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rogueWRX (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Is this you? Can I post it?

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
All Wheel Drive will get you to your accident sooner. Plenty of teens "buying" them with Mommy and Daddy's credit card. The payments outlive the teens fairly often.

I rallycross, yes.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Do you race? Do tell. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands. We've lost about five teenagers (plus some people in the cars they hit) in our part. Fabulous cars, I'd love one.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I do, I do. Several in fact.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
'bout time, right? So do you drive one a those crazy 'Barus?

schmawy (Member Profile)

rogueWRX says...

All Wheel Drive will get you to your accident sooner. Plenty of teens "buying" them with Mommy and Daddy's credit card. The payments outlive the teens fairly often.

I rallycross, yes.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Do you race? Do tell. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands. We've lost about five teenagers (plus some people in the cars they hit) in our part. Fabulous cars, I'd love one.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I do, I do. Several in fact.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
'bout time, right? So do you drive one a those crazy 'Barus?

rogueWRX (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

rogueWRX (Member Profile)

Terminator Salvation -- Teaser

I'm Ashamed to be Australian

Perfectly Preserved Baby Mammoth

Huckabee jokes about someone aiming a gun at Obama

1985- US Army Historic (Hilariously Ugly) early PC animation

Britney Spears - Break The Ice official full length video

Kerotan says...

The music and of the go! team and this video have one thing in common. the audio and video quality sound/look like someone dragged the master tapes behind a car on a dirt track road through mexico, and then finally soaking said tapes in milk.

Honestly, the video quality makes baby Jesus cry.

One thing that the go! team and Britney spears don't have in common however is the go! teams music is actually half way decent.

However I voted for it because if the terrible channel is the upvoteing of terrible videos for peoples (sick) enjoyment, this video certainly succeeds!

Trailer for "The Onion Movie"

cheesemoo says...

Looks cool, but is this for real? This is the Onion after all. According to the interwebs, there was going to be a movie, then that was canceled or something, and baby jesus took over the white house with nothing but a chainsaw and a couple propane tanks while Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew were singing authentic pirate hip-hop in the background and Elzar brought out his spice weasel and was all like "Let's knock this scene up a notch. BAM!" as he squeezed the spice weasel into Gore Vidal's crème brûlée, which was still on fire because Wikipedia said this: "In November 2007, President Sean Mills told Wikinews that the movie is a dead project. Although the studio Fox Searchlight has an option to release it on DVD, there are currently no plans to do so. Everyone involved in the project from the writers, to the directors to the studios, decided the material simply was not working. However the trailer appears on the DVD for The Darjeeling Limited. Because of the trailer's recent appearance on the DVD for the Darjeeling Limited, there is some speculation that the movie will be released on DVD later in 2008."

Björk talks about music snobbery: If you like it, play it

very funny (Philosophy Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

dude, could use some simple citations and examples linked in there; hypertext is a sweet tool... #9 is especially aching for one (or two).

also, are you happy now that you made baby Jesus cry?

Full Metal Christmas

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