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Mum Tasered In Front Of Kids, Arrested. Kids Left In Vehicle

Bold Sales Proposal To German Airline

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bold, sales, proposal, bj, blowjob, German, airline, pitch, translator, English, interpret' to 'bj, blowjob, German, pitch, translator, English, interpret, ryanair, Michael O Leary' - edited by maatc

Ryanair Long-haul flights have "blowjobs" included!

Tornado of FIRE!

Tornado of FIRE!

Tornado of FIRE!

Ryanair Long-haul flights have "blowjobs" included!

Ryanair Long-haul flights have "blowjobs" included!

Yogi says...

I saw an article that said one Ryanair Stewardess was a Porn Star named Edita Bente. Of course I could be porn knowledge has been slipping somewhat.

EDIT: Also I don't believe for one second there's no acceptable phrase for "Blowjob" in German.

This Perrier commercial has to be seen to be believed

100 Mill Spent Investigating Clinton But Only 4 Mill On 911

Diogenes says...

although i find it hard not to respect mr. ventura, i think his numbers are a bit off... or misleading

the total costs of the investigation he's referring to also include years' worth of whitewater investigations begun under independent counsel robert fiske -- ken starr replaced him, and then further investigations were tacked on... namely travelgate, filegate, and finally the paula jones civil suit leading to the breaking of the lewinsky story...

the total pricetag for seven years of multiple investigations? approximately 70 to 80 million

let's also keep in mind that it wasn't 'clinton getting a blowjob' that incurred these expenses, rather that there were shady land deals, as well as questionable firings of whitehouse travel staff, and improper access of fbi files... being investigated parallel to his sexual harrassment case while arkansas governor - the latter led to lewinsky... and it was then that clinton was charged with PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.... not just getting a bj

the cost of the lewinsky portion of the investigation, and that which caused the two above charges, is estimated at 6.7 to 7.2 million dollars

the total cost of the 9-11 investigation was 12 million dollars... 3 million initially allocated, and another 9 million of a requested 11 million allocated later

besides a little trouble with the numbers... still, i think mr ventura makes his point

GOP Will Investigate Clinton's "Blow Job" But Not CIA

Man loses 410 lbs; becomes a personal trainer

Blowjob Slip

An Offended Mother on the Topic of Blowjobs


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