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Road rage and getting assaulted.

newtboy says...

Except that it's not shenanigans to lane split to the front at a light when on a bike, it's expected and legal, but it is shenanigans to jump back in front as a car just because you're butt hurt someone got in front of you, then swerve at the bike as if to kill him....and also serious shenanigans to chase him like you're Steve Macqueen because he turned your mirror slightly.
Perhaps you mean it's shenanigans to hit the douchebags mirror? I guess I can't say that's totally incorrect, and clearly didn't turn out well, but when someone tries to kill you (which is what happened as I see it), that's a fairly restrained response.
Florida is a concealed carry state, and a 'stand your ground' state as well. The biker could have shot that guy in my eyes after the first attempt to hit him at the very start, certainly when he cut him off and got out of the car, and justifiably, properly, and morally when the car started really trying to run him off the road.
(ps, I don't ride motorcycles)

Mordhaus said:

Bit of shenanigans on both sides. Bike guy cut off car guy to go first at light, car guy upped the ante, bike guy slapped car guy's mirror. Then we get a lovely chase that endangered their lives and the lives of everyone else on the road.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Cop Harassing The Wrong BMX Bikers Gets Shut Down

bcglorf says...

I disagree with your take on two counts.

First and foremost, just because somebody else is wrong or being a jerk does NOT automatically make the proper response being an equal or bigger jerk. Even when dealing with police officers. Yes, we expect officers are supposed to be the ones taking the higher road, but lets not just automatically lower the bar for everyone else. Lets encourage the civil part of civil society.

The second point is the presumption that an officer responding to complaints from people is somehow wrong. We have laws in place to balance the rights between all of us. In this case people have the right to walk on the sidewalk without watching to be run over by bikers, and bikers have the right to ride on the sidewalk at no more than 3mph(a very slow walk). If an officer gets complaints from folks about the bikers, he's not being a jerk to go over and check things out. It is, in fact, his job. The people complaining have the same rights as the guys on their bikes and it's the nuance of our laws that dictate who's in the right. In this case it certainly appears that those who complained to the officer where within their rights to do so because it's pretty certain the bikers weren't dropping onto the sidewalk from above at less than 3mph. The bikers were technically within their rights to point out to the officer that merely riding their bikes there was also legal. For the officer's part it looks like he started off with the actual impression that biking on sidewalks was not allowed, but backed off when the biker convinced him it was. In fact, the biker convinced him so much the officer FAILED to properly enforce the bylaw by insisting the bikers slow down. At this point, the complainers rights were stepped on by the officer being too passive and the bikers were left to ride faster than the bylaw states they should.

newtboy said:

He asked him calmly and respectfully "has there been a law change" and the officer said "yeah, you can't ride your bikes on the boardwalk", which was a lie, the law had not changed and you CAN ride your bike there.
Once the cop LIES to try to trick you out of your rights (like the right to ride your bike on the boardwalk), there's no reason at all to be respectful, he's a douchebag powertripping liar and should be treated as such.
The one who's a dick is the uneducated officer, not the teenager who knows the law. If you are enforcing the law, you had damn well better know what it really is and not just make shit up as you go along. If someone educates you on what you should already know, it's no excuse to start being a smarmy douchebag, which is exactly what the officer did with his "OK, you wanna go that way, we can go that way" which was a clear threat, and his "so, did you get your law degree on facebook" derision, which was funny seeing as the kid knew the law better than he, so where did he get his training in the law, his chosen profession, a cracker jack box? WTF asshole?!?
And he repeatedly asks "where did you get that", but if he had a brain, he would know where laws and statutes are found, and since he quoted it by number (yes, the wrong number) it was clear he was intending to be quoting the legal statutes, not just some internet theory.

No, the officer was absolutely wrong. He didn't tell them you can't ride fast, he said "you can't ride bikes down here, f you could pass that (erroneous) word along, that will keep people from complaining to me...and I won't come talk to you." which means 'do as I say and tell your friends to do it too, or I'll come harass you (and lie to you about the law you haven't broken)'.

Cop Harassing The Wrong BMX Bikers Gets Shut Down

Sylvester_Ink says...

Maybe the biker was right (if only to a certain extent, as was pointed out above), but when the officer conceded the point and moved on, the biker should have been somewhat gracious. His gloating and goading is no better than the officer's ignorance, and in a society where we're trying to encourage cops to be respectful to people, those people need to be just as respectful to the cops. His poor attitude is why I'm downvoting this. It does not deserve the attention nor the views.

Cop Harassing The Wrong BMX Bikers Gets Shut Down

bcglorf says...

So here's the text of the statute,

Bicycle riding on the Rainbow Harbor Esplanade is prohibited in excess of three (3) miles per hour between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) a.m. and ten o'clock (10:00) p.m., except City employees in the performance of their duties.

Sounds like both he and the office where wrong on different sides of the bylaw. The Officer was wrong to say they couldn't ride there. The biker though was 'almost' certainly riding at more than 3 miles per hour, which IS prohibited.

Cop Maces Bikers As They Ride By On The Freeway

My_design says...

The funny thing is that you can see the wind from the passing bikers just blows the mace right back at him. You can see the cloud never makes it more than 2-3' away then blows back at him and the truck he pulled over. Not only is he an asshole, but he's an idiot too.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Cop Maces Bikers As They Ride By On The Freeway

Cop Maces Bikers As They Ride By On The Freeway

String Quartet Plays Pachabel's Canon During Traffic Jam

A Clown Takes A Pratfall-Wait For It

Downhill mountain bike run, filmed cinematically in one take

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

On a road racing bike, how does he does these stunts?

On a road racing bike, how does he does these stunts?

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