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Why Does My Body Do That? 2

Sniper007 says...

Wow, that first one was so far off the mark, it's laughable.

When you hair stands up on end, it is sticking out further from your boding, giving you a slightly greater lead time for anything brushing up against you. It also gives you greater sensitivity to physical stimuli that may brush near your body. It makes you more sensative to small air currents as well that are flowing over your skin.

All things things help in survival, fight or flight type situations.

There Is A Reason Why Stock Videos Don´t Have Sound

Proper Amount of Suction

"BOTANICUS INTERACTICUS": Interactive Plant Technology

chingalera says...

Your comment prompted my brushing-up on the monarch's penchant for greenery of the non-pound-type. He must be, the poor dear, experiencing remorse for his family's on-going rape of the planet....

L0cky said:

Prince Charles would love this.

Skater punched by kid's mom

Ryjkyj says...

Chi Chi, I don't think you've ever offended me even once. Most of the time, I can't even understand what you're saying.

Look I'm not advocating violence: it's pretty ridiculous that the mom in this vid walks right past her son to confront the guy. I can't imagine doing that but I can imagine going into a fevered blood-rage over someone hitting my kid with a skateboard while he's playing in a park. (I also can't imagine what makes you guys think this is a skate park?)

All I'm saying is that, regardless of the fact that it was an accident, if you hit a toddler playing in a park, it's your fault (speaking of trying to find blame in others). And that, just maybe, getting punched in the face isn't such an incredible reaction to expect in that situation.

What I love are the comments about charging the mom with assault or smacking her back with a skateboard after she just watched you smash her baby's head into the pavement. Yeah, that's definitely the appropriate reaction. Congratulations, you share the sensibilities of every twelve-year-old who commented on Youtube.

I'm willing to bet that the skater brushed it off and thought roughly, "oh good, now we can call it even."

Not so much though with Internet Tough Guys.

Geiger Counter Going Off the Charts in an Antique Shop

chingalera says...

Radium has a half-life of 1600 years and stops glowing after about 20-It's behind glass (watch crystal) so one was shielded from direct bombardment-The casualties from the process came with the paint girls in the preparation and assembly of the illuminated faces and hands, who used lippointing (brush-lickers) to straighten their brushes....that we're dipped in radioactive paint-Nasty bone cancer of the jaw in worst cases.

200 old watches in a display case isn't anything to worry your testicular function over, but you don't want your cat lying on a pile of em...

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

chingalera says...

"That is typical of Texas rightwingers"

Love the broad brush-strokes, I use similar stereotypical sentiments when referring to MOST Americans regardless of their "state" of incarceration

So newtboyP, you left Texas at 13 because you had to, you lived with your parents at age 13 I trust, and semantics-be-damned, so you didn't "run", so please, "Go fuck yourself."(see, simply because I used some ad-hom the irony of your own directed at me is lost entirely in rules and regulations and adhesion to conduct)

I'd move to some idyllic utopia within this country but the only places that appeal to me have too many rednecks or too many pretentious university students-Sorry mate, I don't fit your convenient groups or labels we're a bit more enigmatic than all that.

You wanna analyze something how about picking-apart your last few sentences lamenting the mentality of everyone in a state 2/3 the size of Europe and again, using convenient labels and broad generalizations that fans of such tripe can soak the gravy up with after eating the manna falling from their asses like it was sent down from God herself.

I've lived everywhere but the eastern seaboard mate and "being" anywhere now is about as good as the shits gonna get-Your own ideas that grass is greener politically somewhere else and therefore better than state X over state Y,... self-indulgent and illusory.

Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle

Yogi says...

Bob isn't it wrong when ignorant people say that the entire Tea Party is made up of Racists just because a few Racist Assholes bring Racist signs to their protests?

It's just interesting this post coming from you, when you think it's such a bad thing to paint the entire Tea Party with the same brush. Seems hypocritical to me.

Maybe next time post some more information, maybe talk about the event and what it was about. Then point out the assholes who bullied preachers.

Glenn Greenwald - Why do they hate us?

Kofi says...

@lantern53 Where were Bush's apologies? Didn't he say that history would be the judge hence no need to apologise? Also, the government is not some mythical separate entity from 'the people". America is the bastion of democracy, don't you agree? How are we to separate the actions of its people from its government? Democracy, especially one as purportedly strong as your own, implies consent if not endorsement.

@bcglorf The first point just restates what I said which I think we both agree on.

The second point about Pakistan has been over simplified to the point of misdirection. There are 3 domains of power in Pakistan; the ISI (Intelligence), the military and the government. The ISI largely controls the madrassahs and although there is a huge amount of violence in Pakistan at the moment (something you won't hear about in Western news broadcasts) the main area of contention there is about Kashmir. It has little if nothing to do with the USA. In fact the USA aids the Pakistan cause by their alliance with Pakistan in an attempt to oppose Chinese backed India. Further, charities does not automatically mean state-based endorsement. Its quite a stretch.

Plus, I can name many muslim nations that did not have spontaneous celebrations. Afghanistan for one. Sure maybe a few in Kabul got wind of it but as a nation they are still pretty much in the dark about the whole thing. Some more, Turkey (secular yes but muslim by demos), Azer Baijan, Sudan, Bosnia-Herzogoznia, Burkina Faso, Chad, Comoros, Gambia, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Somalia.... I'm sure there were lots of other countries that had spontaneous displays of celebration after 9/11... France, Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venuzuela, Russia, Guatemala, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Serbia.

To paint any display of celebration with the brush of enemy eliminates any nuance or desire for understanding complex issues for the sake of post hoc raltionalisation of ones own immediate intuitions. Does the Westboro Baptist Church mean that America is no better than any of the Muslim nations you list? Of course not. To say as much as absurd. To see brown people doing the same is merely convenient.

The third point you seem to provide your own refutation. Drones etc do indeed fuel Al Queda. You admit as much. If the AL Qaeda aim is indeed about Pakistan and India (which I think you may be very confused about Al-Qaeda and its Pakistani brethren, two very separate entities with almost no commonality bar what we grant them). Al Qaeda in the Bin Laden days cared nothing for Pakistan. It was almost entirely focused on Saudi Arabia and only went to Afghanistan as a sort of Boys Own adventure club. They were the laughing stock of the Mujahaddin.

On Edward Snowden (Blog Entry by dag)

MrFisk says...

It has all the elements of a Hollywood summer blockbuster hit -- lone protagonist makes a stand, horrified government agencies on the defense, and the beltway media missing the mark.
Unfortunately, this isn't a movie (yet). The most egregious aspect of this story, in my biased opinion, is the way journalists have so casually been lumped in and brushed under the rug by the Obama administration. For instance, before the Snowden story broke, the Department of Justice was taking heat for wiretapping and collecting information about journalists (the Fourth branch of democracy) doing their jobs. This dangerous precedent -- all in the name of national security -- leads to a less informed public, which undermines the integrity of the nation to hold itself accountable.
That said, I just hope Ashton Kutcher doesn't land the role of Snowden.

Amazing Drawing Demonstration Without References

NSA to FBI Deputy Director: I Owe your boss a friggin beer!

chingalera says...

Remind us who this was that said this in about a year...Perhaps he'll meet his fate being run off the road in the middle of the night, perhaps a brush against his neck by a passer-by....OH! I know!! A scandal he can never recover from...let's buy this man a blow job or a homosexual senate page!!

Democracy Now! - "A Massive Surveillance State" Exposed

enoch says...

and for the person who mentioned that congress holds the most power in our legislature:

i could literally do this all day.
please understand my friend i am NOT buying into any media hysteria.
i just do not trust power and the past two administrations have proven they do not deserve it.

another point i would like to make is my suspicion is not the mere fact of a metadata dragnet perpetrated by the NSA.
hell..if you have a facebook you know your info is being jacked.
no..thats not where my skepticism lies.
for while i am not wholly comfortable with a government organization scooping up massive amounts of data,what bothers me far worse is our government expressly barring (verizon in this case) from letting their customers know the very existence of the program.

i also cannot nor will i ever accept the tacit and,in my opinion,bullshit reasoning that this is all about counter-terrorism.

there is far too broad a brush that can be painted with abuse.
and it is the abuse of power that i am concerned with.

patriot act 1
patriot act 2
victory act 1
victory act 2
military commissions act of 2006
NDAA of 2012

which brought us the great hits of the past decade:
warrantless wiretaps
illegal wars
persecution of whistleblowers
persecution of journalists

im sorry man but we are in fundamental disagreement on this.
you see this as a necessary tool for law enforcement and counter-terrorism
and i see a horrific landscape of possible abuses by a government i feel no longer represents the citizenry but is,in fact,an arm of wall street and multi-national corporations.

and the possibilities of abuse are massive.

Bunny gets a bath in the sink

Texas Rail Road Bridge Fire

chingalera says...

For some not-so-strange reason, this looks intentional-How else (notwithstanding the creosote-soaked wood used for railroad timber) would the entire length of the thing burn so uniformly and so completely?

*edit- Ok, brush-fire. Now I see it-Damn. Ten million and change to rebuild it, construction to begin post-haste as this is a line used frequently for Ag near there.

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