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Slow Motion Crash Of An Australian V8 Supercar Into Barrier

visionep says...

Does anyone know how the cameraman is able to zoom out so smoothly while the car is coming at him like that?

Does a follow focus allow that type of control or is there some type of automated apparatus that helps with stuff that is coming toward you at 50mph?

SHIPPING container manufactureing(s)

mxxcon says...

I'm surprised they had so much safety equipment and automation to move it around...must have been issued just before the big bosses from America came to film this.

A Mini Cooper being made

SwimWithSharks says...

we'll see what happens once most jobs are 'efficiency-ed-out', unlike in the industrial revolution now you're not just seeing mechanization becoming faster at specific tasks, robotization is becoming more and more flexible, which means that as it goes on more and more broad categories of jobs will go by the wayside.

Just think of when in the endless quest for profit the moment it becomes more cost effective to switch to, say, self-driving delivery trucks and entirely automated fast food, how many millions of people will that put out of work? and what are they going to do?

I don't blindly subscribe to dystopian scenarios, but I also don't blindly subscribe to platitudes like "horse buggy whip factories disappeared and we were just fine", this is something we need to address as a society somehow (via basic income maybe, or some other way)

gorillaman said:


A Mini Cooper being made

RFlagg says...

I found it odd/funny when the guy unloads the hoods which have been automated to that point, from the robots onto a pallet, where it goes back to full automation again. I'd think that step would be just as easy to automate.

Also like how the line seems to stop to let robots to their work while the humans are on a moving line. Like when the robots drop the windshields in, full stop, all human work the line keeps going. Lol.

I agree the thumbnail is odd. I could see it if it was a tube chop and the part about design and mold making was cut out. Not upset it wasn't there, but odd thumbnail when you start much later in the process. Also sad we see the engine go up, but don't see the process of it actually being assembled or the next few steps like wheels and the like all going on, just skip from the engine going up to final screws and testing.

A Mini Cooper being made

stefaniemueller (Member Profile)

choreographed sword fighting industrial machines

zor says...

This made me think of the video with the automated butchering line where robots and special machines methodically carve up a pig or something.

The REAL Reason MTV No Longer Plays Music Videos

SquidCap says...

Real reason? Reality shows are cheap to make, music videos are expensive to show. But before MTV stopped playing music, they went thru phases where each iteration did bring us only the top 10 or record label promotion paid them to play their new artists, then that was mixed with reality and finally they stopped pretending and just switched on full reality tv that they can sell. MTV could see it like this parody video on their end "people are watching less and less music" but it was exactly the cancellation of Headbangers Ball, Yo Raps, Alternative Nation etc. that lead to declining numbers.. I stopped watching wh en headbangers and Alt nation stopped as it was only top hits from that point on. Everything even remotely alternative or indie was gone, there were no one selecting new music as there were no more people to host the shows, VJs were gone, it was just automated playlist that plaid literally the same songs over and over. It was an attempt to get more profit from casual music listeners but even they turned it down: it seems like you need and want to hear music you don't like every now and then to make your favorites a lot more important.. Even i wouldn't watch a music station that plays only the things i like, i need to hear one or two really awful crap every now and then just to remind me that music can be truly awful and soulless product and not everyone is Radiohead.

And mind you, those alternative shows only aired at odd hours, headbangers ball was around midnight and really hard stuff like Into the Pit was aired around 2am, it still was top 20 during the day. But it did mix it up a little, one alternative or indie video per hour. You take that one exception away and it is boring no matter what your music taste is.

leebowman (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Hi leebowman- As I just commented, you weren't being censored, nor will you ever be on VideoSift.

We have tons of automated measures in place to combat our never-ending influx of spam, and unfortunately you got caught in our net. (That's also why, as you noticed, your first comment's URL was automatically redacted.)

Please don't feel as if you aren't allowed to have a dissenting voice here. One of VideoSift's most treasured assets is its quality debates between intelligent people.

Welcome to VideoSift!

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

lucky760 says...

@leebowman - Apologies. We never censor anyone on VideoSift, except for spam, and that is the case here. The system mistakenly detected your high level of activity immediately after sign-up as being from a possible spammer, and it tried to redact any potential spam.

All your comments have been restored and you've been white-listed so the system will never again mistake you for a spammer. Obviously, we encourage new users to participate, but being inundated by spammers over the years has required our automated spam-detection thresholds to be rather strict. (This kind of false positive has happened maybe twice before in eight years.)

How much is enough? Too much...

Humans Need Not Apply

VoodooV says...

capitalism only really functions well (with regulation) in a world where resources are limited and a lot of manpower is needed to get things done. Thanks to technology, it's only a matter of time before resources are so easy to come by and manufacture into needed things that the supply and demand model will be obsolete.

I suspect that within 100 years, if not sooner, manual labor will be a thing of the past...unless you're an artist or something. Robots will be able to do virtually everything..and better than humans are capable of.

The only people who will still need to have jobs are engineers and maybe technicians, but even then, eventually robots will be able to repair themselves so maybe not even technicians will be needed. Hell, given enough time, nurses and many health care jobs won't be needed anymore because basic healthcare could be delegated to robots.

It's just a matter of time. We're already starting to see the effects of automation in the workforce, we just don't need as many people to get things done. Hell even technical jobs aren't safe because as computers get better and better, They'll be able to analyze certain things better than humans.

The question just becomes what do you do about it? A whole new economic model will be needed. Because we'll eventually be living in the world where unless you're in the academic top tier, you're just not going to be needed in the workforce. At the same time, again, because of technology, we're going to have the ability to feed and clothe AND shelter you for a minimal amount of effort so the prospect of being able to being born, living, and dying without ever NEEDING to work is a real possibility in the not so distant future.

Isn't that what you would call...a utopia? You want freedom? there it is. You'll be able to spend your time doing what you WANT to do instead of what you HAVE to do just to survive. I suspect at some point, there will have to be SOME procreation laws put into place to keep the population growth in check. But hell, even that won't be so bad once we have the ability to colonize other planets.

People will still work, they'll just do it because they want to do it, but they'll be jobs where they're not a necessity or anything. even in an age where a replicator can make all your food, people will still want to cook, or do other artisan style jobs.

But hey, we'll still need defense, gotta blow up or deflect any stray asteroid that comes near us. or just send a bunch of robots up to mine the rock to smitherines so we can use the resources to build our mighty space fleet and our other grand works That Dyson Sphere won't build itself after all

In other words, the human race....has won. isn't that a good thing?

ChaosEngine said:

Yes, automation is inevitable.
But I have no idea what shape an automated economy would take.

Let's assume this comes to pass and in 100 years only the very best and brightest humans (i.e. 0.001%) are employable. If there's no point in employing humans and they don't get paid.... who will drive demand? No point being able to super efficiently produce cars, smartphones, hell even coffee if no-one can afford it.

Essentially in an economy like this, the capitalist model completely collapses.

The bots will probably eventually realise the futility of this, wipe us all out and head off to explore space.

Humans Need Not Apply

ChaosEngine says...

Yes, automation is inevitable.
But I have no idea what shape an automated economy would take.

Let's assume this comes to pass and in 100 years only the very best and brightest humans (i.e. 0.001%) are employable. If there's no point in employing humans and they don't get paid.... who will drive demand? No point being able to super efficiently produce cars, smartphones, hell even coffee if no-one can afford it.

Essentially in an economy like this, the capitalist model completely collapses.

The bots will probably eventually realise the futility of this, wipe us all out and head off to explore space.

Humans Need Not Apply

Reefie says...

Once food and accommodation are put to one side we see the bulk of our economy is consumerism. Wonder what would happen if we weren't so concerned about having the latest shiny... Automation is inevitable, no getting away from that, but what happens if the majority of automation is made obsolete because we give up our desire to buy stuff we don't need, and instead choose to be content with what we've got?

It's not the up, it's the down that's amazing

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