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Ron Paul Defends Occupy Wall Street

Drachen_Jager says...

Quantum, Andrew Breitbart is hardly a credible source for ANYTHING.

You'll have to do better than that. If Breitbart said the sky was blue I'd look out the window to check. You'd be an idiot not to with his record.

High Tech Lynching? Just Say No

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Really? After 4 years of Tea Party racism about "Obama the Kenyan", Obama's birth certificate, Obama's radical black minister Wright, Obama the secret Muslim, Obama the terrorist, attacks on Acorn, Shirley Sherrod, the southern strategy and the popularity of unrepentant right wing bigots like James O'Keefe and Andrew Breitbart?.

Not to mention the weird irony that this commercial against 'racism' only targets other black people.

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-25-2011

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^ponceleon:

In all fairness, I think it is fine to call out Orlando. After all Sarah Palin called for "crosshairs" on Gifford and got tons of flack for it and this was much more pointed than that.
Personally, I think calling for someone to be arrested, charged with a crime, etc. is more appropriate when they are a lying douchebag. Calling for death just shows a level of hyperbole which is uncomfortably NRAish. It's like that guy, forgetting his name now, but he's a "journalist" who basically said that the US should go into a civil war because the conservatives have all the guns... it is basically saying that having the ability to cause violence makes you right. Scary stuff, joking or not.

The journalist douchebag you're talking about is Andrew Breitbart.

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

TheFreak says...

What a joke for conservatives to believe they're the only ones with guns. The entire gun control mess is nothing more than a fabricated issue meant to polarize voters between the two parties. I know plenty of people who've jumped on the conservative bandwagon because their single issue is "gun ownership" and then they just join the conservative group-think echo chamber on every other issue.

But whatever...let's be clear; I have guns and I'm a liberal. The three people I went pidgeon hunting with this weekend are liberals and 3/4 of us are war veterans. If you're a gun toting conservative, don't feel too smug believing you're patriotically sheep dogging American society. Figuratively speaking, there are just as many scopes pointed in your direction as there are pointed outward from your camp.
Don't bother soothing your ruffled political feathers with Breibart's little macho fantasy...if the right-wing, armed, yahoos tried asserting themselves violently...well, it wouldn't go down quite the way you and Breitbart day-dreamed it would.

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^criticalthud:

totally, the puritan ethos is insidious
i like to think the linchpin in the puritan ethos is "specialness" - endow everyone as god's chosen, or god's little lamb and you can start demanding through expectation and guilt. We end up with a bunch of selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed jerks who are out to prove and maintain their own egocentricity, to the exclusion of everyone and everything around them. it's what consumerism sells to. on an individual basis it ain't a big deal, but on a collective basis it's eating the planet.

Hey @DerHasisttot, criticalthud is trying to communicate with you ^

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Breitbart, bullies, teenage kids, guns, we have the military' to 'Breitbart, bullies, teenage kids, guns, we have the military, fascist, fascism' - edited by dystopianfuturetoday

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

The Best of Weiner, a liberal patriot!

bmacs27 says...

Clinton has inappropriate physical contact with aides in the oval office, and lies about it under oath. He's praised for his statesmanship.

Wiener takes some pictures in the gym, and lies to the media. He's thrown under the bus.

Since when is it worse to lie to Andrew Breitbart than in a court of law?


Homer Simpson "Babysitter's sweet sweet can"

Rachel Maddow is Fucking Awesome

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Speaking strictly about the event they were discussing. Guy edits film to serve his own political agenda, Fox News eats it up and touts it as fact without even investigating, other news organizations investigate and show that the film is doctored.

You mean like how Maddow doctors videos to make Tea Party rallies look like Nazi rallies? Man-faced 'woman' edits film to serve her own political agenda... NY Times, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, AP, Rueters, et al eat it up and tout it as fact without even investigating... Other news organizations investigate and show that the films are doctored. Sound familiar? Maddow is a leftist, partisan, bought-and-paid-for political hack. Brietbart is a right-wing partisan bought-and-paid-for political hack. Anything they have to say has to be taken with more than a grain of salt.

Maddow belongs in the kook shill pile with all other infotainers who act like journalists. Political hacks like Maddow or Breitbart use truth as bunting for their lies sometimes. That doesn't mean you can trust them. The only thing you can trust is that they will serve up "their side" of a story. If your goal is to learn what Democrats want you to think about an issue the watch Maddow. If you want get your daily GOP marching orders, then go read Breitbart.

Rachel Maddow is Fucking Awesome

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rachel Maddow, David Letterman, Andrew Breitbart, Fox News, Shriley Sherrod, Lateshow' to 'Rachel Maddow, David Letterman, Andrew Breitbart, Fox News, Shirley Sherrod, Lateshow' - edited by kulpims

Shocking Video Proof: Breitbart is an Al Qaeda Terrorist

Olbermann Special Comment on Shirley Sherrod

Throbbin says...

You greasy sack of shit. Yes, the Obama folks fired her, and there is plenty of blame for them. But even after this has been clarified you still try to peddle that garbage.

Check this out:

AFTER she says she referred him to a white lawyer, she then talks about her own narrow-mindedness, and how she recognized it and overcame it. You purposely leave this out of your commentary. She then helped him out and that white man now credits her to this day for helping him keep his farm. You would want people to focus on the NAACP nodding their heads in agreement without mentioning the context (Sherrod's father having been murdered by white men, among many others at the time).

You do not have any shame Bobknight. You and Breitbart both.

>> ^bobknight33:

Andrew Breitbart posted the video on his site Monday at 8:18 a.m. By mid-afternoon Shirely Sherrod had been fired. Fox News didn’t report the story until later that evening. Who’s to blame for her firing? Fox News? Breitbart? That is absurd.
By mid afternoon of the same day, Ms. Sherrod’s boss, Cheryl Cook, called her and fired her because “you’re going to be on Glenn Beck tonight”. In fact, she did not appear on Beck that night. He made no mention of her whatsoever. She did appear on Beck the following night though, and he was DEFENDING her. The first mention of the Shirley Sherrod tape on Fox News was on Bill O’Reilly’s show which aired at 8 p.m. That’s almost five hours AFTER Sherrod was fired.
The edited video posted by Andrew Breitbart on his website,, wasn’t edited to exclude Sherrod’s racial “redemption”. The video that appeared on his site actually INCLUDED Sherrod saying “That’s when it was revealed to me that it’s about poor versus those who have. And not so much about white….it is about white and black… but it’s not…you know… it opened my eyes because I took him to one of his own.” On his website, Breitbart says:
In the first video, Sherrod describes how she racially discriminates against a white farmer. She describes how she is torn over how much she will choose to help him. And, she admits that she doesn’t do everything she can for him, because he is white. Eventually, her basic humanity informs that this white man is poor and needs help. But she decides that he should get help from “one of his own kind”. She refers him to a white lawyer.
Sherrod’s racist tale is received by the NAACP audience with nodding approval and murmurs of recognition and agreement. Hardly the behavior of the group now holding itself up as the supreme judge of another groups’ racial tolerance.

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