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Paralysed Mountain Biker back on his bike

On a road racing bike, how does he does these stunts?

ChaosEngine says...

Only time you'll ever see a road biker with flat pedals

My initial response was that this is mental, but it isn't that insane when you think about it. Trials bikes are almost closer to road bikes than mountain bikes these days (rim brakes, no suspension, etc), so the skills would transfer.

Just goes to show it's the rider, not the bike. (which explains why I still suck at mountain biking even on my flash new bike )

BTW, just to clarify, this isn't a road bike who decided to try these stunts, it's a (world class) trials biker who decided to try it on a road bike.

Instant Karma Road Rage

The sharp-eyed bus passenger

lucky760 says...

I don't understand the excitement.

The bus passed the biker. While passing the passenger happened to notice the keys fall out. The biker caught up to the bus. The passenger told the biker.


nah, not so much

The sharp-eyed bus passenger

rancor says...

I got so distracted by your weird answers that I failed to realize what actually happened. I thought the guy saw the keys fall from a mile away, when actually he just saw them fall when his bus was passing the biker earlier. Not nearly as impressive.

The sharp-eyed bus passenger

JustSaying says...

Easy, the bus guy entered sneak mode, pressed the use button to pickpocket once the biker was close enough. While he looked through the biker's inventory and took probably his gold and maybe some necklaces and rings, he accidentally took the keys. Upon realising his mistake he tried to reverse-pickpocket the keys, got the wrong button and droppen them instead. To gain something from the whole botched thing, the bus dude told the biker in the hope to level his speech skill.
He probably just playing some Thief Guild mission now, forging some ledgers. Unless he's with the Dark Brotherhood. Then he tried to poison the biker.

The sharp-eyed bus passenger

sanderbos says...

How about: The buspassenger 'pickpockets' the keys from the biker as they are talking, then has an assistant quickly drive back with those keys and dumps them on the street just before the biker arrives.
I think that makes a lot more sense.

Sniper007 said:

He made them fall ou with black magic then felt guilty. Only rational explanation.

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

SFOGuy says...

Having been raised in a big city, I'm always astonished by the pedestrians, bikers, and drivers who wander by officers WITH THEIR GUNS PULLED AND AIMED AT SOMEONE---without thinking: perhaps this could be a bad place to be if it all goes sideways...

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

Volvo LifePaint - Reflective safety spray

Mekanikal says...

Good idea, but maybe you shouldn't ride in the middle of the road where people are driving 3 ton killing machines. All I saw in this video were bikers swarming all over the street, not paying attention to their surroundings.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

About 15 months ago, at a conference in Austin aptly titled "Can the Eurozone be saved?", my favorite Greek mathematician/economist Yanis Varoufakis made center stage with his "Modest Proposal".

Now that he's in charge of Greece's finances, the media is firing broadside after broadside at him, trying their best to discredit the man. Doesn't even wear a tie, shaves his head, wears biker jackets, has a temper... the usual ad hominem bullshit. Yet it only took him three days to give the debate a new direction. Calling the austerity program "fiscal waterboarding" was a stroke of genius.

Him and Tsipras created the first crack in this bubble of lunacy that we call Eurozone. Someone might even realize that the Emperor is, in fact, naked.

Oh, and my personal word of the week: Stahlhelmökonom

(lit.: steel helmet economist, as in "a level of denial and ignorance made famous by the German military on the Eastern front" applied to economics)

The Australian Crackdown On Biker Culture

Conan's "Sons Of Anarchy" Cold Open

Officer Friendly is NOT your friend

lantern53 says...

Numbers don't tell the whole story, do they? Were all of those deaths ruled as unjustified?

According to an article at propublica, as many as 440,000 deaths per year are attributed to poor medical care in hospitals. So what are you doing to do, take all the doctor's scalpels away?

This video shows a cop trying to find marijuana, which is still illegal in most states. What this video doesn't show is the amount of stolen property that is recovered by the same technique, which is bluffing. But of course, people who commit burglaries and thefts don't videotape the encounters they have with police officers.

Today, more and more people are learning their rights and exercising them, and fewer busts are made through bluffing. But the police will adjust to it.

When I worked the road, I didn't give a crap about speeders, so didn't run radar or laser, and I didn't really care about marijuana because alcohol is far more dangerous to people, but I did bust a couple of bikers from a biker gang trying to sell a grocery bag full of marijuana. They also had a 9mm, which would have been used to a criminal manner, I'm sure. By the way, they got off of the marijuana charge because the judge said I didn't have enough probably cause to make the stop, even though I knew through observation that they were up to something highly suspicious.
how'd you like to buy your grass from a biker with a semi-auto on him?

I know, when I was buying grass in my college days, I didn't buy it from bikers, but a lot of people do.

Drachen_Jager said:

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” - Benjamin Franklin

You were warned.

But Americans would rather watch Fox News and be afraid of terrorists than curtail the rampant abuses perpetrated by police every day.

Number of people killed by Police in the US since 9/11 = 5,000, over 350 per year

Number of American civilians killed worldwide from Terrorist attacks in 2011 = 17

Yeah, give the cops more power and bigger guns.

Why I Don't Like the Police

lantern53 says...

Cops DO NOT always assume someone is armed and dangerous. That's why they get killed so often. Someone comes in to file a report, you don't assume they are armed and dangerous. Little old ladies...not armed and dangerous. Children...not armed and dangerous. Wives of bikers...not armed and dangerous. Shoplifters....not armed and dangerous.

Guy runs a stop don't assume he is armed and dangerous. But you have to be aware that the possibility exists. Too many cops have paid the ultimate price for not watching the hands.

Of course, sometimes you are wrong. You can find a video of a shoplifter being detained in Russia...he pulls out a gun and shoots 4 people.

As for pepper-spraying people...I carried pepper spray for 30 yrs, never used it.

If a cop is using it on 'non-violent' protesters sitting in the street, it's because his supervisor said 'clear the street, cars have to move through here'. See...because you've already told 20 people to move out of the street and guess what...they didn't do it.

As for being treated violently by other cops, the reason cop's families don't get treated violently is because they generally don't make meth in their kitchen, they don't engage in violent domestic arguments, etc.

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