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What We Do In The Shadows Trailer

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

newtboy says...

Lol. Good point.....dirty hippies. ;-)

Um....what? Vegans should want to avoid them almost as much as the hunter's helper and slaughterhouse sucker brand lozenges, not flock to the brand marketed at meat harvesters.

Um...really? You think non vegans fear a vegan culinary takeover or something enough to falsify studies/polls? That's hilarious.
As to the 7% number, even vegan organizations in Britain disagree, as does Wiki....
According to a 2018 survey by, the number of people who identify as vegans in the United Kingdom has risen to over 3.5 million, which is approximately seven percent of the population, and environmental concerns were a major factor in this development.[140] However, doubt was cast on this inflated figure by the UK-based Vegan Society, who perform their own regular survey: the Vegan Society themselves found in 2018 that there were 600,000 vegans in Great Britain (1.16%), which is a dramatic increase on previous figures.[141][142]
United States: Estimates of vegans in the U.S. vary from 2% (Gallup, 2012)[143] to 0.5% (Faunalytics, 2014). According to the latter, 70% of those who adopted a vegan diet abandoned it.

transmorpher said:

Clearly the statistics are stacked because we all know real vegans don't have jobs

I'd take the Fisherman's Friend study with a grain of salt :-) For starters it's going to be a biased sample, and for all we know it just means sick vegans prefer to buy Fisherman's Friend Lozengers than non-vegans.

They are going really hard with fear mongering in the UK, because veganism is taking hold - 7% of the population is now vegan :-)

Dude reacts to Hearing Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time

Tim says...

The film struggles with pacing issues that cause the first act of the film to move to fast. Not to mention a couple of inaccuracies that's is sure to bug queen fans like it did to me. Other than that the film is really fun and quite touching in other parts especially the live aid scene which was by far the best part. Queens music is fantastic as always but rami malek as Freddie mercury is insanely amazing. Halfway through the movie I forgot I was even watching rami but instead Freddie that's how good he was. The supporting cast is great as well every member of the band feels authentic and realistic. Overall I had an amazing and fun time with bohemian rhapsody despite its flaws. Remember this is a biopic and creative liberties were taken meaning it's not a documentary.
[url redacted]

Man Coughs Up A Lung Then Dies

oritteropo says...

According to the article that I read, he felt much better immediately after coughing up the clot, but the numerous complications of his heart failure (hence the anticoagulants) were too severe for doctors to be able to save him and he died a week later.

They also speculated that the cast was so good due to an infection causing a higher than usual concentration of fibrinogen in his blood making it unusually rubbery.

Lion King - Live Action Teaser

mram says...

I get the casting choices, I really do. But why, exactly, couldn't Rowan Atkinson reprise his role? Nothing against John Oliver, but really...

Edit: I can only surmise that based upon his public comments of "I didn't really want to do voice work" has overridden any enduring desire to revisit something that he ended up liking, even after the fact.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

I have no passion for any hyper biased sources, which is only one reason I won't watch Fox, the other being every time I do it seems it takes less than one minute for them to stray from the truth and go off on some hypothetical pathway based on nonsense, and I just won't intentionally give professional liars and Trump cheerleaders any of my attention or views.
Fool me once, shame on..shame on you....Fool can't get fooled again.

Also, I'm not looking for a debate about CNN's lawsuit over security clearances/press credentials being used as political cudgels by immature "leaders" with unstroked egos, I'm not a lawyer and even they likely don't have much more than opinion on this subject, it's so unique....but I do think it sets a dangerous precedent, one that would have sent the right into violent fits had Obama banned Fox hosts after directly calling them the enemy of America for years, and one that may come back to haunt them in 2 years. Please recall how Fox treated Obama who still gave them one on one interviews where they were even ruder to the delight of the right, before casting aspersions at a political rival's character. Those in glass houses....

Briguy1960 said:

Try to subdue your passion for Lefty news sites only and try to pay attention.
Also I will give CNN credit for their telling of the tale which is is pretty accurate as to what happened.
Note this is Bob Woodward.
Not some far right nutbar.

Oregon Woman Finds Letter from Notorious Chinese Labor Camp

oritteropo says...

I don't even remember this discussion!

Anyway, even 5 years ago I did't claim moral authority over anyone, and having re-read the above I don't think I was championing one cause over the other. Events have, in any case, overtaken me. Since the northern Gulags were commissioned I am now the one casting stones, and had my crystal ball been operational I wouldn't have said anything.

bcglorf said:

You may have some valid academic point to be made about American problems.

That is however completely overwhelmed by your callous disregard for the suffering of people in actual slave labour camps, by likening them to American prisoners convicted by a jury of their peers to a standard of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt who are forced to work for their 3 square meals per day. Your not wrong to point out flaws in the American system, just incredible callous to the vastly worse suffering of others.

I would say you are morally wrong to exploit said people(and weakening concern for their suffering) to champion a separate cause that matters to you more.

Star Trek: Voyager Nothing Human

ChaosEngine says...

"that doesn't justify using people in laboratory experiments"

uhhh, exactly how does holodoc think medical science works?
We use people in laboratory experiments all the damn time. It's called double-blind testing and it means that very sick people get given a placebo that we know does nothing.

I don't remember this episode, but I'm surprised at this lack of nuance from Star Trek.

And holo-space-nazi is right... it's funny how ethics go out the window when one of the main cast members life is threatened. But if a red-shirt is on the table....

Anyway, there's a massive difference between USING knowledge obtained by unethical means and GAINING knowledge by unethical means.

Don't get me wrong, medical ethics is really important. But throwing away knowledge after the fact is not only pointless, it's immoral. Especially in this case, where you're not even using the person who did the research, just a digital representation of them.

Black Fire! The Shadow Fire Experiment

Missionaries Spread The Love

Mekanikal jokingly says...

My scripture is a bit rusty, but wasn't satan the one who wanted to force everyone to adhere to gods laws and god wanted everyone to have free will and choose for themselves, thus satan was cast out to the lobby of a hotel in Uganda.

Sagemind said:

Edit: I hope he's sent home and de-funded by the church and benefactors who pay for his missionary work - In fact, I hope he's forced to pay back all the money he's received thus far.

A-10 Thunderbolt II Brrrrrtt Compilation

Ashenkase says...

The standard ammunition mixture for anti-armor use is a five-to-one mix of PGU-14/B Armor Piercing Incendiary, with a projectile weight of about 14.0 oz (395 grams or 6,096 grains) and PGU-13/B High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) rounds, with a projectile weight of about 13.3 oz (378 grams or 5,833 grains).[9] The PGU-14/B's projectile incorporates a lightweight aluminum body, cast around a smaller caliber depleted uranium penetrating core.

The Avenger proved lethal when tested against M47 Patton tanks in 1979.


First Look At Magnum P.I. on CBS

Fire Bolt - Epic NPC Man - VLDL (building up an epic spell)

Starship Alamo

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