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Horse vs Dirt Bike

CrushBug says...

In this area, horses have better cornering and low end acceleration compared to a bike. He might not have been the best biker out there, but he was the one that was there.

How To Catch A Bus

Shit! Shit, shit, shit!

Bikers Attack and Odd Outcome

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'motorcycles, bikers, fight, proposal' to 'motorcycles, bikers, fight' - edited by Payback

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

oohlalasassoon says...

So the overgrown hall monitor with a camera stands on a corner filming the general public, waiting for someone to fuck up so he can put them on the 5 o'clock news. He's a catalyst for the response that he got from the idiotic biker. Some folks don't like being filmed without their consent and the camera guy -knows- that. He and his type are the cause of many of the escalated and inflamed freak-outs he captures on camera. Respectfully, you and I have different definitions of not DOING anything.

Shepppard said:

How many people doing something stupid did you actually see filmed by the reporter?

Short answer: one.

Yeah, we had the dingus stop in the middle of traffic, but the biker was just as anonymous as everyone else until that helmet came off. Everybody in their car, dumbass move or not, was completely anonymous.

The reporter isn't reporting anybody to the cops, and the only reason that the biker actually got any form of punishment is literally because he decided to confront the reporter, and that caught the attention of the gate security guards.

Seriously, it doesn't matter what you think the reporter did wrong.. in the end, he didn't actually DO anything. He literally stood there and filmed idiots. We see this on youtube 10000x a day, and think nothing of it, he just happened to get paid for doing it.

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

Shepppard says...

According to the link he "was going way too fast"... maybe, I won't say a word one way or the other based upon speed. He could have been going a bit too fast, who knows?

My guess is that the biker was looking either at traffic, or off the side and not paying attention to what was infront of her. The driver should have stopped, that much is apparent.

However, her entire post is preachy, and somewhat self-defeating. In one paragraph she talks about how basically her explination was that she was distracted because she figured she was safe (entire paragraph that speaks about looking at the water, sipping from a bottle, looking at a dashboard, etc.)

and then goes on to say that she knew that there were cars that travelled the path..somehow not taking the logical leap, then, that perhaps that's one of the stretches that should be payed attention to.

I'm not saying the driver is blameless, far from it. He definitely should have stopped when he saw a biker or pedestrian coming up. But if she knew for a fact that this was an area that sometimes had motor vehicles on it, she maybe should have slowed down herself, or payed more attention.

ChaosEngine said:

So basically the guy in the truck was some kind of maintenance worker and had a right to be there?

In that case, I'd say the blame is fully on the cyclist. The driver wasn't going that fast and even pulled over to his right. Meanwhile, the cyclist couldn't even navigate the more than adequate gap.

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

Shepppard says...

How many people doing something stupid did you actually see filmed by the reporter?

Short answer: one.

Yeah, we had the dingus stop in the middle of traffic, but the biker was just as anonymous as everyone else until that helmet came off. Everybody in their car, dumbass move or not, was completely anonymous.

The reporter isn't reporting anybody to the cops, and the only reason that the biker actually got any form of punishment is literally because he decided to confront the reporter, and that caught the attention of the gate security guards.

Seriously, it doesn't matter what you think the reporter did wrong.. in the end, he didn't actually DO anything. He literally stood there and filmed idiots. We see this on youtube 10000x a day, and think nothing of it, he just happened to get paid for doing it.

oohlalasassoon said:

^ I don't know guys, I still say if I had to choose which of these dipshits to defend it'd be the biker guy. I wouldn't defend his actions because they're obviously idiotic. Check. I get that part. But I can respect that he actually speaks his mind to pseudo-journalists like these. They're scum and are a sideways step from paparazzi. Does the biker not have a point that it's rude to film people without their authorization? Who here likes that?

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

Ickster says...

I love that the first two comments are blaming the biker for not getting out of the way of the car quickly enough. What is this, YouTube?

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

oohlalasassoon says...

^ I don't know guys, I still say if I had to choose which of these dipshits to defend it'd be the biker guy. I wouldn't defend his actions because they're obviously idiotic. Check. I get that part. But I can respect that he actually speaks his mind to pseudo-journalists like these. They're scum and are a sideways step from paparazzi. Does the biker not have a point that it's rude to film people without their authorization? Who here likes that?

Motorcycles in the future will not tip over. Lit Motors

HugeJerk says...

It's not for bikers. It's for car drivers who want the economy and conveniences of a motorcycle.

The lack of video's showing it turning has been puzzling, since in others I've watched they claim that it'll make corners sharp enough that it'll be leaning so far over that you could be dragging your hand on the ground if you had the window open.

Jinx said:

Is bikers just like, falling over a big problem or something? What problem is this invention solving exactly? I mean, I guess if it has airbags and a seat belt then it might protect you from moderate collisions and fender benders.

So yah. It doesn't look as nippy as a proper bike, it restricts the bikers vision and it makes you look like a dork. I also couldn't help but notice that they don't show it going around a corner. Or turning at all actually.

Maybe they should just do away with the gyro, add a third wheel an....
Oh, nvm then.

Motorcycles in the future will not tip over. Lit Motors

Jinx says...

Is bikers just like, falling over a big problem or something? What problem is this invention solving exactly? I mean, I guess if it has airbags and a seat belt then it might protect you from moderate collisions and fender benders.

So yah. It doesn't look as nippy as a proper bike, it restricts the bikers vision and it makes you look like a dork. I also couldn't help but notice that they don't show it going around a corner. Or turning at all actually.

Maybe they should just do away with the gyro, add a third wheel an....
Oh, nvm then.

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

shatterdrose says...

Surprised this wasn't already up here . . .

But anyway. To answer above questions:

Police are fighting jurisdiction. Because it's a car on a pedestrian bike way, there's lots of people involved. For instance, we have a road here in Orlando that's owned by the state (FDOT), the city and OUC, our power company. So if someone was to wreck and hit a power pole, all 3 would be involved. If a pedestrian was hit while on the sidewalk, FDOT or OPD would be called and if they wanted to bicker about it, they could endlessly. That's essentially what's happening here, because whomever takes responsibility can be sued.

As for why the biker didn't see the car: when we climb (not saying that was a hard climb, but I don't know her skill level) we tend to not look too far ahead of us. In a case like this, it's almost perfect for us to glance, see no walkers, and then mash the pedals up the hill. Head down, aero and aggressive, gives us the most efficient power usage.

The car, well, I can't attest to how much of a dumbass you must be to not realize you are no longer on the road.

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

newtboy says...

It did seem the bike had plenty of room to not be hit. Perhaps the biker saw an easily won lawsuit here and took advantage.
Most bridges here in America have barriers of one kind or another that would make this impossible, but maybe not all of them. I would guess the car at least jumped a curb to get there, and maybe removed a traffic barrier too. You would have to be completely clueless and mentally impared to do this by accident, IMO.
I can't fathom why the police wouldn't go after the driver. They were obviously and completely in the wrong, even if there was a legitimate reason for the car to be there (which is highly questionable) they were going way too fast for such a small enclosed pedestrian walkway.

dannym3141 said:

Either the biker wasn't looking or he thought of a way of teaching that moron a lesson by making him knock him off, cos his brakes are wired up. I don't know what roads look like in america, but is it possible to get on a bridge like that by accident? Or rather, how possible is it? On the youtubes it says that the police won't do anything!

Only Bikes and Pedestrians go here

dannym3141 says...

Either the biker wasn't looking or he thought of a way of teaching that moron a lesson by making him knock him off, cos his brakes are wired up. I don't know what roads look like in america, but is it possible to get on a bridge like that by accident? Or rather, how possible is it? On the youtubes it says that the police won't do anything!

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