of chemical weapons as a reason risking an invasion was too dangerous...

BSR (Member Profile)

Kiteboarder's Shark Encounter

BSR says...

Yeah, he ran over it but I didn't see a "chase." The title should be "Drone footage of me kiteboarding."

Guess he needed a good story to tell the babes at the club.

olyar15 said:

That shark wasn't chasing him.

Kiteboarder's Shark Encounter

Vox: Why gamers use WASD to move

Mekanikal says...

An old EQ tale:

I was invisible and running through the Karanas one day when I noticed a young gnome near the gypsy camp. He was fighting a lion and though it looked like he would win the battle, being a fellow gnome, I decided to help the guy out.

I targeted the lion, clicked on my mesmerize spell, then started to type: "I'm mesmerizing the lion for you." I got as far as: "I'm " when I remembered that I had replaced my mesmerize spell with an Area of Effect mesmerize spell... and that I was standing next to an NPC enchantress. Gulp.

My movement keys are mapped to "w a s d" so I frantically stabbed at my keyboard, trying to MOVE and interrupt the spell.

I forgot that I was in typing mode.

The gypsy enchantress didn't like my attempt to mezz her so she promptly charmed me [IE Mind control] and made me go after the gnome I had been trying to save. I watched in horror as my peace-loving character, knife flailing like a crazed sushi chef, chased the little guy down and stabbed him to death.

I found my victim later and apologized profusely... I even gave him a nice weapon and a piece of armor. He was great about it, and laughed when I told him what happened.

He said he didn't know WHAT was going on. One minute he was fighting a lion, the next minute a strange gnome appeared out of NOWHERE, announced: "I'm wwwaaaddd", then sliced him up like Freddy Krueger.

Baby Driver Opening Scene and Chase

ForgedReality says...

Someone should remake this with a modern car. You know, silent since it's electric. Boring, since it's automatic. Can't lose the cops since they can just log in and track it... Car chases and cars in general are going to be so boring in the not-too-distant future.

Woman Freaks Out Over Encounter With Whales, Calls 911

SFOGuy says...

It's a violation of Federal law, to my memory, to harass a protected species. Not sure which type of whale this is, but if this was in the setting of a protected marine reserve, they should have not gotten that close under power (if they swim under you, that's ok; if you chase them...not kosher)...

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Net Captures Space Debris

newtboy says...

I would assume, in it's current form, it has to be deployed in the proper orbit, direction, and speed to intercept it's target without much maneuvering on it's own. Perhaps eventually they'll make capture satellites armed with dozens of these that can chase down rogue objects and catch them, but as far as I know not yet by far.


Mordhaus said:

What I mean is that space debris travels at speeds up to 17,500 mph or slightly more, depending on what height it is orbiting at. If you place this device in the path (or near it) of a known mass of debris, it is going to have to adjust and fire that net at a speed relative to the debris. If you have the device speed up or slow down to try and match the debris speed, it is going to rise or drop it's orbit height comparatively to the adjusted speed.

That is what I am wondering, will this device be able to catch something travelling at that speed? I'm assuming it would have to try without excessive movement changes or it would require too much fuel.


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