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Golfer Breaks Burritta

Bill Maher: Christine O'Donnell on Politically Incorrect

National Prayer Day Unconstitutional

National Prayer Day Unconstitutional

pigeon (Member Profile)

Japanese Whaling Ship Shears Bow off High Speed Anti-Whaler

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^vaporlock:
I don't give a f^ck what your political bent is. You can't ram a ship in the middle of the ocean. They will be able to buy twenty of those little boats after the lawyers get done with them. WTF

Apparently you've never driven a boat before. One of the most basic rules is that the largest ship ALWAYS has the right of way. The reason is fundamental physics, the larger the ship, the more momentum it has meaning stopping or turning it is going to take much longer. A small boat like the one here doesn't get by hit a large ship like this unless it gets too close ON PURPOSE.
A boat that much smaller could literally run circles around the larger ship all day long and no matter how hard the larger ship tried it could never ram the smaller boat, it's just too slow and unwieldy by comparison.

Actually, if you watch this footage and the footage from the Bob Barker closely you'll see two things occur: in the video from the Shonan Maru, you'll see the water at the back of the Ady Gil churn just before the impact; and in the video from the Bob Barker, you'll see the bow of the Ady Gil lurch out of the water and move forward a bit.

Now I'm not a marine expert but I can tell you from the fair amount of boating I've done, both of those factors imply that the Gil throttled up just before being hit. My take is that they wanted to be hit and moved the boat into position to be struck.

Also the Ady Gil, formerly Earth Race, was designed as a highspeed craft, so it's very likely that even at "idle speed" it moves through the water with some vigor.

The footage from the Barker is also rather deceptive, because it appears to show the Shonan Maru turning toward the Ady Gil, but what is actually being seen is the camera angle change as the Barker sails forward and pans the camera to the right of the scene. You can tell this is what is occurring because the Gil's profile changes as well.

Japanese Whaling Ship Shears Bow off High Speed Anti-Whaler

HaricotVert says...

Don't forget to spay and neuter your pets!

>> ^geo321:
The Sea Shepherd ship looks like something built for Batman. It's too bad they do good work. Apparently they were picked up by a new five million dollar ship payed for and named after Bob Barker. promote

Japanese Whaling Ship Shears Bow off High Speed Anti-Whaler

geo321 says...

The Sea Shepherd ship looks like something built for Batman. It's too bad they do good work. Apparently they were picked up by a new five million dollar ship payed for and named after Bob Barker. *promote

I just watched The Midnight Meat Train... (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

I've read the Clive Barker Short Story for this one in the Books of Blood.
I am reluctant to see the movie. The story was short so they would have had to add all sorts of crap to make it into a feature film. I have a memory in my head of the story so I'll afraid to ruin it.

The other story of his I enjoyed was Dread - another one I hope they don't turn into a movie - though it could make a good one!

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

If Fox "News" Channel wanted to report actual news they'd be directly involved with local stations.

Every major market has a local FOX station with a local FOX News broadcast from a local FOX affiliate. The local stations all have local news shows, and in prime time they broadcast a 'national' news show. The rest of their programming is filled with entertainment, drama, comedy, etc... You are going to have to explain exactly how what FOX is doing is any different than what the other big-3 channels are doing if you are going to have any kind of discussion here.

Cable news is a whole different animal. They roll 24/7 and constantly mix commentary, opinion and 'news' all together in one big hodge-podge. Cable news is a wasteland of poor quality, slap-dash drive-through journalism, and carnival barkers. That includes MSNBC and CNN as well as FOX.

Nonetheless, to say because CNN and MSNBC aren't true journalist networks either - and then somehow lump in everyother news outlet

Here you start entering a realm of personal interpretation where bias and opinion dictate what is or isn't a 'lie'. I would say that CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news all 'lie' in the sense that they present stilted, biased information and pretend it is 'news'. Cable news is awful that way. The stuff on the affiliates is more staid, but bias creeps in there as well though it is not so blatant or volumetric.

...It's okay for Fox News to straight up LIE, doctor pictures, and rally the neo con fringe into such a frenzy that they kill police officers and ob/gyns is a terrible argument. They lie, cheat, purposely exaggerate, shout down their interviewees, endorse violence, war, racism, bigotry and outright hatred of anything not stamped 'Fox Approved'. They then attempt to call themselves fair and balanced.. and try to sue you if you say otherwise.

You see - here is where I have a hard time taking you seriously. I see no distinction between what FOX (cable) News does, and the stuff on MSNBC & CNN. They're both filled with opinions and bias of such a polarizing caliber that it is impossible to consider any of them to be 'news' so much as 'infotainment'. But you are saying FOX is somehow in a different realm and I can only ascribe that position to your own personal bias. Every fault you lay at FOX News' feet can be applied with equal accuracy to CNN or MSNBC. But some of your stuff is clearly hyperbole and not meant to be taken seriously.

But if you consider yourself an objective viewer/citizen you'd realize that not only is Fox "News" extremely bias in it's "reporting" it's hurtful to the greater public interest of unity and honesty.

Uh - on what exact planet does 'public interest of unity & honesty' outweigh the right to freedom of speech? I find every single news channel to be hurtful to the greater public interest. I would love to strip them all of their ability to communicate anything except dry, basic facts. But freedom comes with strings attatched, and you take the good with the bad. Tell me - is your opinion of FOX such that you would advocate shutting it down, but leaving CNN & MSNBC alone? Does that not indicate a rather biased approach?

James Randi exposes James Hydrick (telekinesis)

Very Disasterous Double Overbid on Price Is Right's Showcase

Uncanny Drew Carey Look-Alike on The Price is Right!!!

Travis Barker Remixes Eminem's 3AM

enoch (Member Profile)

ponceleon says...

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
It's weird, after Hellraiser, I felt that nightbreed was somewhat hokey...David Cronenberg was the only good part of the movie as far as I was concerned. The "monsters" were all kind of silly in a side-show sort of way.
on that note i agree,while i wouldnt call the monsters "hokey", everything paled after hellraiser.
i mean come on.."the opened it..we came"
clive barker made the demons TALK.
i still get the hairs on my arms to stand up when that scene comes on.
i think clive barker made the "monsters" less horrific to show that it was mankind that was the real monster.
thats my take anyways.

Naw naw, good points. I don't think we are that far apart on the film...

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