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Flash Flood Clears Parking Lot in Toowoomba

Poor Little Tink Tink: Kat Williams

Sagemind says...


Since when did not appreciating low level, not funny, comedy become racist?
Richard Prior, Eddy Murphy, Cris Rock and others use language as well, though you see past it because they are also funny.

I don't know who decided using bad language was a racial issue. I think it's educated vs. uneducated. I know a quite a few white people that talk like that as well.

In this comedy clip, this guy is neither funny, nor original and I have the right to an opinion without being called a racist.

PS. Maybe in a different clip, I might find him funny but in this clip he was off his game - his subject matter had promise but his delivery needed practice and experience.

Edit: Naw, I just listened to it again, he had some funny moments, they just get overshadowed by the language.

Mac or PC: The age old battle continues

MilkmanDan says...

Maybe there should be a lesser category of nsfw just for language. I'm an ESL teacher in Thailand, and while I don't actually browse in any environment with students around, I think that there are legitimate situations where people might want to avoid playing videos even with mild "bad" language.

Sassy Grandma takes on her Douchey Grandson

Sagemind says...

I think this one goes both ways. That kid, like most of the new generation, needs to learn some respect for his elders. The unruly kid needed to be put in his place.

On the flip side, she needs updating on how to deal with today's teens. Violence and bad language does nothing to gain respect and control the situation. She is completely unprepared to handle this kid and by the looks of it, I'm sure the parents knew that before they left...

I'm just glad he didn't get violent back, lucky for her. He didn't seem like a bad kid but they obviously don't get along !!

The Adventures of BURNT FACE MAN!

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

Deano says...

I've noticed that BurdTurgler has become increasingly chippy in his comments recently. His recent PMs to UsesProzac use extremely bad language which is unnecessary, only serves to inflame matters and could make one wonder if there is a personal grudge behind calling this siftquisition beyond the offending comment.

Anyway I think this is the series of comments between UsesProzac and ThePinky.

I understand there's a history between them that I haven't followed so I don't know if UP's comments are partially in response to previous slights or insults. Taken on their own I think UP is out of order and an apology is due.

Personally I would then have a quiet word with both and try to cool things down because a ban on its own is not going to solve anything and I won't vote for one (I would have for the recently perma-banned who were complete wastes of space).

McCain Said "Horseshit" in Debate

pipp3355 says...

>> ^vermonter:
Very silly indeed. Why does anyone want to waste time on this?

yeah. THIS is horseshit. i don't care if they use bad language. they probably do in private. so what?

in ireland our equvalent of 'president' is commonly referred to as BIFFO (big ignorant fucker from offaly) and he himself often uses profanity to get his point across.. and recently apologized to the opposition party for referring to them as "those fuckers" during a debate cuz it was picked up by the microphone.

no one really cares tho. much more important problems to solve.

Breast Cancer Art Project: Woa, Artists .... NSFW

Krupo says...

>> ^poolcleaner:
This is something I'd say is safely NSFW. What gets me though, are videos with bad language titled NSFW. I have earphones at work, duh. BUT, I've said this waaayyy too many times already, so I'm over it. Stupid parents, why are at the Sift with your kids anyhow? Take em to Godtube if you're so distraught with moral ambiguity.

Oh please, perhaps you just don't want your cousin's 4-year-old visiting from out of town listening to stray f-bombs?

Consider it a public service - if you don't mind NSFW vids you'll watch them with or without the tag, so why bitch about it?

Breast Cancer Art Project: Woa, Artists .... NSFW

Fjnbk says...

>> ^poolcleaner:
This is something I'd say is safely NSFW. What gets me though, are videos with bad language titled NSFW. I have earphones at work, duh. BUT, I've said this waaayyy too many times already, so I'm over it. Stupid parents, why are at the Sift with your kids anyhow? Take em to Godtube if you're so distraught with moral ambiguity.

If I recall, swampgirl takes her kids onto this site. She seems pretty intelligent.

Breast Cancer Art Project: Woa, Artists .... NSFW

poolcleaner says...

This is something I'd say is safely NSFW. What gets me though, are videos with bad language titled NSFW. I have earphones at work, duh. BUT, I've said this waaayyy too many times already, so I'm over it. Stupid parents, why are at the Sift with your kids anyhow? Take em to Godtube if you're so distraught with moral ambiguity.

Raccoon Wreaks Havoc on Kitchen

mintbbb says...

>> ^red1950:
Which you would bleep out the bad language in video and on comments. How are we going to clean up the world if you keep that up?

'Which you'.. do you mean 'wish you' .. And sorry, I am just posting the cute raccoon video, I can't bleep sh.. I mean I can't bleep bleep!

It would be nice if this was not NSFW, but I do do agree with the guy.. I curse like a sailor sometimes, and had that been my kitchen, 'a***ole*' would have been mild language =)

Raccoon Wreaks Havoc on Kitchen

Chris Rock - Black People Vs Niggaz

Sagemind says...

So... is this controversial to everyone, just the black people or just for the white people?
I'm a white Canadian, skin colour means nothing to me, we are every colour. I see more racism from the people immigrating into Canada than I see from the ones raised here. I just don't get it.

I believe in good people and bad people, regardless of skin.
I know it is different everywhere, especially in the US.
The media tells me it gets worse as you go south but I have no first hand info.

What I see from this video is Chris labeling the "Thugs / Punks" as niggers and that the rest of the upstanding folks as black people. I suppose that it is the fact that he is using the word "nigger" that's controversial.

It isn't a word in my vocabulary, but what I've noticed is:
If you are white, the word in unacceptable.
If you are black, the word is not used in "polite society"
If you are black and from the street, you brand yourself with the word and are proud of it. (again - from the media - not first hand)

I don't know, I don't really use derogatory swear words but I would count this one up there with f**k, Sh*t and such. I know if I ever heard it from any one of my friends, I would be offended and I'm not black.

So for Chris to call out the people with low morals and intellect, and who are proud of it and label them as niggers, to me is the same as calling them scum of the earth thugs. (in this example).

I hope I'm not opening a can of worms here, I just don't care for racism in any form. I also don't care for vulgar profanity in public, especially when kids are around. It has become acceptable for comedians to use bad language for effect and I'm sure Richard Prior was among the first. Bill Cosby on the other hand voiced his opinion against it as unnecessary in order to be funny.

So... whatever, as Chris said, don't be dumb and proud of it. Don't use racism as a crutch (regardless, whether you are white or one of the many colours).
Note as an example, the Wayne Brothers. Poor as dirt growing up and maintained their self respect. (as many others and as I did).

Holly Crap, that was long.... Sorry!

Volkswagen 'banned' tv commercial - no wait, VIRAL! not bann

mintbbb says...

Sorry that I labeled it as 'banned'. It said so in the title, and I pretty much assumed that 'bollocks' would make it not suitable for prime time TV. I do not label my videos subscriptions 'banned' to get more votes. I did not do research on this one, and was just assuming, since lots of people seem to be very sensitive about 'bad language'..

I just think this is a cute video, and wanted to post it. You think I am putting 'banned' tag up just to get votes, fine, see how many enormously popular 'banned' videos I have managed to post so far!

Highbrow Antics of a Cat! (3 seconds)

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