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Fabrizio Paterlini - Veloma (lost cosmonaut mix) video

Silence on the Power Point limitation? (Money Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

I can understand that some people will be upset because there will be a limit of how many promotes one can fire up. But, with the new promotes, is that really that much of a factor?

I do love having a video of my being promoted, but when it happened, it was like 'OMG! Thank you! Somebody really liked that video!' I felt like It didn't happen because my video didn't sift and went to pq. It didn't happen in return of me promoting somebody else's video. It didn't happen because I am a nice person.

I know people like to work together and get all this promoting and working together - thing going on. I know lots of nice people deserve to have success in VS. I know I tend to vote on some people's videos because they vote on mine. But that's still fine. I come online in the morning, look for certain submissions and vote on them, unless they are too weird for me, submit a buch of stuff and go on my merry way. I rarely promote (and I do not want to tell howe many power points I still have). You might think I am am b**ch for not promoting and upvoting enough. But as nice as VS is, I do not want it to take over my life. I already had EQ, WOW and almost SWTOR do that.. Changes might seem bad, but they happen.

Maybe I am the b**ch queen of VS, but I am a loner. I appreciate every vote, quality and promote, and I never seem to return the favor enough. And I take the downvotes personally. But I have gotten here without asking for help. I appreciate it, but am not asking for it. There are times when I just get teary eyed because someboidy promoted a vidoe, or made a nice comment..

Again, thanks for all the votes. I will try to do better at returning the favor, at some point. When I am better and less depressed and happier. I still love VS.

Cat Recreates Prodigy's Infamous "Smack My Bitch Up" Video

not_blankfist (Member Profile)

Love and Justice will always win out -- WA State rocks!

Japanese Bug Fights - Round the 18th

Bill Maher Calls BS On Tom Brokaw

chingalera says...

Ch Ch Chingalera comes outta the wood works channeling choggie and calls BS On Cenk Uyguuur and his brand of pontificous diversion disguised as some analgesic vegetable lozenge that so many walking-aneurisms seem to fawn over........Fuck him AND fuck Tom Brokaw

Cenks a douchebag, and his editorializing sucks balls and follows a well-scripted formula...he sucks at what he does..dirty work for assholes.-

hpqp (Member Profile)

ReverendTed says...

It's an emotionally-charged issue, so I know how easy it is for a discussion to devolve, especially on the Internet. I'd normally steer very clear of it, but somehow I feel like The Sift is a "safer" place to attempt a discourse, even knowing that my position is probably the contrary one in this community. Rarely have I come out of an ideological discussion on the Sift without having something new to consider, even if my overall position is unchanged.In reply to this comment by hpqp:
Hello! I just wanted to say that I appreciate the discussion you've launched (and by daringly agreeing with the infamous bk33 no less!), and would like to continue, but it will have to wait a bit because it is 2:30 am over here (CH) and I just spent the last hour wading through my comments looking for what I thought was a long debate on the subject (the Sift search seems not to be working), but so far I've only found this. I'll get back to you in a day, and I look forward to seeing how the discussions develops!

ReverendTed (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

Hello! I just wanted to say that I appreciate the discussion you've launched (and by daringly agreeing with the infamous bk33 no less!), and would like to continue, but it will have to wait a bit because it is 2:30 am over here (CH) and I just spent the last hour wading through my comments looking for what I thought was a long debate on the subject (the Sift search seems not to be working), but so far I've only found this. I'll get back to you in a day, and I look forward to seeing how the discussions develops!

Futurama - The Scary Door - The Gambler

Halden, the "World's Nicest Prison" -- What do you think?

hpqp says...

@braschlosan Thank you for sharing despite the emotional difficulty. The US system is indeed completely F'd up, I agree. I am speaking from the prospect of someone living in Switzerland, where prison life is quite comfortable and you have to do something really, really bad (e.g. rape will get you a few months, letting someone rape your girlfriend and then trying to get him to pay you for it will get you no punishment at all) to ever set foot there (most criminals get a fine that hardly any of them ever pay). I am all for rehabilitation, believe me, and it goes without saying that prisoners should be treated humanely. What I am saying is it should not only be reeducation, it should also be punishment. Just as one deprives one's kid from TV, games and or going out for a while as punishment for bad behaviour, while still encouraging them to be better.
Here in Switz you are encouraged to do apprenticeships in jail that are the equivalent of those everyone else does for a wide variety of professions; you can even work a job outside of prison if you are not considered dangerous (for the record, a man who stabbed another man + got a 14yo girl drunk to rape her was allowed this in his meagre 1 year sentence; just to show how lenient things are here).

I guess the misunderstanding is that my opinion is based on seeing Norway as far more similar to Switzerland than to the States. I have raged elsewhere on the Sift about how terrible the US prison system is, i.e. basically a dehumanizing slave market, but that is not what I am criticising here. I am simply saying that those who commit crimes (taking drugs or growing pot is not a crime imo btw, and here you hardly even get fined for it) should pay there dues to society while learning to be a productive/participating member thereof, instead of having society put them up in a luxury hotel at the expense of people who, despite their needs (yes, poor people exist in Europe too) refuse to take the easy way out, or give in to their baser impulses.

There is a political aspect to it too: when the taxpaying public continually reads about criminals getting off with little or no punishment, or being put in comfortable jails a few weeks before being let off to continue their thieving/raping/racketeering/etc, they tend to be more attracted to the conservative extremists. It particularly does not help that Travel People, Maghrebins, Africans and Eastern Europeans are over-represented in these areas, which fuels the xenophobic agenda of right-wing parties.

Okay, enough ranting from me. I am sorry if I upset you @braschlosan, I think it is mostly because of the misunderstanding concerning our different points of reference.


SNL - Crazy McCain Rally Lady

A 12-Year Old Girl's Devastating Critique of the Banks

A 12-Year Old Girl's Devastating Critique of the Banks

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