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Andrew Breitbart is Dead - Cenk on Breitbart's Legacy

Yogi says...

>> ^HugeJerk:

I never cared for Breitbart's antics, they were often misleading crap that derailed political discussion with lies. That said, I still feel bad for his family losing their father/husband at such a young age.

Tens of thousands of families lost someone today. Do you only feel sad for the ones you hear about? That's not something a Huge Jerk does.

Andrew Breitbart is Dead - Cenk on Breitbart's Legacy

HugeJerk says...

I never cared for Breitbart's antics, they were often misleading crap that derailed political discussion with lies. That said, I still feel bad for his family losing their father/husband at such a young age.

Andrew Breitbart is Dead - Cenk on Breitbart's Legacy

Andrew Breitbart is Dead - Cenk on Breitbart's Legacy

Andrew Breitbart is Raping the Truth, OWS

TheGenk says...

>> ^gwiz665:

You can't rape the truth. The truth has no orifice.

True, but you can totally ignore the truth, which will break her heart and destroy her self-esteem. So, don't do it.
Don't misrepresent her while talking about her with others, either.
You should take some time to get to know her. Yes, dealing with her may hurt or be uncomfortable sometimes, but in the end you will recognize that you can trust her 100%, she's a no bullshit kinda girl. After some time with the truth at your side you will feel good, empowered even. And the sex is amazing!

Andrew Breitbart is Raping the Truth, OWS

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

Andrew Breitbart is Raping the Truth, OWS

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

The Old Man, CEO of OCP has a few words for Occupiers

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

heropsycho says...

So you agree he's as batsh** crazy as a guy who pooped on a police car. WE AGREE ON SOMETHING!

>> ^quantumushroom:

Is he less sane than the occupooper who pooped on a cop car?
>> ^Kofi:
At least I know now that this guy is truly insane rather than just a political agitator.
Foucault would have a field day with this guy.

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters

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