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The Atheist Experience: Pascals Wager

Crosswords says...

Religious people should find Pascal's wager blasphemous as it exhibits greed and deception at the highest level of belief. In effect one who operates by such a mode is using God expressly for their own selfishness.

Tiger Woods Can Walk on Water. He's Just That Good.

Roast IX: Who the f**k is this guy? (Parody Talk Post)

EDD says...

OK, first of all, since when is a Sift Roast a charity event? I mean, for fuck's sakes, this guy is so pathetic, making fun of people named Biggus Dickus is more challenging. Besides, I'm fairly certain we'll have exceed the total sum of all his lifetime verbal conversations ("Hi..." "Piss off!" x 237) in this thread by noon tomorrow.

I mean, the hardest thing is to decide where to start.

This man is so utterly lonely he tries to pass himself off as a geek, and fails spectacularly. I mean, how does one fail at GEEK, the one label losers like me and you all around the world use to comfort ourselves that there might be a community somewhere that accepts and appreciates us?
For one, he's boasting how he's at the computer all round the clock as if it's some WoW achievement (if it is, I say it's discriminatory, as it effectively singles out people with no lives). Take a look at his hobbies (#23) - I mean, wow, it takes some serious effort to exclusively come up with ones you only do on a computer. And come on, he added a fucking ® to both Photoshop© and Adobe™ (same exotic symbol twice in a row, loser), because everybody cares about indicating trademarks on the Series Of Tubes. It's serious business!

His 'picture', if one is blasphemous enough of photography by calling it that:
Apart from the fact that he might as well be Jessica Alba (we'll never know, his shaky camera skills are effing l33t), it's additionally cropped to show off pixelation and camera noise, there's a shitload of unnecessary blur and even a fucking lens flare effect for goodness' sakes! And did I mention how hip it is to take photos of yourself in outstretched hands? LONELYPHAIL15, man. By the way, when you say you wouldn't like to be Fart-Man, I urge you reconsider. There's advantages - you'd be more likely to score ladies than you are now, for one. Also, cops/people on the street might mistake you for an entertainer or a mascot every once in a while.

And I don't mean to nit-pick here, but what the hell is this guy doing here anyway? Obviously, he's implying that out of the 33 boring videos he's sifted (I suggest you go downvote all of them so that he doesn't get his hopes up), he's yet to enjoy any of them, as this remains his ultimate goal (#30). He mentions another, "self-entertainment", which is followed by "lol". Congratulations on achieving that second goal on such short notice. Although I do immensely pity karkarlee if you're equally easy to satisfy in other areas.

>> ^karkarlee:
^ 32. What made you pick Obsidianfire as a username?
I mean look at it: obsidian fire. Imagine black fire, that's fucking awesome emo.

Here's an image of black fire for you. Since it's obviously the most awesomest thing ever for you, I hope you experience your very first orgasm over it. Then you might actually not feel too guilty while reassuring karkarlee for the hundredth time that you're very experienced in this secksing business.

Other roasters: here's your dessert.

Indoor Base Jumping - In a basilica

MINK says...

isn't there a bit in the bible about "don't test god by jumping off a church tower, he won't save you"


and i am wondering if he blasphemed when he broke his ankle.

these guys are going STRAIGHT to hell. As is the "progressive" vicar and his crazy plans to dominate the tourism market of Belgium.

Let the Videosift Roast begin! Zifnab takes center stage... (Parody Talk Post)

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

evil_disco_man says...

"George Carlin - the filthy blasphemer, the obscene potty-mouthed skeptic, agnostic and profane atheist who had nothing but disdain for God and the Bible."

I'd be proud of that obituary.

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

thinker247 says...

"And lo, I say unto thee, any man who blasphemes the games of football and baseball shall be cast down to Hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth and the Ice Capades!"

Deadwood: A Fucking Good Show

12028 says...

The first series has a special feature commentary on the language used in the show. To summarize, the creator was well aware that the language was anachronistic but wanted to paint Deadwood's characters as 'beyond the boundaries' of civil society. As MrFisk alluded, the foulest language at the time was blasphemous. To our modern ears, however, goldarnit doesn't have the same ring as co#%&@cker. Fantastic show, shame HBO balked on the fourth season.

What Mormons Believe

theaceofclubz says...

Wow, I never meant to be so controversial in my statements. In the interest of full disclosure, I am an atheist/agnostic who finds religion in general to be convoluted. Mormanism specifically stands out to me because I have first hand experience with it and feel qualified to address it.

I fell out of theology in general approximately 10 yrs. ago because I failed to reconcile the concept of hell with just and loving god. For 10 yrs. I was the only deconvert in my family.

My brother was a priesthood holding member and church attendant for 35 yrs. and only confessed to the family that he was no longer a follower this last Easter. He lost his faith by specifically looking into church history and my criticisms of it are informed on conversations I've had with him. Unfortunately it is 5am here and I won't be able to call him for another 2 hours, at which time I will offer a more substantive critique.

Based purely on my own experience, it seems the church sort of attempts to set up a persecution complex in its members, an us against them mentality if you wish. I was very aware of the fact that there is antimormon literature and people actively seeking to bring down the church. I never read any and it is seen as purely blasphemous material. Any reading of it is highly frowned upon by church members. When I was a member I had never heard of Joe being anything but a standup guy. Indeed, even Dag's statement that Joe was a "showman and philanderer" would have shocked the shit out of me. Of course its possible that this is only because I fell out at a young age and I would imagine that with the advent of the internet this is very different today.

"Were you trying to say that they should have addressed the early church in the video?"

No, I was only trying to point out that the emphasis on early church history is probably an area in the mormon church in which they part ways with most denominations of Christianity.

"Oh, crap. PLEASE don't refer people to that stupid South Park video!"

I stand by my previous statement that this is a factually correct portrayal of how the word of god was received by Joe, including the sheet. Nobody was allowed to see plates as he translated them. You forgot the magic stones.

"And as for the Martin Harris thing, they're trying to make Mormons look like idiots for believing that."

How else do you think I would see it?

"Since it was likely that some enemy of Smith's had their hands on the pages, it would have been stupid to translate them again in exactly the same way. Someone could have changed the manuscript and then shown how it was different from the new translation, thus proving Smith a false prophet. I know it seems unlikely to us, but it isn't as if Mormons have never thought about it. They aren't "dumb"."

I can honestly say that the thought never occurred to me or came up in church at all. I wouldn't say dumb, but naive.

Chaser's War on Everything: Jesus Sightings and Mosque Signs

schmawy (Member Profile)

swampgirl (Member Profile)


Majortomyorke says...

As a faithful Pastafarian I take very deep and profound offense to the grouping of my lord, the FSM, praise be unto his meatballs, with the other blasphemers in the video.

It is utterly disgusting.

You have damned your soul to an eternity of flat, tasteless beer and sullied, disease infested wenches. You are sure to feel his wrath and be without the eternal caress of His Noodly Appendage.

Despair now, for the reckoning is upon you!

Oh and by the way, before you go flaming my post in the traditional Liberal Sift manner, spare me. Your filthy remarks have already been spewed.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

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