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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You should have heard by now, the fake bamboo audit has now completely destroyed Maricopa county's election system because, since the pro Trump "cyber ninjas" (who's name itself indicates they intended to surreptitiously set traps and viruses in the machines and who had no supervision) tampered with vote machines, tabulators, and databases (and have asked for every piece of government held data in the county from addresses and social security numbers to expunged criminal records), so now every single machine in the county they touched must be discarded by court order.

It's impossible to know how many tens to hundreds of millions they wasted, finding nothing, and now they intend to travel the country doing it in every state. They seem intent on destroying our election apparatus, just like Trump's presidency was intent on destroying our government. It wasn't about finding problems and fixing them, it was about destroying the system and wasting billions of tax dollars, then lowering taxes to destroy America with massive debt over stupidity.

Because they played so fast and loose, with no chain of custody, no supervision, and no honesty, their "audit" is completely invalid on it's face. They destroyed the data, destroyed the machines (400 $5000 tabulators and around 10-20 vote machines per tabulator at another $5000+ each at a bare minimum in this one county) in the $20- >$40 million range for fraud #1, and they plan on at least 50 more. Good job handing Dominion tens of millions to replace pay up.

Every single Republican should have to pay for every cent they wasted, with non republicans exempt from the new election fraud fraud recovery tax. Children of Republicans too. I'm writing my congressman.

Fox Lies About the Texas Blackouts; GOP About the Election

newtboy says...

They aren't afraid, they're sick of indulging idiotic morons at great cost to the state and more degradation to faith in elections here over bullshit accusations that have all been retracted by every person who made them besides Trump, and that have been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked by multiple actual forensic audits....looking for bamboo on ballots to prove the entire election was rigged, this time by China, because we all know bamboo=China and nothing else, now they just need to find it and boom, Trump’s president. So idiotic and delusional.

What's happening in Arizona now is not a forensic audit, it's a purely partisan witch hunt by stop the steal creators with zero election or auditing credentials using uneducated rabid Trumpsters who aren't auditing, they're searching everywhere for anything they can exaggerate into another baseless accusation that the election was stolen by Chavez.

You're spouting more nonsense. Trump was never up 8-1, and because in person votes were counted first they gave a false impression that Trump led at one point, this was purely by design and you know it.
There was never any question that in person voting would favor Trump, Biden's followers knew the virus wasn't a hoax and voted by mail. Again, you know this.
There was also no question that mail in voting would favor Biden, that's why so many republican led states changed their rules to force the mail in count to wait until in person votes were counted in full to start counting mail in create that false perception for one point in time early in the count to give dishonest morons like you a false reason to ask these bullshit questions.
No counts happened without witnesses or off camera. It's another lie, Bob.
No counts happened in secret.
No votes were dumped.
No witnesses were removed besides those that ignored the law and became disruptive and those that weren't actual official witnesses but just people who wanted in. Windows were covered for that reason, republicans were taking photos of poll workers faces to attack them, the legitimate republican observers who weren't removed for cause were inside those windows, not blocked by them. You know this.

More long debunked and admitted bullshit lies Bob. What little of these accusations that weren't pure misrepresentations or lies all went to court and was all tossed by usually Republican judges because it wasn't true, there's zero evidence of these made up claims. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nunca. Absolutely squat.
You know all of this, you dishonest liar, you made the same arguments at the time and every single accusation was debunked thoroughly...You just chose to ignore every explanation and exposure of the pure lies you were fed, and now pretend they weren't answered. You're a gullible moron who bought a con man's con....and you're so ridiculous you continue to believe it long after the perpetrators have admitted it was never true or an honest accusation, and only a gullible moron could have believed them when they said it was true.

Since we're asking questions....How come Trump won’t agree to stop raping little girls? How come he’s still is terrified of his taxes, or foreign business dealings, or foreign holdings and secret bank accounts being investigated?
I think we both know why.

Since we’re indulging questions about recounts, why aren’t democratic observers allowed to closely observe this recount? Why are only Trump cultists allowed to participate? Why are ballots being counted multiple times using different criteria using no discernible rules or safeguards, actually destroying or removing some ballots in the process? Why is this happening at all after multiple Republican led recounts in this county came to the exact same results already? Why in the fuck are taxpayers paying for the umpteenth recount, this time by partisan frauds with zero election experience besides creating the big lie in the first place?
Why has it taken three weeks to get through well under 300000 votes when they knew they had three weeks to finish? Why do they now say it will take them until September to do what takes every other recount under three weeks? Why do they plan to take this circus on a national tour, heading to Georgia next to try this nonsense again, planning to keep the big lie alive through 2022?
Answers please, unlike you I want to hear answers. Sadly, I know you don't have a single one.

bobknight33 said:

Derp de doopidy derp. ^

GOP Lash Out at Liz Cheney for Not Supporting Trump's Lies

bobknight33 says...

f Democrats didn’t rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states- specifically the audit in Arizona right now?

When Trump was a 8 to 1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed to a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce (in coordination) they were stopping counting for the night?

How come by morning these states had resumed counting with no GOP witnesses, and suddenly Biden was ahead? I thought you stopped counting?

How come Michigan had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 AM on November 4th – with 96% of the vote going to Biden?

How did Wisconsin find 143,379 votes at 3:42 AM on November 4th, just about all of them for Biden? How come you could only produce numbers like this for Biden with no GOP witnesses in the room?

How come in Philadelphia Democrats were so desperate to keep Republican witnesses out of the counting room? Why did you refuse entry of Republican witnesses even with a court order in hand? Why did you cover the windows with pizza boxes so no Republican could see in?

Fox Lies About the Texas Blackouts; GOP About the Election

bobknight33 says...

f Democrats didn’t rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states- specifically the audit in Arizona right now?

When Trump was a 8 to 1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed to a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce (in coordination) they were stopping counting for the night?

How come by morning these states had resumed counting with no GOP witnesses, and suddenly Biden was ahead? I thought you stopped counting?

How come Michigan had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 AM on November 4th – with 96% of the vote going to Biden?

How did Wisconsin find 143,379 votes at 3:42 AM on November 4th, just about all of them for Biden? How come you could only produce numbers like this for Biden with no GOP witnesses in the room?

How come in Philadelphia Democrats were so desperate to keep Republican witnesses out of the counting room? Why did you refuse entry of Republican witnesses even with a court order in hand? Why did you cover the windows with pizza boxes so no Republican could see in?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Not a scintilla of evidence that this is true. If they were there, the Trumptards look even more impotent, allowing their sworn enemies to trick them into treason.
What you offered so far is one single person who was not antifa nor BLM but merely agreed black lives do matter....because he is black. Hardly the instigating factor you pretend he is.
You did say Antifa organized and instigated the attack...for McConnell, who did it for Pelosi and Schumer. Your 1/2 mind is forgetting your own stupid position again.

Yes, there was some fraud, far less than normal but some, but so far 100% of that fraud that's verified is from people who voted FOR Trump.
There have been dozens of audits. Democrats block audits done by Republicans or those cherry picked by Republicans that clearly won't be honest legitimate audits. You're listening to liars again feeding you more lies, and you are the idiot they hope you are and believe the unbelievable nonsense they are telling you....just like the last ten times they admitted to selling lies only idiots could believe....lies you believed.

Democrats already had that big laugh for months at Republican expense, we don't need more. At some point it's time to stop beating that dead horse and move on....that time was in November 2020. No amount of evidence could convince your ilk, why bother proving it again for the twelfth time?

bobknight33 said:

ANTIFA was there in part.
Never said tens of thousands or even hundreds. You 1/2 baked mind is drifting.

The election had fraud in it. There are some challenges occurring ( AZ) but why do Democrats steadfastly block a full audit on every front? Considering they won fair and square? They have nothing to lose and will gain a big laugh at republican expense.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

ANTIFA was there in part.
Never said tens of thousands or even hundreds. You 1/2 baked mind is drifting.

The election had fraud in it. There are some challenges occurring ( AZ) but why do Democrats steadfastly block a full audit on every front? Considering they won fair and square? They have nothing to lose and will gain a big laugh at republican expense.

newtboy said:

Says the person who still believes the big lie, the election fraud fraud, even though it's creators admit it's a lie only morons could believe.
The same person who still tries to claim Antifa attacked the capitol dressed as ten thousand Trumptards at the direction of McConnell who directed the terrorist attack to help Pelosi.

Talk about a useful idiotic tool, you win the prize, buddy.

....aaaaaaaahahahahaha! ....aaaaaa.....aaaaaa...I......can't......breath......aaaaaaahahahaha!

newtboy (Member Profile)

30 Second Band Audition

Karma Is A Bitch For Lindsey Grahm

newtboy says...

I was talking about the Republicans that supported him and his insane cult and their baseless fraud claims for personal political gains and helped create the seething thicket of violent misguided idiots hunting and threatening liberal traitors now finding that they are considering them the traitors.

Crows coming home to roost in my usage means the beast you created came back to terrorise you instead of your enemies.

The video is one of them being attacked by Trumpsters because he voted to certify the election instead of fighting to audit the vote again. This means his support for Trump's inflammatory claims and rhetoric, implying the election could be reversed (largely because they were making money off the lie hand over fist, not because they believed it) came back to bite them in the ass when reality crashed down and all they could do was delay certification a few hours and the rabid mob blamed them for the theft that never happened.

greatgooglymoogly said:

"Crows have come home to roost" seems to indicate his long term support of Trump has come to bite him in the ass. The opposite is true, the crowd's reaction is a quick knee-jerk response to his speech in the Senate ending his support for Trump.

Karma Is A Bitch For Lindsey Grahm

moonsammy says...

What the hell vote does that woman want audited that hasn't already been through at LEAST one such examination? Seriously, this has gotta be the most recounted / pored over election results this country has ever seen. Good lord are these people ever delusional.

I will say though that Lindsey Graham should be reviled by all, and I have no sympathy for him.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

newtboy says...

Aaaahahaha. Jesus you're getting desperate, little Bobby.

Yes, I would trust Biden over biggest loser, Donny low T, with my money. Only one of the two can't even afford his lawyers and may lose dozens of cases because of it, like suing ex administration officials for violating ndas, multiple rape charges, multiple fraud cases, tax fraud cases, bank fraud cases, campaign finance fraud cases.... better mortgage your life to the hilt and give it to little Donny low T, he needs every penny.

Trump is broke, in massive debt to multiple foreign powers and is by his own admission the worst business man in the country with the biggest losses many years another tax fraud where he filed for a $750 million refund for losses he caused a company he had been tossed out of...I think the Taj Mahal. (BTW, that is the "audit" he hides behind, a tax fraud case for $750 million stolen from the IRS through fraud...Not an actual audit of his recent taxes....but since every disclosure to different agencies claims massively different values for assets, debts, obligations, and credit lines, he cannot let them be published because the frauds would be blatantly obvious.)

Now a question for you, Bobski....which would you trust your teenaged daughter with? The lecherous rapist of teenaged girls, or Biden? (Note, she won't get paid for getting raped either, since Trump's broke.)

Trump Tax Bombshell Reveals How the System Is Rigged

newtboy says...

Um....yeah.....not really.
He filed late, using every possible delay tactic, then when he filed he paid $750, not the millions in estimated tax liability. His income tax WAS $750. I'm guessing the $5.2 million were those estimated taxes which he didn't pay in the end, or payroll taxes, or other taxes, but not income tax. Exactly what your quote says.
His payments wouldn't roll forwards, they would go to pay for the $75 million refund he improperly claimed for losses at Taj Mahal after he was thrown out. That's what he keep calling an audit, he's being sued to return the fraudulent tax refund he took. His total outstanding debt to the federal government is estimated at $100000000.

Edit: What I think you mean is the tax write off credits/capitol losses from his enormous losses carry over. That's different from him making any "payments".

No, they don't reveal NEW connections to Russia, they do however confirm some of the old connections he's denied.

The whole premise is to allow the public to understand who the man is, they did. He's a fraud who's debts likely outweigh his assets.

Chaucer said:

Seth once again proving how big of a moron his is. NYTimes clearly crafted the article to sound like he only paid $750, but those were his tax liability fees.....what people are failing to read is that in the very same smear article, he actually paid $5.2 million.
"Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe — $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. But virtually all of that liability was washed away when he eventually filed, and most of the payments were rolled forward to cover potential taxes in future years." - NYTimes.
and at the very end of the NYTimes article indicates "Nor do they reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia"
wasn't the whole premise of releasing his tax returns was because there were ties to russian collusion?

Police Violate Guidelines To Assault Peaceful Protesters

Janus says...

I don't know that I necessarily agree that all police departments should have the entire force fired and start back from scratch, though at the bare minimum they all need to be fully audited by a non-police (and preferably non-government) group and have any remotely problematic officers fired and added to a list to ensure they legally can't be re-hired as a police officer anywhere else.

However, this video serves as a pretty strong rebuttal; this department looks like it should in fact have the entire force fired and start over from a clean slate.

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