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newtboy says...

"Bike stunts" hardly describes this parade of miracles.
I'm fairly certain a few of those defied the laws of physics.
When riding standing up, backwards, while juggling is one of the tamest of your"stunts", you've earned yourself a *quality and a *promote

The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Server Bodyslams Jerk!

Digitalfiend says...

She didn’t spin him around and push him down - she grabbed him from behind, by the neck, and threw him backwards (though not a body slam, that’s for sure ). Anyhow, said my piece. Glad the douche bag was charged.

FlowersInHisHair said:

...but she didn't, she just spun him around and pushed him to the ground.

The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Server Bodyslams Jerk!

Digitalfiend says...

Don't get me wrong, I'm of the same mindset but aren't we all supposed to be treating each other equally now? Aren't we trying to get rid of these stereotypes (e.g. you don't think women should just be house-wives and get back to the kitchen, do you?) Therefore, women are the same as men and the law should apply equally to all? Clearly, that isn't the case.

As I said, I don't really care that this woman knocked the idiot down but she could have just as easily grabbed his arm and confronted him that way, without yanking him by the neck and throwing him backwards - it's not a proportional response to the sexual assault. Once detained - and I'm sure other employees or customers would have assisted - the police could have been called with the same outcome (i.e. the man being charged with sexual battery). But then she wouldn't have been able to "feel empowered"...

Mordhaus said:

That ship done sailed. Men are supposed to just suck it up and not retaliate.

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

Try reading again. You have it totally backwards.

When was I insulting or dismissive? Because it was unforseen that educated people would elect a bombastic insulting sexist popularist con man who was obviously lying to them simply because he wore a red hat and tie? Those are facts, not opinion. Many of them are saying how much they regret it now.

I offered solutions you appeared to agree with, like funding lower education so everyone has a decent, if not equal, opportunity to get an education.
Using race as ONE criteria amongst many for admission is not ideal, as I said, but until a better system for identifying and addressing financial and societal issues that stymie opportunities for people often based on their pigmentation is created, it's the best we've got.

What we don't have is what you imply is the white men with 1570 SAT scores (old school SAT, I don't know how it's scored now) and 3.9 gpas are not being turned away from Yale to make room for indigent African American women with 990 SATs and 2.7 gpas...but the Latina woman with 1550 and 3.6 gpa earned while raising 2 siblings and holding a full time job, yeah, she gets the slot, and that's proper. One skewed test that benefits one privileged group is hardly a decent measure of their work ethic or intelligence....often it's only an indication they hired the right student to take the SAT for them. There were at least 3 hired test takers out of 30 students taking the PSAT when I took it, we talked afterwards.

It is the right (and people making the arguments you are) who are far more insulting and dismissive of non white people's frustrations at being racially discriminated a level and consistency exponentially higher than the trifling discriminations whites suffer. That doesn't mean some whites don't suffer some deleterious effects, it means they come out way ahead in the discrimination game.

You wish to ignore all racial discrimination and racial obstacles except that single instance you can point to where it doesn't come out in your favor, then suddenly racism IS a problem that needs eradicating....but only the kind that harms white guys, forget the myriad of insurmountable racist mountains non whites climb daily, both institutional and societal, this speed bump for whites is unconscionable and must be removed immediately!

Come back and whine about institutional anti white bias when anti white racism permeates every facet of your life but not when your race doesn't give you a free leg up that one time. Maybe talk to your right wing friends about why funding education for others is good for you as step one towards eliminating programs like this that address inequities in opportunities, and giving the less fortunate extra opportunity to overcome their situation is good for all. After reasonable basic educational opportunities are available for all, schools will still take the student's home life, finances, and extra curricular activities into account....with luck that will be on an individual basis eventually, but that's not likely until education reforms occur that give everyone an opportunity to display their skills on a more level field..

bcglorf said:

Being insulting and dismissive of people's frustrations at being racially discriminated against as your post appears to do just makes for more division still.

Groundhog Day For A Black Man

newtboy says...

I fully agree. There's obviously an agenda, which I find boring, and no filter for obvious fake stories or misrepresentation (not saying that's the case here, I didn't watch this post) which I see as lying to support that agenda. I hate that, no matter what the topic. It's an admission that they need to lie and exaggerate because the truth just isn't bad enough to make their point.
I hate lies and liars with a passion.

My solution, just ignore any video he posts with a "racism" or "institutional racism" tag or a 'look at this racism' title, don't even view it, forget voting for it, that only encourages the behavior. Well over 1/2 of them are at best misrepresentations of fact, bending over backwards to make everything, from being called out for rudely breaking the law (bbq Becky, watergirl) to basic physics (racist faucets), racist.
There's been far too much crying wolf for me to believe he even sees dogs, and the more he cries, the less I believe wolves still exist....particularly sad since I was a sheep dog on the lookout for wolves before he came along.

I still gladly view and vote for videos he posts on other topics.

Sagemind said:


Do you only post racial videos which features injustice?
Because if you spend your life looking for something, that's all you'll ever see.

You need to broaden your prospects. I understand there are racial bias and prejudice people out there but you seem to hyper-focus on it. You invite your life to be surrounded by these bad energies.

I'd love to see you more positive. I don't know what wrongs this world has served you personally, or if you just surround yourself in these issues, but sometimes, the best way to free yourself from these issues is to not see them in everything you see and do.

Not doing anything is part of the problem

Nirvana Were a Feminist Band

transmorpher says...

I remember the 90s were very feminist (in the good way). What happened in the new millennium? FemNazi's took over, SJWs ? Seems like things took a step backward in many ways.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Austin gets lit

Think you could avoid killer robot dogs by climbing stairs?

NaMeCaF says...

That looks so much more awesome walking "backwards". I always thought it looked really awkward walking with the legs bent backward (like chicken legs).

Baltimore Officers Found Guilty In Police Corruption Case

newtboy says...

20 years is a gift. Normal citizens would get longer sentences for the same crimes, but since they used their authority to rob and abuse citizens, they get a break? That's totally backwards, using that authority should, imo, double any normal sentence. They should all get life, but I think they likely got death...I think there's zero chance they will last 10 years in prison...even in protective custody. They robbed hundreds if not thousands of people. There's certainly a high price on all their heads and plenty of inmates just itching to collect it....deservedly so.

I hope they are all fined into destitution too. Anything they own, or their immediate family owns is paid for with stolen money. Find out their net worth, then set restitution at double that, just in case they've hidden money somewhere. Do not allow the family to benefit from their crimes.

Drag them over the coals, they deserve nothing less, including angry man's brother who was part of the gang, didn't leave the group, did help Rob citizens, and didn't turn them in.

John Cleese On Trump's Base

StukaFox says...

That's an interesting list, Bob.

If you actually read it, it breaks down into three categories:

1. Outright lies.
2. Things Trump had absolutely nothing to do with.
3. Opinion being passed off as fact.

Trump has disgraced the United States to the rest of the world. His foreign policy is best described as an unmitigated disaster. His racism, misogyny and immaturity make him look like a clown compared to real world leaders like Trudeau, Macron and Merkel. The rest of the world is moving towards the future while reactionaries like yourself can only look backward.

Your president is a failure. He reflects the voters who put him there.

Genifer the sweet spider

newtboy says...

Funny enough, my sister in law had that reaction (without calling for fire, but with screaming, flailing, and backwards skittering crab walk of terror) to my adorable golden retriever puppy years ago. That was something.

Engels said:

People with arachnophobia are funny to me, because guys, that spider was objectively cute af, but nooo, you guys see 8 eyes and you lose your minds! Imagine if you will that someone walking down the street freaked the fuck out because of a puppy on a leash, like, climbing the walls and shouting to kill it with fire. That's what it looks like from an arachnophile's perspective.

Ricky Gervais - The Unbelievers Interview

ChaosEngine says...

I agree with every point made here... and 5, maybe 10 years ago, I would happily engage in refuting any argument for god.

But it feels like society has gone backward since then.

OF COURSE, there's no god. There's no Santa, there's no tooth fairy and there's no Zeus. Thor was in an awesome movie, but so was fucking Batman (to be clear, I'm talking about the Dark Knight, not that DCEU shite). Doesn't make either of them real.

We've all made all the same logical coherent arguments for atheism, but at this stage it's so blindingly obvious, it's ... boring.

Is there a possibility of god? Uh, fine, I guess... but it's about as likely as me being the reincarnation of Elvis.

At this stage, I no longer have the energy or the motivation to debate people who still believe. Wanna believe in god? Eh, knock yourself out, as long as you don't try to push your fairytales onto my life or the lives of others, I really don't care anymore....

Mom tries a VR headset at the dogs expense

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