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christmas according to the bible

smbot31 says...

I am appalled by the lack of fact checking... see, Christmas is made up two words Mas and Christ, mas is derived from Latin meaning more, while Christ is Latin for "the only one true savior as described by the new testament in the only true Bible write by God". Do you really think that Santa Claus is the one that brings presents during Christmas... pfff, that's only in America (where Satan implanted secularism into the government to prevent religion from infringing on basic human rights of individuals and enacting policies and laws on the bases of faith), Baby Jesus is the one that brings the presents. You can't argue because I saw him.

Richard Dawkins: Why are there still chimpanzees?

Jimmy Carr on Application Forms

Kent Hovind "Debates" a Biologist

peggedbea (Member Profile)

EDD says...

The lovely dames of my local monastery suggest a combination of Baby Jesus and the Diving Nun for the ultimate divine Geesus-spot experience.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
ha! i think im gonna order gods immaculate rod

In reply to this comment by EDD:

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
is that soap???!?!!?! i wanna wrap my vaginas around it!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I'm gonna wash you SO clean...

I know your pits need it.

The New Face of The Republican Party - Victoria Jackson

Frog Jesus (50 seconds without credits)

13-year-old boy is father to newborn girl

spoco2 says...

This makes baby jesus cry.

This is just horrible stuff, and speaks very, very lowly of these kids families. They've just had some of the best years of their lives ripped away.

So, so sad this.

Atheism & Christmas (Religion Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

that's funny you say year, as a youngster, my friends and I stole a plastic baby Jesus from a nativity scene and fashioned it into a bong. Along with crossed out eyes, and an upside down cross on its forehead, that shit hit nicely.

Atheism & Christmas (Religion Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

I don't celebrate it, and I donate money to charities in friends/family members names. I will buy my GF one nice thing, but other than that there are zero gifts purchased.

I don't decorate my house, no tree, no lights. It's just another normal day here, except everyone's quiet and the traffic is non-existent. I usually take this time to travel locally, and this year is Hawaii for a few days, by myself, on the beach, with a fucking coconut.

Thank you baby jesus!

Abortion Ban In South Dakota?

anyprophet says...

What the fuck is wrong with these people? There are better ways to reduce the number of abortions than outright banning them. Doing that only pushes them underground where they put the woman's life at risk and reduce or eliminate our ability to track them. But I guess that most of these twats think that using condoms makes Baby Jesus cry so constructive or proactive measures are right out.

Oh thank baby Jesus (Wheels Talk Post)

schmawy (Member Profile)

laura says...

I laughed so hard, schmawy...if you post it you've got a vote from me.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Maybe I'll wheels talk post it later. It was actually pretty funny.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I... don't think that needs to be posted here.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Is this you? Can I post it?

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
All Wheel Drive will get you to your accident sooner. Plenty of teens "buying" them with Mommy and Daddy's credit card. The payments outlive the teens fairly often.

I rallycross, yes.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Do you race? Do tell. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands. We've lost about five teenagers (plus some people in the cars they hit) in our part. Fabulous cars, I'd love one.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I do, I do. Several in fact.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
'bout time, right? So do you drive one a those crazy 'Barus?

rogueWRX (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Maybe I'll wheels talk post it later. It was actually pretty funny.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I... don't think that needs to be posted here.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Is this you? Can I post it?

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
All Wheel Drive will get you to your accident sooner. Plenty of teens "buying" them with Mommy and Daddy's credit card. The payments outlive the teens fairly often.

I rallycross, yes.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Do you race? Do tell. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands. We've lost about five teenagers (plus some people in the cars they hit) in our part. Fabulous cars, I'd love one.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I do, I do. Several in fact.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
'bout time, right? So do you drive one a those crazy 'Barus?

schmawy (Member Profile)

rogueWRX says...

I... don't think that needs to be posted here.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Is this you? Can I post it?

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
All Wheel Drive will get you to your accident sooner. Plenty of teens "buying" them with Mommy and Daddy's credit card. The payments outlive the teens fairly often.

I rallycross, yes.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Do you race? Do tell. Those things are lethal in the wrong hands. We've lost about five teenagers (plus some people in the cars they hit) in our part. Fabulous cars, I'd love one.

In reply to this comment by roguewrx:
I do, I do. Several in fact.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
'bout time, right? So do you drive one a those crazy 'Barus?

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